Name a more pretentious game
Name a more pretentious game
Shitposting on Sup Forums.
making a (you) thread
Hollow knight
ur favorite game
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Thread hijack
What is the worst boss in the game?
>it's an "OP proves that he doesn't know what "pretentious" means and that he's also a faggot" DLC
someone hand OP a dictionary
The Witness
give me one example of cuphead being pretentious
The game isn't even pretentious. You losers insulting the games are the ones making it popular. You are doing all of their advertising for them.
How is the game pretentious? Just looks like a steamboat willie platformer.
Guess it really needs the Sup Forums stamp of approval, has to be at least 10+ years old with clunky mechanics or soaked in 6 layers of irony for it to be recognized as a undercut gem of videogaming society.
shitty graphics and chromatic aberration out of the ass so it can pretend to be a cartoon from the 90s
The most shilled game ever right after Overwatch.
>gets called on how calling it a reddit game is retarded so made a new thread with a different buzzword
The entire MGS series.
retro "gameplay"
30s themed music
Oil paintings
Fat white guy is a pig
this fucking thread
Depression Quest
That rent simulator where you're a fat single mom
Any uncharted game, The order 1886 and Until Dawn especially
Halo 5, smash 4, overwatch and MOBAS in general and PUBG
The Bee.
>(((devil))) loses (((debt contracts))) to two wiley kids
It's not on par with gaming from 1996-2002 but it's message is good none the less.
Persona 5.
Shadow of the Colossus
But the graphics aren't shitty in the slightest and you can turn of the chromatic aberration.
>cartoon from the 90s
unironically fucking kill yourself
Post YFW you watch contrarians desperately trying to find flaws with Cuphead.
Gonna have to agree with or say the flower fight on expert.
Holy fuck.
>from the 90s
It's almost as entertaining as watching shitters on twitch struggle to get past isle 2 on regular after you've beat the game on expert
Need I say more?
Everyone will probably say Honeybottoms but my personal least favorite is Bon Bon. Just too much RNG with which minion will show up in which phase, and I hate dodging the head in the last phase.
A Hat In Time
>from the 90s
California media
It really isn't pretentious at all.
It's exactly what it is, nothing more.
You're just being buttblasted for some reasons.
I think the minecraft effect is already setting in. hearing about the game so much gets annoying (3+ threads constantly on Sup Forums) and the fans are over the top and extremely vocal.
>hollow knight
>hyperlight drifter
>salt and sanctuary
I'm starting to get really tired of games trying to be 2D dark souls
Nothing beats Undertale in pretentiousness. Even its mechanics are pretentious.
I can't This fucking game man, it does something to people. It's like a form of brainwashing
Baron Praxis
Spec Ops The Line
Where have you been when Shitsona, botw or nier released? Now that was fucking horrible.
god hand
Explain what about it exactly is pretentious?
Ambitious show, but pretentious?
I think the 30s style of animation always insisted on itself as a be all and end all
that's the problem. Games can only have aesthetics if they're movies
Shit's like thousands of years old.
>retro cartoons are pretentious
are you retarded?
Wew lad. I guess Rayman is pretentious
Read a dictionary before posting you fucking nigger.
It's not made for you, it's made for old people who have nostalgia for their 80s cartoons
pretentious (prĭ-tĕnˈshəs)►
adj. Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.
adj. Making or marked by an extravagant outward show; ostentatious. See Synonyms at
>tfw you are too retarded for this conversation
>from the 90s
ok look, I know full well this is bait
but come one
finna this
why is a game about cute bugs trying so hard to be serious
And what we are seeing now is the Sup Forums effect. As soon as a game gets popular it's "pretentious and over rated"
If it's anything like KEKhead then I guess it is
only 1 (ONE) of these is trying to be 2d dark souls
or maybe two, since I've somehow never heard about momodora
Yea! Anybody got a PROBLET with that......... *holds up manus nigra, hand of challenge* Cum get it
Overhyped meme movie, and more expensive that had hype for ''1 fucking month only'' that they dare to call ''game''
How is hk pretentious, dear shitposter?
The game you like
everything you mentioned is positive
King Dice
I don't think anyone ITT actually knows what pretentious means.
If you try to go behind the genie a sword comes down from the sky and kills you.
How do you beat King Dice's final phase where he marches cards at you? Can barely jump over them and then get fucked by not perfectly parrying 2 pinks in a row.
The simple mode was the definition of pretentious.
Why fucking remove large swaths of content to make it easier when you could just give extra goddamn health and then keep all the content?
Fucking idiots
It must suck to be bad at games when elitist asshole devs literally punish you for it by restricting content.
>simple mode
Literally git gud.
I don't think you understand what that word means.
Honestly, this isn't impressive as fuck. It's fun to play and the animation is fantastic.
Because of you. Now... vanish, cuck! *slams you into the wall with my telekinetic powers and launches a blackhole death orb at you*
What's even worse is its easy to run and had a DRM free release so you can easily pirate it.
Nier Automata
is impressive*
I don't understand, i'm supposed to like or hate the game ? i'm getting disconnected from the hive mind.
"Pretentious" because it's doing well and people like it, get outta here you negative autismo-cunt
>posting week old bait
Do I tell you they're called metroidvanias and end up having someone else tell me that's a stupid name to call a genre?
>tfw when they cant
Third post best post.
>that feel when when
Hahahahaha you made a mistake which means that you automatically lose the argument and I'M right!! Hahaha, thanks loser... now fuck off!!!! I don't allow losers in this thread! :)
Cuphead? More like,
Does this game ever get hard or is it just shills trying to make it into some sort of legend?
>Waah this game has an optional graphic setting waaaaaaaaaahhh
>Waaaaaaaaaahhh the game looks old ;-; waaaaaah
Neck urself my man
I wonder if Chromatic Abberation fag is happy he finally got his forced meme to stick because of Cuphead
Literally any fucking walking simulator
Life is Strange
Gone Home