Jaune/Pyrrha couple charachter never ever
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
good. jaune and pyrrha ain't shit but at least pyrrha has a good design and combat ability.
>best girl gets killed off
Yeah never
cos she's fucking dead
Stream starting on Twitch in about 30 minutes. Are we hype? Gray hasn't vaguetweeted yet, we're just gonna get another RWBY Q&A at this rate then. The autistic ship questions should be worth it though.
When's the gimmick button for Ragna's wife?
>Pyrrha/Tsubaki/Wagner for SnS user
>there can be only one
Which one should make the cut?
Is there a fourth sword and board chick to put in
You guys can stop these threads now, you're officially allowed back into Sup Forums with this image
Sadly, it looks like shitty kitty is getting the bulk of the screen time this volume
Penny was too pure for this world, user.
Tsubaki, obviously.
Best scenario:Wagner and Izayoi
Realistically: Tsubaki
Ragna is gone too but this is before CF finishes and this could be before Volume 3 starts for the RWBYverse
W > Y > R > B
Not really, looks pretty kusoge so far.
>tfw Wagner will be pushed aside for dumb reasons
It's gonna be Izayoi + Pyrrha.
>recently start up some ultimax again in preparation
>lost my (tiny bit of) mojo with kanji so trying out other characters
>chie turns out fun as shit
Goddamn, I'm glad she's practically a given, bring brotag's second buttbuddy. She's definitely staying on point in my team.
Will RT forget that Ruby is a main character again?
How could they fit her goofy wind bullshit into CrossTag?
Is it really going to be 7 per series (except BB)? That's way too low for Persona + UNIEST
Thats like half of each.
No, the screen is a placeholder and they straight up said blazblue would have the lion's share of reps.
The control scheme makes the game look way more casual than even Dengeki Bunko. Certain characters are going to be severely limited in what they can do with how restrictive it is. Is there any chance they'd change the controls for the final build or do we just have to accept the game is going to be straight kuso from a gameplay standpoint?
>Is there any chance they'd change the controls for the final build
This is pre-alpha, early as can be. Even the voices are garbage right now seeing as though they put out a build 3 months into development. I'm hoping they do change it though in the future though.
UNI only just got 20 characters, and Ultimax only had 22, just what are you looking for here in terms of representation
I'm sure it's gonna have added mechanics, but otherwise it's going to be straight up MUGEN tier.
Hope its coming to Switch at least. The control scheme and gameplay would fit pretty easily there.
Half of BlazBlue's roster wouldn't work with the control scheme
Those 7 for P4A are all but guaranteed. UNIEL is a bit more flexible but Hyde, Linne, Orie, Wald, and Seth are probably hard locks too.
Unfortunately not. At least not from P4, they all use single weapons or their bare hands.
The only other sword and board is Jaune Arc.
No, that's just the placeholder menu for the demonstration. Someone else asked a question regarding the roster that may suggest there may be more BB characters than from the other games, but the "Limit 7 each" belief isn't true as far as we know.
>no Aigis
no way wald makes it in over merk.
Who RWBY/Persona here? I'm going to use best girls Penny and Aigis
neither of them will get in
I imagine that while they condensed/refined the normals from each game (all using ABC) into just A&B, the C button could become a more character-contextual button.
>Making it in
Penny won't be anything more than just a color for Nu.
Realistically I only expect the main 2 teams at most as groundwork for a possible game later on, because ASW isn't going to make those sprites and use them once.
Nigga I don't think you know Under Night's story at all
Isn't Waldstein the 3rd protagonist?
And this ain't canon to UNIB, retard. Wald would break the shit out of this game if he made it in.
>Not making it
She's way too popular user, she's literally the only P3 character with fair chances of getting in.
it wouldn't surprise if also Penny makes it too, we need that robutts reunion from each series.
good meme
Not really. He's just paired with Linne since he's acting as her guardian, but outside of that he's pretty irrelevant. He could possibly make it in due to that fact alone but a lot of the cast is actually more relevant than him.
The C button is a universal overhead shared by everyone where they do a short hop before attacking like in DFC. Doesn't look like any of them have unique properties or anything. 2C is a universal sweep.
Hyde and Linne already have their range nerfed to fuck. They would do the same for Wald if he made it in.
Is this what heaven looks like?
That's highly irrelevant. Waldstein is a much more important character to UN than Merkava, and is practically tied to Linne at the hip, so there's no way he won't get in.
If the 7 character thing turns out to be true there's no reason for them not to use P4's main cast (minus Rise) since they conveniently add up to 7. Teddie might be the wildcard they can sub for someone else but I doubt it.
Alright. I've honestly only done arcade with jewpuncher and byakuya but mostly spent my time getting my ass kicked online.
Irrelevant now but will probably get some closure once one of the big named bads shows up in the future.
Can Chad get Noel?
>the stream isn't even a fan Q&A
See you at RTX for more disappointment, then.
>banging the mentally handicapped
I don't think they're going to stick with just 7 characters for each one when even an arcsys rep said that the character select screen is place holder and this is still at pre-alpha stage,
For Persona we are going to get investigation team with maybe one or two characters thrown in it like Aigis, Elizabeth or Labrys, with maybe Rise,and Adachi in some ultimax package DLC or something like that whic is likely seeing how they put then under the first arena game.
He's important in regards to past events. He was a member of the Licht Kreis but after fighting Kuon and being touched by his honor and good-natured spirit he defected to the Yato, which cause Adelheit to throw a bitch fit and kick all the male members out and make her organization a female only one. When Kuon turned evil and dipped and Linne went to look for him he went with Linne to watch over her. He has beef with Enkidu for some reason. We also don't know how he got his current body.
