Post some meme games.
Post some meme games
I loved Rising Thunder, fuck you. Why haven't they done shit?
They got bought out and moved to other projects
>i know what your doing but I'll just keep getting hit and then bitch about it
3 Letters, FEZ
why do people play fighting games with no good character designs also why do people play 3d fighting games they all have shitty fucking art. dont tell me there is a single one of these with better gameplay than classic 2d arcade shit either because your the biggest fucking liar if you do
I miss you Rising Thunder :(*
>mfw pcbros shilled this non stop on Sup Forums when it launched open beta
A other shitty game supported by morons. Good riddence.
i miss it desu
I can appreciate how they have a different set
of gameplay tactics that go into them compared to 2d. I can't play 3d for shit, but watching people play them at locals is exciting.
As for character designs, I think it just comes down to having to find a way to keep them believable within a setting very close to ours. More recent games seem to finally be willing to branch out more into outlandish designs, though.
dead game thread?
Is it really dead? It's the only moba-esque game I ever enjoyed but I dropped off playing after around a month.
>tfw you will never get the drinks ready ever again
same as you and i dedicated 3 years to this game
at this point is kind of a meme, but 600 players concurrently is really bad
This one hurts. Such potential squandered. Still no new maps.
>Got bought out by Riot
>Riot promptly shuts the game down and moves everyone to work on League
>no good character designs
>in a game where Vlad exists
kys yourslef
>you will never put the money on the table
wow gigantor sure is an original design, lets make him russian or something gay just because. he isnt even good since he is just a poor mans version of another character and has a way shittier generic design. its like bubsy versus sonic where the main wasnt even amazing to begin with
Fuck you
he's a fucking Soviet Russian Cosmonaut Dog and he's cool as fuck
get some taste
Fuck you Riot Game(s), Atleast you could've reskinned the game with your stupid champions
Making a fighting game for riot
league of legends fighting game late 2018.
hey check it out my 100th ryu knock off character is still cool right guys?
that's Chel
the game has some dogshit bland characters but Vlad and Talos are not them.
what are the odds they reveal it at the end of Worlds?
Im not saying vlad is ryu im saying he is just another recycled as fuck character design and the genre is so much better with original characters than already done to death ones
>smashing noskill "muh team" MOBA kiddies over and over again with basic fireball/anti-air gameplay
can't fucking wait
Vlad's rocket fuel air dash mechanic is very original
Pretty low, its their second game. Makes no sense revealing it since they would want to take their time making it right. Seeing as arc system visited their studio 3months ago its safe to say they are still working on the mechanics of the game.