Dragon Ball FighterZ

rosterfagging is a waste of time

-hero locks left are Gotenks and U Gohan(already leaked). If the SSBs didn't steal slots then Vegito, Roshi and Bardock fight for the last 1 or 2 slots
-antagonist locks left are Beerus and Kid Buu(already leaked). If 21 is a fighter she takes another slot. So that leaves 3 to 4 slots left for Super antagonists(Hit, Black, Fused Zamasu) and minor Z antagonists(Nappa, Ginyu, Dabura, 19). Out of these Hit, Black, Nappa and Ginyu have the highest chances.

-if Broly, Bardock, Hit and Black didn't get in base they will be the 1st batch along whatever popular Z stuff didn't get in
-Movies: Meta Cooler, Janemba
-GT: SS4 Goku or SS4 Gogeta, Omega
-DB: never ever

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>Out of these Hit, Black, Nappa and Ginyu have the highest chances.
Why Black? He is literally a Goku clone.

>If the SSBs didn't steal slots then Vegito, Roshi and Bardock fight for the last 1 or 2 slots
Bardock is always DLC, why would they ever include him in the base game when he is basically free money?

>no more females
>no Super stuff in base roster
>minor Z villains in

>the opposite of what anybody would want
desu it wouldn't surprise me, they already added Android 16 of all the fucking characters.

16 is unique and looks cool

Wasn't there a DBFZ stream planned for today? I saw one yesterday and they said something about continuing today.

All we need now is burori, badakku, taresu, goku burakku, teen son goku, kura, gojita and bejitto(both supa saiya-jin and supa saiya-jin goddo supa saiya-jin)
and this game is perfect

I hope Gotenks, Kid Buu and Ultimate Gohan get revealed this month

Where's Gohan Blanco?

>rosterfagging is a waste of time
>still post his roster prediction
Are you fucking retarded?

Kiero when?

>Revealing Blanco before Red Shaggy


They've already said that this game will draw from ALL dragon ball seasons

Pan is 100% in

Android 16 is cool. I'm hoping for Dodoria.

are you dense? OP just said the remaining roster is very predictable so speculation is was a waste of time and he's right

How do people like Dabura again?

It's still a roster prediction, fucking retard.

Dude has baller moveset potential. If u can't see this, I am sorry.


it isn't pablo

>thinking mr satan, the champion of earth WON'T be in the base roster


>Black a Goku clone
>He didn't watch the anime.

Go back to Sup Forums, dumbfag.

nigga you fucking high
android 16 is a really popular side character

nappa has no chance being in base roster mr satan has a way bigger chance of getting in he was in 10th place in the popularity polls zarbon and dende was fucking higher than nappa
black is popular and his moveset is 95% different from goku and the gang

Go back to Sup Forums, toeispic

Broly needs to be in the base roster. His moveset potential is MAXIMUM.

the eventscrubs poll?


They better come up with a good reason for his bullshit strength

>Jiren could body Beerus


Why would you immediately jump to Pan of all people? Pan's the kind of shitter that would have Full Power Energy Beam and Explosive Wave.


>no Broly

she's got maiden blast and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

and Giru with Doom missiles

>maiden blast
What the hell is that?


>no playable arale with toonforce powers and UI-breaking moves

Thank God.

Fuck Arale. Hercule will be the only joke character this game needs. We don't need two, especially given how gay ArcSys's joke characters are.

this is how I know you started db with super in 2015

less techniques than fucking kale and cauliflower
most of her techniques wont work in a 2d fighting game plus even then she still has no moves
we have multiple other people if they add gag characters like satan

Joke characters are a waste of development time. They could be giving us someone actually worth playing as

prime shaggy vs gohan blanco

who wins

yeah we need at least FIVE gokus

>less techniques than fucking kale and cauliflower
lol no.


>they already added Android 16 of all the fucking characters.
Better than 17 who has no moves.

can't wait for the super 17 unveil

>no moves

>less techniques than fucking kale and cauliflower
It's cool to hate on GT, but at least try and avoid being wrong next time.

