Which series had the biggest wasted potential?

which series had the biggest wasted potential?

Turned out being pretty MEH

The final boss in this game was really awesome though.

better than diablo tbqhwy

Advent rising
Skies of arcadia
the last two are there because they never did anything with the fucking IP


i finished this game and honestly i can't remember the final boss. It means it is forgettable.

You just posted it

God I fucking hate mass effect

There was no final boss. Only a few beefe d up mutants.

i'm re-watching it on youtube
it's pretty meh


You had any expectation on that shit?

Yes, many. Hype levels were through the roof

Mass Effect is up there. It is also a shame that there hasn't been a decent Star Trek game in ages.

You already posted it, OP.
The way people still praise ME2 as the best in the series without realizing that it set the stage for ME3's eventual catastrophic unraveling of what could've been something great is something that still causes me to rage to this day.
ME2 made failure inevitable and the plebs can't see that.

Believe it or not, STO was actually pretty fun for a while. You eventually run out of shit to do but it's worth checking out if you're a Trek fan. They got the feel of the universe just right.

A lot of people did. It was No Man's Sky before No Man's Sky.

ME2 turned the game into a shooter instead of a space exploration rpg. Instead of trying to make the planets more interesting to explore they just took them out. The worst part is people praised them for it.

I looked into it when it was newer and it seemed pretty neat but I don't like to play MMOs.

I never had any expectation here as well.

Generally speaking, ME2 was my favorite of the trilogy just for the great characters, but I totally agree with you on the exploration. I don't care how tedious that shit was, I enjoyed it. It's just yet another of the countless cases of a game being watered down for the normies.

That too but I'm mostly talking about the story showing signs of incontinence. Just took the 3rd game to fully shit the bed.

Yeah I don't like MMO's either. That was an exception for me. But yeah that was the only thing I had to suggest for you. I've been waiting for a good single player Star Trek RPG since I was a kid in the 90's and nobody has been able to give it to me.

Don't forget how ME2's story does absolutely nothing to advance the plot of the series. All it did was create a bunch uninteresting characters that become just cameos in 3

Don't insult spire


Mordin, thane and the asaris with instant death space aids were interesting

Part 2 should have been the discovery of the crucible and part 3 the search for the catalyst, located beyond the Omega 4 relay. The suicide mission works better as a final act, and even Shepard working with Cerberus makes more sense as, by that point, beating the Reapers is more important, and uneasy alliances have to be forged.

>oh shit son, it's ME2!
>oh my! can't wait to get started
>rocks fall, everyone dies
>uh, okay
>also, we Cerberus now
>w-well if you say so
>hey user, remember that whole thing with the Reapers?
>uh, yeah
>well, FUCK THAT, also Proteans are like whatever
>but but but
>now go fix these people's daddy issues
Fuck you, Bioware. Why must everything I enjoy succumb to the bullshit?

Even tho the game was such a let down, it still was kinda fun to mess with and create walking dicks or some other monstrosities

You had ONE JOB.

Oh fuck me, didn't even notice


Hands down.

The original concept and work that got shitcanned a year before release was amazing.

Some of the lore still persists in game but mostly all of it was lost

Imagine if this game 1, gave you actual choices, and 2, made the gameplay more visceral and fun as it progressed.

Halo, it could have been the next big media property. It had books, comics, an entire Expanded Universe. There was almost a major motion picture. The games had compelling single player and multiplayer modes, the best musical score in a western game series bar none, Forge is still an amazing system that is criminally underused in other multiplayer games. It had so much potential to be grown into a massive property.

Instead, MS mismanaged the franchise into obscurity after Halo 3 and now the Xbone is slowly making MS irrelevant in the industry. The saddest part is Bungie will now be more well known for Destiny going forward.

How does a game gets worse as it updates?

lol, the original Mass Effect all about choices that shipped with two choices

I noticed the writing first dropped in ME2. All the subtlty was gone. I remember how they sneakily mentioned the rachni in the codex hours before you meet them. In ME2 it was all "HOLY SHIT HOW ABOUT THAT DARK ENERGY? DID WE MENTION DARK ENERGY?" It was blatent but I forgave it because at least they knew what they were doing with the plot. Sure it wasn't subtle but it let the player know Bioware had a clear plan for where they were going with the series.

Then nothing came of it. Instead we got a giant reaper off switch that wasn't ever mentioned beforehand outside of one off hand comment in one dlc hidden in an information repository the Council had access to for decades because Bioware wrote themselves into a corner.

>shit the bed
user, are you ok?

Not a single tie between Malygos going insane and Yogg. Not a single link between Arthas and Yogg despite them living right next to one another. None of the characters that ever had history with Arthas are present for his demise. Kel'Thuzad literally LITERALLY has no contact with Arthas after the cutscene in TFT.

Mass Effect 2 is one of my favourite games of all time so I'd say the potential wasn't wasted. Creating something with that quality doesn't happen every day.

I don't play games for the story. It could have been about Shepard looking for a cosmic dirt bike as long as I got to explore strange new worlds.

You had the choice you stop playing your new $60 game but you didn't. You fucking monster.

I'll agree that I spent an inordinate amount of time playing Spore, but tbqh I should've been unable to drag myself away.

>No Coruscant-tier city planets
>No mobile habitable superstructures or superweapons
>No subjugating alien races into slaves

Since Destiny was already mentioned, this and For Honor are good examples.

Andromeda did exploration better rhan ME1......and look how that shit turned out. Andromeda basically tried to copy ME1 but expand on it, and the game is shit.

Worst thing IMO is how they have no idea what to do with the story, they keep introducing shit then going "Nah, nevermind, here's something completely different"

>Meet the DIDACT, the big villain of the franchise!
>*Offs him in some shitty comic*
>Meet Jul 'Mdama, leader of the new Covenant! And Halsey's with him too! And they have the Janus Key!
>*Allow the plot to fizzle out in the same shitty comic*
>Chief's gone rogue! Mysterious Forerunner machines! The Greatest Hunt!
>*Lol fuck you*

I was getting hype for the Halo 5 story too, it almost started to look interesting.

deus ex