It's over

It's over


who the fuck even buys loot chests? is shitty skins that important for people?

There are videos of these people in action.
They'll spend over $300 in one sitting.
Take into consideration that Blizzard has more than three games like this and add in their multi-million player base and 3Bil is nothing.

but you can just earn them for free and it isnt like in tf2 or cs:go where people hope for a 1 million dollar knife

holy shit

Just play games that don't have this kind of cancer in them.

I haven't played a Blizzard game since Diablo II. Nothing is over.

Yeah but would you rather get the thing in 2000+ hours or right fucking now?

no one day they will loot crate the wrong person's kid for 1,700 USD and then they'll get regulated for gambling



>having $1,700

If you're suggesting it will be the videogame's fault the kid's parents are retarded then you are also retarded.

Is that a good thing?

What's over, exactly?

PC gaming? Yeah kinda. Don't act like you guys haven't spent like 500 dollars on stupid gambling crates in whatever game you're playing

I haven't because I'm not a fucking retard like you

That's a fun thing to say. Soon you'll have that as a standard. Fuck you.

I haven't, you disgusting whale.

But I haven't.
Pretty much because none of the games I play has such cancer.

>February 2017

You're a bit late user, it's been over for nearly a year

I watched a 40 minute video of Pat on Twitch opening loot boxes in HotS paid mostly from the donations he was getting from viewers. He spent a few hundred I think.

crapitalshitism was a mistake

hi bobby i think you will find that in the real world no one cares whose fault you think something is and the guys with the guns tell you whose fault it is also ask me how i can tell you are underage

There will always be a market for the games without this stuff, but this will be the accepted practice.

Yeah, I really wonder when this bubble is going to burst. This IS gambling.

Government regulation won't come soon enought.

envy and pride... this is the power of online multiplayer


there's a happy medium between soviet russia and somalia

People are retarded and literally resulting to using the "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" when that hasn't worked in years in an industry that spent the last few decades fighting against that rhetoric.

the lawsuit against valve will only be the beginning, and they'll have done this all to themselves

It will be forced, eventually. Even with the GOP in power individual states still have the right to ban lootboxes and gambling, which the courts will enforce. The real issue is cosmetic DLC/microtransactions, but I think consumers will get tired of it and stop buying into it.

>overwatch makes 3.6 billion a year
>content is sitll slowed down from figting toxicity


The THINK OF THE CHILDREN argument works here though because kids aren't allowed to gamble which is a good thing. We all know it happens, a kid only needs access to a prepaid gift card to engage in that sort of activity.

>Even with the GOP in power
ESPECIALLY with the GOP in power. Reminder that those people are the "muh children" impersonate.

Fucking whales ruin games.

You know all that tax money you pay for socialist programs.

This is where it all goes.

These streamers are being given codes. I seen some guy open hundreds of dollars worth of fifa cards. EA give him codes, he shills cards and they both make money

And they don't pay taxes

tfw your favorite games don't have crate bullshit

Who the fuck ARE all these people paying for these micro transactions, like fucking loot boxes or skins? How is it even possible that gamers have become this fucking cucked? Jesus fucking christ.

collect examples and report them to the ftc for not reporting sponsored endorsement

We have opened Pandora's lootbox.

Season Passes, pre-order bonuses and microtransactions were one thing; but this fucking shit? This is next level, this is so incredibly disgusting that I legitmately want legal intervention. I don't care what any of you fucking dopamine addicts say, this is exploiting basic human behavior in an incredibly nasty way.

>richest game company in the world
>can't afford servers for legacy vanilla wow

You think that's bad?
It was over the moment Xbox Live and PS+ subscriptions started making more profits than all software and hardware sales combined.

Give it time


And you're operating on the assumption that it's kids doing a large portion of the purchases and they're doing it without consent of their parents

To be honest with you, 75% of those earnings are most likely Hearthstone. People just seem to love dumping their remortgaged houses into that game.

no goyim!

keep paying monthly we barely make any profit as it is!

They need to ban this as it's gambling. Often with children. It's such a scummy way to sell shit. Just sell the skins directly.

It depends whether Democrats bring it up first; then GOP will hate the idea with a burning passion

i don’t know how many copies overwatch has sold but let’s say 6 million copies have been sold
If each person who already bought the game purchased one 2.99 loot box pack, right there is 17,940,000 USD.
Plus since it didn’t go through a retailer, shipping, no middle man blizz gets all that sweet money

the secret is to get the gambling lobby to push for regulation of a competitor that is getting to operate under the radar

jewing good goyim is a bi-partisan issue.

both parties will probably support it.

also, child toy manufacturers are getting hit hard so they're going to lobby for regulations as well.

nah, whe childre are on the table everyone will be on board: that's th easies votes to take.