In terms of present events though he's not really all that important, but then again the plot hasn't moved at all. He'll probably get some more exposition like Seth did when the next version of Under Night gets released.
Well, the last time she was in a crossover game and got hit on, it ended with her gun in the other guy's mouth.
I mean, Narukami's good, but I don't think he's good enough to overcome this level of brocon.
>which cause Adelheit to throw a bitch fit and kick all the male members out and make her organization a female only one.
Enkidu has beef with him because Wald's arguably the toughest guy in the city and he wants a challenge.
Okay, since I have the living wiki here, what's up with Mika outside of the gameplay? I was interested in trying her if [st] ever got an english release date.
She's literally retarded.
Member of the same organization as Orie and Wagner, who's quite skilled, but dumb as a rock.
She's a retard, REMOVE
One of the girls who presumably got orphaned by voids eating her parents or something along the lines what Orie went through. A younger member of Licht Kreis who got picked out to be in a combat specialist squad where she met Orie and her posse of 2 other girls. Orie and Lex get sent to Japan while Mika stays behind but due to being stupid, she disobeys orders and goes on a hap-hazardous journey to Japan anyway
Not cool,user,
Holy shit, really? Why does Noel wear the outfits she does if she doesn't want attention from dudes?
Well damn, I'm almost afraid to ask how dumb since it seems to be unanimous. Thanks bros.
>goes commando in a short skirt
>has the most skin exposed out of the 3 sister bot
>forget Ragna
>goes on to become a nun
Piece them together
Granted she's a bit young but definitely not a person you'd trust to watch over something that could break.
Kaguya and Lex playable when?
As soon as they figure out how to make a dual-pistol user stand out in a sea of Noels, Petras, and Anonyms.
If the fans ask for it enough
She's definitely on the younger side but her Chronicle Mode is her basically her journey of falling out of planes and swimming across oceans just to hang out with Orie in Japan, while narrated in the colorful drawings of a retarded 6 year old.
She's definitely strong as fuck though, being the 10th strongest member of the organization, barring the head honcho of course.
>The Undertaker
Shit, fuck everything else, playable when?
Because it is the "standard issue" uniform that was given to her by Kokonoe, same way Mai's ridiculous getup is a "battle uniform" made for her by her friend Kajun.
>She's definitely strong as fuck though, being the 10th strongest member of the organization, barring the head honcho of course.
Keep in mind, there's multiple people in the organization that hold the same rank. Mika isn't the only 10th rank and Orie isn't the only 5th rank. The lower you go however the numbers become 1-seat only so Wagner is presumably the only 4th rank
As soon as she finishes filing Hilda's tax returns
They already made a shoto stand out and still be fun to play, I'm sure they can do it.
Dataminers found stuff for Londreika in [st]'s files, including his chuuni match intro text and color palettes. He'll probably be the next playable character in UNIEL's next update 5 years from now.
>shy as hell when Ragna sees her in her mu get up
>not shy at all when she's butt ass naked with Ragna carrying her even with Jin right there.
Who the fuck is this Ragna guy people keep talking about?
Didn't they also find some stuff for Kaguya as well?
Stream still going or did I miss it
The most surprising thing is that Kaguya has basically existed since UNIB's first iteration and has been mentioned early enough but still hasn't even had a story-mode portrait or anything to suggest that.
Lambda is by far the best Saya clone, not counting Izanami (who isn't really a clone anyways).
There is no way Noel won't be in this game but I really don't want to see her retarded ass in.
I think Lon was the only character they found specific files for, but there were a buttload of placeholder slots for playable characters. Like 7 or 8. Those could have just been for testing purposes though.
Huh. I remember hearing that they found Londy's files and some placeholder stuff mentioning Kaguya, as well as the whole 6 slots deal. If that's the case then she'll probably be playable alongside Ice Man next version along with 4 more people maybe.
which stream, I heard they were only going to stream all of RWBY episodes or something like and maybe confirm Yang for the game.
For comparison, they have had Wagner and Mika's data in UNIEL's files for the longest time too. It's pretty likely that they'll have Lond and Kaguya be the next ones to be playable. Unless enough fans ask for someone else to be made playable.
It was just a bunch of nothing, but they did confirm that there will be a marathon of RWBY on Twitch. Twitch chat's going to have a riot with it. Nothing about RTX.
I'm gonna guess that Wagner and Mika might've been slated for DLC back then, but DBFC work sidelined that and they waited for UNIST. Hopefully DBFC2 doesn't mean Londy and Kaguya get shelved for another update in 2020
What's your problem with her?
Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax.
Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax. Pretty much a crossover fanservice fighting games featuring characters from series published/serialized by Dengeki Bunko. Also developed by French Bread.
This is the first I'm hearing of a 2 though, unless he means Ignition, which has gotten some DLC.
I keep forgetting that shit even exists
I was just kidding about DBFC2. Would be down for it if they added Kiryu to rep Sega though
>bank blocked my purchase of UNIEL[st] from Play-Asia on Friday night
>tried to call them to clear it yesterday
>they changed their hours to be closed on Saturdays
>closed on Monday for a national holiday
Aksys please hurry the fuck up
how are we going to combine these 3 fighting games that all use 4 buttons? should we make a six button game where the extra 2 buttons do our cool new tag shit, or should we fuck it all to hell?
Let's fuck it all to hell and get an Americajin series as well.
Never played Persona but I have played UNI and BB. What does their 4th button do?
PC version when?
It kinda sorta works on the ps3 emulator already but only the first one not ignition and it has massive graphical glitches