I d-don't want to die lads

i d-don't want to die lads

Then don't be a lardass

Then don't be an xbox addict who plays for 12-hour sessions

>12 hours
Fucking amateur

Exercise. It also makes videogames more enjoyable for me.

I've sat on my computer as a NEET 12+ hours a day for like 10 years now. Yeah its sad but I'm not a weak cunt.

I don't understand how ANYONE doesn't get restless and want to move about after an hour or so.

I mean shit, how hard is it to stand and do a little jimmy then sit back down?

That guy was at least 300 pounds, that's the reason

Literally me

just move your legs every once in a while, this fat fuck died because he sat in the same spot for 12 hours straight

Not everyone fucks little boys in thier freetime. Also I called the FBI they'll come get Jimmy soon

I'm fucking 300 pounds too. His just a weak cunt as I said. I wish I could lose weight ;_;

stop being a fatass then

his father really should have sent out a plea to other parents about stopping their children from being fat, sedentary pieces of shit. i guess a parent really wants to blame anything other than their kid for causing their own death though.


He already had other health problems.
Don't blame games because your son was lazy and didn't take care of himself.
He probably ate like shit, drank soda, had a history of blood pressure, sat in horrible ways, etc

Who the fuck plays video games non stop for more than 3 hours at best, let alone 12?
How fucking pathetic can you be? Don't you have literally nothing else to do, not even get up and walking to your pc to watch anime or go eat something?
How is it even possible to not get tired of doing something for 12 fucking hours? If only you had the same resolve when it comes to working.

good, fuck whit people

what a surprise that lamestream media picked up that story

>Play only 12 hours straight
>Fucking die
WTF i play way more and I'm still breathing.

How can one play Xbox for 12 hours when it has no games that could occupy you for even that long

Masturbate everyday annon.

>not getting up to stretch your boy every hour

Put down the fork

I do but I don't want to play on Xbox

theres an elliptical right beside my pc that i use every day to avoid these kinds of things

Why would he blame video games for him being a shit parent? The dude would have been fine if
A) He took a second to shake his limbs out every few hours
B) He wasn't morbidly obese

This'll sound weird but I don't even eat that much. 10 years of Soda and Energy Drink addiction made me this way.

Even for non-lardasses it's not healthy to sit on your ass for 12 hours straight.

Literally just get up and move for even a minute every three hours. It's not fucking hard. These people dying of clots are staying next to comatose for 12 hours straight probably pissing in a bottle.

I don't even know how you can avoid moving for so long.

One less consolefag

Good thing modern videogames are incapable of mantaining me entertained for more than 2 hours.

What if you're a boy already?

Sometimes I get a numb leg or asscheek but I just get up then.

i drink 1L of soda every day and i'm 130 pounds at 6'. you eat a lot.

LOL fucking casual I'm usually gaming for 14 hours at a time and haven't got a cl

Yes it's clearly the fault of of video games and not unhealthy eating habits.

Go to gym and do cardio 3 times a week.
Its literally 2 hours of walking, climbing and bike per day.

Also eat Oats, lots of them.

Well, then how about switching to soda without sugar?
Doesn't taste any different.

I've been a neet for 5 years now. In June of this year I decided to take our old treadmill, that nobody ever used, and put it in my room. In the beginning I could barely stay on it for 10 minutes, Now I can easily go on it everyday for an hour at 2mph. I've
also started occasionally taking long walks in the morning, my goal is to eventually knockout 10 miles whenever i do these walks.

That chair you're sitting in right now doesn't have to be your grave anons.

I do this frequently. Why am I not dead. I use to do sports in highschool, but havent done real exercise since I finished college like 6 years ago.

yeah any kind of numbness or pain and i am off my chair pacing the fucking house. clots, strokes, heart attacks etc. all scare the FUCK out of me

Or just drink sparkling water

I pace my house at least once an hour and a half

Ok he is a fat fuck but seriously was he so lazy he can't get up stretching a little after an hour or two? and get a break for half an hour after 5 hours or so?

rip in piss user

I remember playing tf2 for 10 hours

this only happens if you literally do not stand up and move around for 12 hours

>Work 12 hours to make my goyim boss rich
>Play 12 hours to get what I want
Gee user I dont know.

>Why am I not dead.
like with anything, the correct genes help the most. the next best thing is not being fat.

keep in mind that a ton of people sit down for ~8 hours every fucking day and yet not many people die of clots.

I mean does just walking around for a bit every so often actually help? I dont believe that these people were sitting for 12 hours and not moving at all.

>10 years of Soda and Energy Drink addiction made me this way.
Drink coffee and sparkling water.

Coffee covers the caffeine, sparkling water covers the fizz. It's how my dad broke his.