As long as they keep making money they will do only the bare minimum.

>Microtransactions weren't enough.
>Now they're locking the microtransactions behind RNG.

Why didn't you stop it Sup Forums?

No, all of Blizzard combined makes 3.6 billion, not OW.

Christ user it's literally 2 sentences and you couldn't read it?

That is not a divisive issue and won't get brought up enough. This doesn't allow networks to have smug commentators tell how stupid the other side is.

>people actually buy lootboxes

Can somebody get a list of lawmen or US politicians to email so we can all email them about this issue and get this shit fucking fixed? Thanks

>This doesn't allow networks to have smug commentators tell how stupid the other side is.
not really necessary, shekels more important.

trad media hates video games
they will gladly report on everything, once all of the other players are organized together against the games industry

>not allowing commentator to be smug
medias HATES videogames.

The people who buy lootboxes are usually filthy rich, they don't need to hope for a 1 Gorrilion dollar knife. They want a fair chance at getting the item they want right away, instead of grinding for 100's of hours.


>The people who buy lootboxes are usually filthy rich,
source on this?

ive seen plenty of poorfags waste thousands on yugioh cards and not have enough to eat or pay rent.

Is Blizzard going to become new Valve? Do they even have any new games in the pipeline?

i already do, and have not touched any multiplayer game that doesn't have a server list for well over a decade, following that rule has never done me wrong.

idiots that play and pay for these games are cancerous.

It what universe is it acceptable to disrespect victims of authoritarian regimes, What mental acrobatics take this level of retardation.

why the fuck would i play a multiplayer game that doesn't allow custom servers where you could just mod in whatever skins you want.

It's impossible to win in Hearthstone without paying money.

THIS, I have a pothead friend who has to decide every month how to split his money between weed and lootboxes

Jon Blow will single-handedly save video-games

Free market in action, beautiful

they definitely can but that's not the reason blizzard won't do it. they won't do it because it would kill retail and people would stop buying their shitty expacs

hi jon
why did you invest so much into the witness

most videogame buyers are under 21 and thus can't legally gamble, even in nevada

because I'm the alpha male, I would pour trillions into witness if I could

I'm not some cucked money-hoarder like notch

Well fuck.

you've never even had a Billion Dollars, and Notch got three(3) Billion Dollars.

There never was much hope.
Just a fool's hope.

you are doing dog's work making the smug poor again, jon

then don't play

that's because he's a child abuser who exploited them to waste their parent's money on his game

I, on the other hand, only make deep video-games for high IQ adults

He's a shitter who can only critic what's in front of him, who gives a fuck about western games, they're greedy shits by nature so no fucking shit they went to the logical extreme of milking money out of their games instead of doing anything fun, cause they were never fun, mid-90s RPGs were just as shit as 2010s RPGs, there was more passion sure but they were still awful games that you coudn't pay me to play.

Overwatch has sold over 15M

reminder that as a backer of indie fund that jon has invested in such titles as that dargon cancer, dear esther, and her story
he is saving video games all day, every day

they most likely think two things at the core
>in the way of progress

Not surprising
I have a friend who fucking hates to play Overwatch, but everytime an event comes around he shells out the big bucks for skins

>meanwhile notch shitposts on twitter to amuse anime&frog avatars

really puts things in perspective

Someone spent a thousand dollars on a PUBG in-game item. People are idiots. Remember when TF2 had that $100 diamond ring cosmetic for Valentines day and there were real people in-game who had one?

>tfw in the future you will buy 60$ loot boxes that ((*can*)) contain a game
>gaming pres will praise it
>normies will praise it
>obnoxious twittergendered will call you entitled biggoted racist for voicing any concern

>buy $1000 dollar game box to increase my chances to 99.99%
>get a cheap plastic bottle that smells like shit instead

>people assuming that's all lootbox bux

Blizzard sells shitloads of in-game content, some of which is actually good

Wonder how much percentage is from each game. I know Hearthstone usually manages to rake in a decent amount during the beginning of expansions.

This is why Sup Forums is worthless. They preach division when both sides are screwing us over.

fuck off

how do you know thats from pol?