>U Gohan

>Interesting or visually unique character design in a fighting game? Who fucking cares, just give me another shoto please and make them GOOD this time!
Found the triple saiyan player!

Hercule isn't interesting. Visually unique? Maybe. Visually pleasing? No.
Give me a character with an actual moveset before wasting time making up 90% of a moveset for a literal joke.

Gotenks is the only joke character that should be in the game.

Gohan can't control it yet, Shaggy has long since ascended to Prime level after merging with Scooby

Here. Give her parts of Elphelt's moveset just like they did with Ky/Trunks and Chipp/Yamcha and you're done. Visually unique, visually pleasing, fun to play.

will Vegito be in base?

Fuck off Slaythe, your character is irrelevant

Will based Hit be in?

The donut shop is closing forever next week.

how does his power work again

he'd better

can someone explain this donut thing?

He stops time for fractions of a second

His body skips .5 seconds into the future of where he plans to go.
However time itself never stops.

He can stop it for much longer than that now. He used it to walk right into an office building and have a conversation before killing his target

In Xenoverse 2 when you choose Hit he says "It's time to make the donuts" in a very nonchalant voice.
It's because character lines were shipped to western voice actors with zero context and they had very little idea what they were supposed to sound like.

>this android comes in and slaps your waifu's ass and says you're going to main her.
Wat do?

>hey Toriyama, what should we name the hitman character?

Now that we've seen ultra-instinct Goku I'm assuming he'll become DLC down the line, the most difficult thing in order for that though would be how to differentiate his playstyle. We've have Blue variation which is more rushdown compared to SSJ which is an all-rounder.

How would they make him work?


>18 slaps her own ass and tells you to main her

what the fuck? What context could there be for hit to say that?


he cant stop time his powers is like a boot leg diavolo

are there any dodge mechanics in fighting games

>slaps the other android's ass
I play both.

I have no idea. Anyone knows what he says in original Japanese?

time to work if I remember correctly

>How would they make him work?
He plays himself.

Yes you jump over something...

I'm kinda worried she could be a story mode only character like Ariels or Zappa in GG.

so he works at a donut shop

Would she feel right taking her husbando's place in my all human team? There's no way I'm removing Yamcha or Tien from it
I guess a human modified by human technology still qualifies.

that's not a traditional dodge. I believe budoukai had a dodge mechanic where you press an input at the right time and your character dodges

People that grew up with too much Christian or Catholic influence in their lives. I know because I like him a lot too but can easily write him off since I'm not delusional.

Vanish is one thing but that's universal for the game I guess. Then there's specific special moves that have increased invisibility frames on parts of their animations or have full invinsibility on 1 kind of attack like foe example: a move that goes through projectiles completely.

My idea would be: base Goku as DLC and ultra-instinct as an install like Sol's. Time limit, big attack boost, invisibility frames, quick command grabs and costs 4 bars to activate. Then again I still can't figure how I'd make even base Goku different from his SSJ variant so maybe an install for SSJ afterall.

I don't get how people can like Pan

Less pretty and strong Chichi with a less smart and teasing Bulma personality. She's stale af, I'd rather they put in nearly any other female.

she's 12
that should give you an idea of the average pan fan


>Version without rofl
Is fucking shit.

Fused or don't even bother.

There is block and parry. Wanting a extra button on dodge doesnt make sense in this game. They decided not go with beam clashes either because button smashing is just meh

>Gotenk's level 3 super will be the super ghost kamikaze attack except they all dab before the attack connects
not only would it be hilarious to see people's reactions it would also be entirely in character for gotenks

the game would become much better if that happens

Beam clashes could work as a meter gambit thing like how the Injustice series allegedly does it. Also there's characters in other fighting games who have a special attack dedicated to being a dodge (cody in sf alpha, viewtiful joe in mvc3) so they could definitely give a character a dodge move

Gohan is the king of jobbers. Shaggy one shots and effortlessly pummels him after transforming into Super Scooby 420.


That would be racist since Gotenks is spanish

>people expect Beerus, Hit and Black all to be in the base roster
Atleast one of them will be DLC.