Why would anyone play this mmo?

Why would anyone play this mmo?

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You make this same thread every day. I don't even play mmos but I'm pretty sure you have some kind of problem. What's wrong, user?

If you are paralyzed except for your arms and all you can press is

nothing to do until Camelot Unchained comes out

This is now a Griffon thread.

How does one play MMOs with their legs?

yeah its weird how it only has four spells, its not enough to have lasting fun with

wow went the same route, now every class only has four spells and its so boring

>not being ele
20 weapon skills plus 5 utility skills plus possible conjured weapon skills

because it has cute fhds

you only use 4 of them

and mhs :)


I played Ele on release years ago to max level, and a bunch of pvp. never geared up.
Whats the most fun class if I'm interested in playing again? pref fai/int/dex style, but fun trumps all.
And how long does it take to gear up? it's permenant, isn't it?

Well Ele with either of the two elite spec is op

I just started the game a few days back and went Guardian.
Should I have picked Warrior?

Because it's objectively by far the least bad one ?

If you really want to play a MMO and you're not a weeb, it's the only decent one.


Well, that's better than other MMOs
Or the same thing with mouse clicks for the "action oriented" ones

Also you forgot that there's weapon swap and profession specific skills in GW2, with the f1, f2, f3, etc.

do they do damage? i remember when I played they were all about running around and throwing elements everywhere.
I want something like a unique burst mage. Shadow priest was what I played in WoW. How's necromancer?

Not in PvP.
Elementalist and both its eSpecs get shat on in sPvP and WvW.


Mesmer has real abilities that do dmg/blind/etc. on F skills

What's a tier list for spvp?
I've played league to challenger and hots to grandmaster and I don't want to touch any more assfaggots, so I resubbed to WoW, but the pvp is so fucking abysmal I couldn't even force myself to even try to gear up. But I still feel like some MMO pvp.

babby's first mmo and now slave to it.

I couldn't tell you. I tried it once and got bored very quickly. I don't like most MMO's though.

>everybody complain about how mmo are the same
>nobody play the superior frog alternative
Dofus and Wakfu are superior in every way

both those are only good for the porn and you know it.

>tfw FF14 will never have fluid movement like this

>tfw fighting scourge in PvP

They're the only tactical mmorpg around, and the only thing people remember them for is the porn

For all the barefooted waifus

There's no difference between GW2 and WoW anymore.

Sure there is. WoW has put out multiple expansions and has several times the amount of active players GW2 will ever have.

wakfu has worse grind than korean mmo's
shame because it's a fucking fun mmo, rare you get to play a turn based mmo and it actually works out

Wew lad i just now got my griffon about an hour ago. Now i have to farm for mastery points. fuck.

>several times the amount of active players

They've had countless years why didn't they copy the skill system from GW1


>several times the amount of active players
Honeymoon period during a patch or when everyone got bored?

Realistically it's about 2x

always fun to see all the stupid names and sluts while waiting

What's the most fun class? I think I got to level 30 or something as a human mesmer before giving up years ago, it got boring using the same skills

>WoD quickly went back down to SoO-drought levels bad
That'll never not be funny.

Even with World of Warcraft hemorrhaging players it's still got more players combined than the other top MMOs.

5 million subscribers are shitty for WoW, but it would make the GW2 team's collective dick explode.

I want to start playing it but feel like I'd be so far behind if I started now that I just don't bother


Who the fuck thought Djinns as they are now would be okay


because it's garbage

Because they would have to remake the game from scratch, the damage is already done. There is not winning.

>remake the game from scratch
>its the same engine
uhmmmmmmmmmmm sweetie

Boy you're fucking retarded ain't cha?

Sorry meant for >There is not winning.



the slingshot kind of ruins your aesthetic

If you're curious about the game, here's a helpbin on guides/guilds that you and anyone might find..well, helpful.


i love these so much

Necromancer and warrior have always been relevant in PvP. Even when warrior was "bad" in PvP it was better than what most professions have been most of the time.

Right now the broken professions are warrior(spellbreaker) and necromancer(scourge).
Guardian(firebrand) is right behind them, being a retardedly strong bunker in sPvP and guardian being practically tailormade for WvW.

