At girlfriend's Thanksgiving family function

>at girlfriend's Thanksgiving family function
>Sitting on couch waiting for dinner
>Distant relative is flipping through kodibox looking for movie to pass the time
>Stops on the Assassin's Creed TM movie
>Pls no
>Presses play

cool blogpost, normalfag

Cool shitpost, fag fag

Leaf here leaves

Could you at least spoiler that fugly ape?


rayciss much?

>W-wut is... Gurlfren?

Can someone explain what's so bad about the AssCreed movie? Never seen it.

ayo white boi you's be sexis or sum shi in this bitch?

It's a videogame movie.

It is incredibly boring. I was impressed how boring it was and stopped at a half hour in.

Ugh, rasict and sexist much?


Hope your distant relative loves prison rape

dumb niggerposter

>not just asking him to put on the cowboys game

>being a female nigger
should have killed youself at birth

this is digital blackface, user. Are you racist?

The fuck, Thanksgiving isn't even for another month. Or you're just telling a story that's a year old. Don't you have anything better to do?

>Sup Forums has become so reddit it now chides people for not being slaves to basic cable
at what point did it become this bad?

It's leaf Thanksgiving now.

>Not watching football with her dad

Is he some kind of fagboy or something?

>not firing up madden and playing your own cowboys game

>Sup Forums
Literally just Sup Forums gives a shit
Everyone else doesnt

>haven't played madden since like 04
>tried to play the latest one
>couldn't even 1st down in the entire 1st quarter
that game got fucking hard, holy shit. I used to kill niggas with the sweep play, getting at least 15 per carry. now I can't even complete a simple shovel without getting punished for 10.

Divorced. Mom's side right now.

Sup Forums gets a lot of paid shills trying 'shame' people for not paying for shitty luxuries

The action scenes aren't that bad though.
The story, on the other hand, is pretty god awful.

>Having a girlfriend
Check your fucking privilege

The action scenes were terrible. Badly shot, badly edited garbage.

The only worthwhile part of the movie was the costume design and the fact they didn't speak English in the animus parts.

Not everyone can be a pussy grabbing chad, user ;)


Videogame MOVIES

That's pretty rough user

Hope everything works out

Does the US have a different holiday in October?

It sucks we have nothing until Christmas now.

Nah my gfs parents seperate years ago. All good


>not being able to voice your opinion about something as non-confrontational as a fucking movie
How beta can you be?

Are you from the future?

>Excuse me, could we watch a different movie? You might think that Assassin's Creed is just another mindless action film but ACTUALLY it is based on a video game series of the same name. The games feature a deep and complex plot about ancient aliens and shit that high IQ teenagers love. This movie does not do the series justice at all. If you are looking for a good video game based movie we should be watching Super Mario Bros. starring John Leguizamo.

>Hey man, I heard that movie is really bad. Can we maybe watch something else?
There, how not to be a sperg in two sentences or less

Thanksgiving is in a month you fucking nignog.

Everyone else wanted to see it too. We're halfway through and I don't think anyones enjoying it, or even paying attention.


Saw eggnog. Fuck, I want me some eggnog.

Ameritards detected

>dating a single-mother'd child
not even 1nce

Who the fuck watches anything during a get-together? Actually have conversation and some laughs, you fucking autists. If I wanted to watch a movie or whatever I'd do so at home by myself.

The modern day segments are boring and drag on for too long. It also sets up a sequel that we'll never since it bombed at the box office

Tons of family's like watching movies together. Stop being a faggot

It's almost time, brother.

>Nah, I already started it

>tfw cozy winter nights with eggnog with some 100 proof rum

Sick normalfag blog post thread. As expected of the power of nu-Sup Forums

God, Sup Forums really is trash

>drinking the yeast jew

Absolutely no one gives a shit about canada. Korea could nuke Toronto tomorrow and the whole world would collectively say "What's a Toronto?"