Now that the dust has settled can we all agree this was a good game?

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree this was a good game?


No. Biggest flop of all time.
Worst piece of shit I've ever played.

It is okay but 3 is better.

Literally the Rick and Morty of videogames

It's a pretty good shooter yes, but not an exceptional one.

I liked it.


it's shit

Why is every weapon left- handed in this game?

nothing makes sense in this game



It was playable, but far from good

its pretty bad desu

It is a fun game, as long as you don't consider it to be an actual Fallout title.

Friendly reminder that Fallout 4 is not an RPG.


It just didn't work.

I've actually come back to this game and become addicted to looting and killing. The story and lack of rpg elements doesn't even bother me anymore because I have so much fun with the power armor, modding gear and wandering around shooting shit. Weird.

Why would you screen cap that?


No. Absolutely fucking not.

haha a nonsensical reload animation WTF I HATE FALLOUT 4 NOW hahahah wow my immersion is completely ruined DAE WE TODD NOW??? LMBO dumn guns are dumb lel /k/fag here i am so triggered GET IT????? TRIGGERED???????????? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA broooos i wish i was playing new vegas for the 1000th time right noW DUDE AVE CAESAR LMAO ?????? deathclaw and power armor within the first 30 minutes are you kidding me??? like are you kidding me??? kidding me, are you? dost thou kid thinest whomst toddeth bbuy thine gameth??? *tips prewar hat* DUDE THIS GAME IS SHIT LMAO


Jesus fuck Pete

oh thanks for reminding me

i dont get it

this is accurate

>put 560h on FO4 on PS4
>460h on FO3 PC
>have barely 100h on FONV

Come at me cucks.

I'd say it's a decent game but it's not a decent Fallout game if that makes sense

>I publicly let people know how stupid and shallow I am on anonymous image boards

Here's your only (you)

not interested in discussing how realistic things are in a post-apocalyptic world with talking mutants ad ghouls

literally only good for one play through


Is there a bot creating these FO4 threads? I swear the past weeks we have been getting the same thread with the same starter image with the same "What went wrong / Now that the dust has settled / Was it good?"

>Fallout game
>Can't roleplay
Nice fucking bait you autistic fuck. At least try a bit.

Image would've been funnier without the retard text at the bottom

>that armor

>institute says that they tried to play nice with the surface initially
>we're told that it didn't work out and they (the Commonwealth) didn't trust them
>we are told nothing else
>we cannot ask anyone to elaborate further on this.

Is this why the Institute comes off as an unbelievable faction? The entire premise of the Institute being at war with the Commonwealth feels contrived.

its comfyish I guess

Why is everyone so tilted by pre-war Jet, but no one ever mentions pre-war Vertibirds?

>cannot ask anyone to elaborate further on this
We hope you enjoyed playing Fallout 4™

Nothing about the Institute makes sense user

It's terrible. Kill yourself todd.

my life would've been funnier without retards responding

You're laugh is a riot regardless, loser

The Institute sent an assassin to the surface to kill the members of the Commonwealth Provisional Government because they weren't conforming to the standards of the Institute. Ever since then the Commonwealth doesn't trust them.
So, essentially, the Institute shot themselves in the foot with the CPG massacre.


>Game wants you to care about settlements
>All it does is pile on more locations to babysit

Why can't those places have more of a purpose? Like making those lazy fucks chop wood for you.


I'm sorry about your autism, I'm sure your mother is too.


>buy it used a few weeks ago for $12
>constant crashes and bugs that have been in the game since launch, from getting stuck in graphics to the vats freeze, on survival so its worse
And into the trash it went.

Remember that time obsidian got screwed out of a bonus because they got a 84 instead of 85 on metacrtic? I do.

I've got 50+ mods installed, and have only had two bugs. Nothing that crashed by game or freezes. Just a couple of quests that I had to enter a console command to advance it. I guess I'm lucky.

There's a bug with the lever-action rifle where no matter how many shot you fire, it will always be reloaded with 5 bullets. Bethesda hasn't fixed this, and it makes the gun absolute trash

they are mentioned plenty, but jet is especially egregious since hines the tard tried to defend it publically and made an ass out of himself in the process.

Eh i enjoyed the ~100 hours i put into the game but in the end, i got bored and the voiced mc was annoying

>mathematical average of a load of opinions of people who never were qualified to judge for a plethora of reasons, be it age, intelligence, knowledge of prior titles, etc.


This is factual.

Fallout 4 might just have the shittiest writing of any Bethesda game so far, and that's quite an achievement considering how atrocious the writing in Fallout 3 is, and how bad the Oblivion main quest is.

Why don't they just hire a competent writer or better yet, several?


>lamps turn themselves on at night even when everyone around it is dead
>oil lamps burning forever in abandoned buildings
>building used by a faction somehow infested with aggressive pre war ghouls
>NPCs have infinite grenades
>settler gets his head blown by a raider 1 meter next too his partner, save her, she talks to you like nothing happened
>devs didn't even bothered making a random name system for their filler NPCs, they are all literally called "settler"
>almost no meaningful dialogue or fun questing outside of 4 pre designed NPC areas, everywhere outside those quest lines is basically just "settler" "raider" "ghoul".
>they seriously still think it's okay too have a text wall for an inventory after 1999
>killing enemies revolves around engine exploitation; jump into a rock; bear turns 180º and runs away trying to find a path to you
Bethesda are the biggest hacks of the entire gaming industry. Just BotW improved dozens of things Bethesda couldn't do in decades. Characters are not horribly repulsive, climbing mechanics, beautiful landscapes, mounting, easy to use inventory, cutable trees, and so on.

>story is basic and terrible
>immersion fucking sucks
>dialogue fucking sucks
>there's no explanation for why the story goes in the direction it went
>Why does Kellogg kill everyone, kidnap your son and keep you alive?
>Why didn't they make you join the Institute from the get go?
>Why does the Railroad and the BoS still want the Institute destroyed even though you end up becoming their leader?
>there is no why
nothing makes sense and everything is inconsistent

Worst rated Bethesda game ever, even lower them Skyrim at the height of the paid mods shilling.

game is a fine time waster theme park ride.
its quite possibly the worst fallout ever.

i...agree. huh, wasnt ready for that.

Misunderstood genious or overrated hack?

target for boxing practice

I hope he gets sent to an infinitely long unskippable dialogue scene in the afterlife.

Even if it's not a Fallout title, it feels like an MMO. Outside of the main quest, there's very little that's not dynamically-generated kill-loot-return quests or player-generated content such as settlements. Everything comes down to improving your character stats, improving your equipment, or improving your settlement, which are not bad by themselves but can't really carry the show without actual exploration and discovery.

Again, I'm sure it's fine if you're into MMOs and just want to spend a couple hours after work triggering your endorphin glands by making your numbers increase, but I wouldn't recommend it outside that genre.

literal pedophile

'game' was passable. Killing stuff and exploring was fun up to a point.

'lore' is now a catatonic victim of triple gang rape by dogs and mental patients, currently leaking cum, piss and shit from the anus, vagina, mouth and eye sockets.

I remember finding the x-01 power armor not even like 3 hours into the game. It completely ruins an experience unless you're new to the series. And the main quest is just as bad as 3's.