I'm literally shaking right now

This game's competitive mode is fucking awful. I can't rank up because I keep getting retards for teammates. Now I know how this sounds. Surely I'm the problem, right? But no. I play well. I'm always at the top of the leaderboard and I don't get in their way or chase the ball when I shouldn't. I just keep getting the absolute worst teammates imaginable. They shoot at their own goal, constantly miss the ball, leave the game when we're down by 1 point, push me out of the way when I'm about to score, and are nowhere to be found when there's a scoring opportunity. It pisses me off so much. Especially the leaving the game early thing. Why the fuck is the penalty for that only 15 minutes? It happens way too much.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I can't rank up because I keep getting retards for teammates.
lol get gud

Play solo

>solo queue
there's your problem
get some friends

you do have friends, right?

You either get a teammate or you have to carry. There is nothing Sup Forums can do at all whatsoever besides give you the cliche git gud XD response, which has already happened obviously.

Good luck.

what rank are you?

What rank are you at? Gold 2-3 is hell, it takes forever to get out of that shit. Too many people who are technically skilled but strategically retarded, and tons of smurfs at that level too.

You do need to get good though, because no matter what rank, you still are gonna get teammates who think the game is "touch the ball as much as possible" and hit it at your goal

You just gotta rack up the hours and keep practicing

All my friends who play RL are worse than me so I play solo

Nice pasta

Do you communicate with any teammates you have via chat or voice?

>Cannot play with a controller for the life of me
>Forced to play with a keyboard for 40 hours (have a friend who likes playing the game)
>Have everyone except literal retards beat me with ease

>or have to carry

This is the kind of player you want to watch out for OP.

Nobody in lower rankings has the capacity to carry.
You either work as a team, or you get beaten by a group that has better teamwork.

You'll notice the easy wins you get are because all 3 people on the opposition are trying to carry, and chasing the fuck out of the ball, then blaming each other for chasing.

if you're playing at a level where people are shooting at their own goal and constantly missing, then you should be able to carry yourself up rank
if you find someone who is decent, maybe ask to party up together
keep practicing you probably arent as good as you think, and I mean that as constructive as possible

it's not pasta

>tfw stuck at Silver 3

>carrying every game
>people on other team quitting early
>rank up
>feel like scrub now
>teamates complaining about me
>get told to uninstall
>rank down
>back to carrying

Well OP?


This is a perfect representation of the RL community, just bitches about other people and never responds to queries about how good he is or what rank or anything

A good player can easily carry himself to diamond+, get good shitlord.

Don't blame the instrument. I played on keyboard & mouse and was GC every season except for this one that I haven't played much of.

OP is still recovering from his shaking.

You have to able to adapt to your teammates. That's what ranks you up.

>tfw 144 fps
absolutely amazing
60 fps is a slideshow to me now

This is also true. You have to be strong where they're weak. If they're shit at defense, let them be on offense for most of the game. I've had many games where I made 6+ saves just because I knew that neither of my other teammates would ever rotate back to goal, and eventually they scored a point through their flailing around

I don't know if the ranking progression was fixed, but when I played maybe half a year to a year ago, my friend and I would win a ton of games (I remember for our placements and after placements, we went 18-2 and only ranked up around twice, while placing silver).

I never got to rising star, but my w/l was around 25-5. I had to win 2-3 games to even go up one division, and then when I lost one i went down one. If I could never get to where I really belong in ranks, I'd keep playing people a lot worst than us, and that's really no fun

I hope that's fixed, I heard the season after I stopped playing (around season one I think), they reworked the ranking system, but man that was frustrating enough for me to just stop playing

Same. Feels bad man

that inconsistency in teammate proficiency can be a problem constantly having to adapt but it's part of playing by yourself
I hate having to babysit my teammate but sometimes it's neccessary
when I find a guy who I can rely on I usually ask if he wants to keep playing together

I play rocket league causally.

3 standard is hell, no matter which rank.

from what I understand the games are weighted
so if your team is favored to win and you win you get more 'points' toward ranking up
and if you are the underdog and win you'll rank up quicker

fucking kys
uninstall scrub
learn to rotate


What is rotate?

I play at 20-59 fps

>finally got back to champ

fuck the reset desu

when I go to my friends house and play on his 60Hz monitor I can't play as well
I feel very inaccurate and just can't perform the way I'm used to
higher framerate really does have a noticeable advantage so if you can improve it I suggest you do

I know this feel. As soon as I made the upgrade, I found I could consistently dribble with complete control as feedback became so smooth.

I like that its the kind of game where we can hold people to such a standard though, there's no babbymode bullshit to make you feel like you're doing something if you suck.

last season I had a barely made it to diamond I
this season I placed at diamond II and easily went to diamond III
about to get champ
it feels easier this season or maybe I'm just better now idk

they changed mmr requirements to be a bit easier but theres still lots of champ 3's and gc's in high diamonds trying to rank up

>tfw stuck at platinum rank

j-just two hundred more hours and I might git gudder Sup Forums

platinum is the new gold buddy

>taunting people for not having friends
shut up jerk

I've found I get better teammates for competitive games than normal games.
I'm Veteran.

To all you Gold 2s or 3s

"Carrying" isn't enough

The leaderboard doesn't matter most of the time

Sometimes you have to stay back and let your teammate "carry" for you


Add me if anyone wants someone to play Rocket League with. It'd be cool to get a good team going for normal or competitive games.

>only 86 hours

Literally play solo. It'll up your game in all aspects. Dumb fuck.

Never played this game but I imagine if 2 cars are on the left and your in the middle..when one car comes out to the middle you drift to the right side of the field to keep your teams formation spread out

Well, looking to play with people around my level.

The thing is that people who do just bitch about teammates can be told to play solo. And if they bitch about that you know they just aren't that good. I play solo comp pretty much exclusively, ranked in Gold 3 rn and it's the only game mode I've been able to consistently improve my skills by playing.

Close. Rotation has more to do with replacing absences in certain formations. Making sure you have someone to center, someone to strike, and someone to do damage control at all times (in standard). Or on D, having someone tending, someone clearing, and someone doing damage control. It's not so much about being spread out as making sure that any opportunity to make a save or take a shot is taken and possession can be kept consistently.

>two up
>guy in back goes for aerial
>get scored on because net is empty
every time