Basically the more innately tanky the class tends to be, the better they wind up being in PvP. Especially for newcomers, starting on a thief of elementalist feels miles behind because you're always going to be so much squishier, and it's very difficult to learn how to git gud when you floor in 3 seconds before you learn how to play.

tl;dr play warrior, guardian, or necromancer if you want to be relevant in PvP.
Play thief or revenant if you know what you're doing and dont mind having to git gud to be relevant.
Almost everything else isn't worth mentioning right now. Elementalists got particularly shafted with PoF because all their most powerful assets are in relatively close quarters and PoF created so much area denial and boon corruption, which instantly neutered both main elementalist playstyles; the ones that are left aren't really worth taking over any other profession.

I should really record some new ones

People who know how to use CC

People only like that expansion because it's easy unlike HoT.

Only literal mouth breathers play this game.
It has no interesting content, no fun pvp, no fun end game raids or anything of the sort
The entire game revolves around getting gold and buying skins to look nicer for that XD fashion wars 2
On top of that having buyable currency in a p2p game is just bad game design and decision making.
Grow the heck up guild wars fags and play a good MMO like Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn with the new expansion packs
Pic related guildwars fags

stop shilling an inferior erp game sweetie

but xiv is bad

>when you spend money on 2 makeovers for the same character

Wish I wasn't so autistic on small changes, I'm too close to buying another one.

Fashion wars has turned me into a perfectionist when making characters

ffxiv plays like an mmorpg from 2005 no thank you.

4/10 you forgot your trademark symbol

not that i'd ever be so lucky, but is there a permanent total makeover kit contract like for hairstyles?

yes there is which is what user should get 2bh

Look, I enjoy GW2. But don't tell me there isn't weeb shit. Almost every human looks asian, can wield giant swords, cosmetics that make them glitter and shine and shit rainbows as they move around. If anything, this is a magical girl MMO.

>Don't play for years
>Try to log in
>Cant, unrecognized IP
>Need a character name and seriel code
>Bought the game digitally, don't have an old ass email.
>Login works for any other ncsoft game
>Need a support ticket to use the same account for arenanet
>Find out the implemented an authenticator app bullshit.

I thought their writing was just incompetent.

Those are like 5000g.

>not a weeb
>in a game with literal Super Saiyan hair

not a total makeover kit, no
probably the only thing that would turn me into a shameless black lion gambler

The authenticator is optional and you have to opt-in yourself, so it sounds like you're the moron here.

at least they don't require a photo ID to disconnect the authenticator like Blizzard


nvm its just a hair style one for 3400g

I get that this is just shitposting but XIV has four fucking endgame fights for the last 3 months, and it will be ANOTHER 3 months until it gets more.

You literally run out of relevant shit to do in XIV in less than a week after hitting level 70.

>when charr are the least played race in the entire game
no one likes them anyway
it's the fucking rats you need to worry about

Not sure what you mean but what I meant was that I bought gems for the makeover kit.


Anyone else finally gave up and went back to the first game after the disappointment that was PoF? It feels good to be back home, but everywhere is so empty

Charr and Asura are both furfag bait. I used to like the Norn but all the disgusting futa porn ruined them too. Havent played the game since early days after release but apparently Bestgirl Eir got killed off and they added some raceixed downs syndrome son to her storyline so I am staying away.

>le im delusional guildwar baby so its just shitposting waagh!!!
whatever makes you feel better bro

but there's currently five raid wings in guild wars 2, along with 100 fractal tiers and (albeit dead) 8 dungeons

because it's a shit game you only like because of nostalgia

asura are pedo b8
just because they're females doesn't mean they aren't pedos

xivkun go to bed

>an entire endgame content type is completely dead
>this is a good thing


doesn't matter if they're in the minority in terms of population. furfaggots go out of their way to shit up any and every other discussion

>Dungeons are end game because other games tell me they are
7 of 8 of the dungeons you are supposed to do the story mode for long before you hit level 80. They are hardly endgame.

thats just how any minority group works

Combat is shit. The same shit for all stages of the game. How can anyone enjoy this game?

>tfw goldlet
>tfw I will never ever get a griffon
why bother playing if it will take literal months of grinding

>frozen throne WoW
>100s of icons on the screen

Completely fucking stupid pea for brain

How can open PvE combat compare to something like Fractals or even raids, you dumbwit.

it had potential, they just failed to develop it.

>sell the shit I got in PoF
>got Griffon in a weekend
Really, the hardest thing to do to get that griffon is finding the right time to kill the Facet with a zerg.

explorable mode used to be all the endgame there was