Because you don't do this. No one except extreme cases sits immobile for 12 hours. You get up to piss, eat, stretch, et cetera

>tfw i literally stay in my computer chair for 12+hours every day
does it help if i go to the bathroom every few hours?

yes it does

Yeah, I do that, too. ADHD is going to save the human race when everything gets automated.

back in 2008 I was in the same situation, a lardass who spent 8 to 10 hours straight in front of a pc, shit was sad

correlation is not causation

but how did he die then? don't tell me he didn't piss for 12 hours

That's what I do. My main drink is water from Aldi at €0.13/l (tax incl.).
I buy Coke Zero or Pepsi Max, if the price tag is €0.50/l (tax incl.) or below.

Except thats exactly why it happens

Dumbasses so engrossed in the game they shit their pants in piss in bottles so they wont have to leave the screen

You are paid for working, you know? You're just a lazy fuck making excuses to not move an inch.

Blood clot. Read the fucking article. If you restrict circulation by sitting on your fat ass for hours at a time long enough for a clot to form you will die when that clot blocks a major blood vessel.

Solution: Don't be a fatass and get up and move every hour.

>they don't realize they have already died and made their family members grieve in pain
You simply moved onto a timeline where you didn't die of a blood clot. But in reality, you actually did die and everyone who you ever loved is grieving literally right now. It's quantum physics.

>tfw it's literally impossible for me to sit still for any longer period of time.

Even if I haven't even left the house for the day I'm almost always walking thousands of steps just because I'm thinking about something.

What game was he playing?

Don't be fat. Every time you see something like this, the one who died is always fat.

>work goy, make me more shekels
fuck off kike

when you enjoy stuff , time flies
you'll learn it with people and sex

you didn't answer, I want to know if that specific person was completely immobile for 12 hours

My legs constantly bounce at high speed when I sit down. I'm pretty sure it's the main reason why i've never had health problems from spending days on end sitting down.

We are all going to die OP. Some sooner than others, others later. Nothing can escape from the void.


>Don't be a fat sack of shit
>Leave your chair to get food (don't have snacks at your table) and pee (don't piss in bottles)
>Don't play for 12 hours straight, take breaks
>Play a game that requires active motion like any VR game
>Dose up on blood thinners

>how pathetic can you be?

Let me guess: Browsing facebook and zoning out for 12 hours straight is somehow less pathetic? God forbid people spend their free time doing whatever it is that they do for fun instead of following some completely arbitrary set of rules for what you're supposed to do to not be a loser or whatever.

It's how I'd want to go.
That how all those anime characters wind up in there MMO's, r-right?

Yeah, it happens on planes all the time. My doctor told me a story about his colleague boarding a plane, flying four 8 hours, and then dying the minute he was able to take a step when they landed.

Good thing I get up about every hour to do some dumb shit while playing wow, Sitting down for a long time really hurts, I dont get the retards that do it

I'm guessing he had pee bottles and his mother delivered the food. Sorry, it's sad and I shouldn't joke. The lad probably had a predisposition to clothing.

>NEETS need to make excuses because they are to lazy to actually do something

>four eight hours
Just fuck my shit up sempai

>i don't want to die


you'll be fine, you probably just posted this thread from your fancy android phone from under the desk so that means you move sometimes
>b-but it's sunday!
you retarded american teenagers have some kind of church schools and other abstract shit you attend to

>Browsing facebook and zoning out for 12 hours straight
I can guarantee you with near certainty that no normie has ever done this.

Do you seriously think normal people act like us but only with normie approved activities or some shit?

It's a fucking blood clot you fucking retard. How much more spoonfeeding do you need?

I dunno one time I played disgaea for like 6 hours

Lol, you don't even know what you're talking about idiot.

you can gather that from how he died to a blood clot

He looks like a young Gabe Newell.

The one certain thing in life is that you will die.

Even the universe will "die" at some point, if that helps you.
Maybe it helps to take a deterministic stance on the world, as in: If anyone was ever to repeat the Big Bang, you would live another time. This very thread would also repeat another time.
Meaning even when you die, "you" are not "lost". You are inscribed into the Big Bang.

Tbh any time I feel pain in my leg I think it's a clot

>been taking bike rides after coming home from work and before starting to do fun stuff
>been at it for about 6 months
>my legs are too big for most of my pants now
>my upper body is still doughy and flabby

they do though.

I've spent days with normie friends.

ive watched them scroll through facebook with the same monotony we do with Sup Forums.

Cool but i'd rather die not sitting on my ass tbqhwu

>if that specific person was completely immobile for 12 hours

It's been more than a year user, he's been immobile for longer than 10,000 hours.

Time to hit the gym, or at least buy yourself a pair of dumbbells and do other exercises for your core

Well, then do something about it.

Remember it could repeat another time, potentially arbitrarily often.

Just start doing some push-ups and cardio instead of only biking

A couple hours a day spent browsing facebook/=a 12 hour motionless binge.

You literally don't have time to binge something for 12 hours if you're a normie.

you are halfway there man, just lift for 45 mins 3 times a week