>PC with same specs costs $1000
How did they do it?
>PC with same specs costs $1000
How did they do it?
Miners skyrocketed the price of 480's, which is what Xbox X uses
It's still not $1000 for a PC with Xbox X specs tho
I will laught so fucking much when this shit sells 500.000 in its lifetime and microsoft finally fucks off gaming
it has a GPU worse than the 1060
sold it at a loss i guess
it actually has 6 tflops, same as GTX 1070
So, the Xbox One X can potentially be worth more in parts than a whole?
>>>he thinks tflops are the only thing that matters
It's the only thing they've being doing the whole year. Making consoles is easy when you don't have to worry about funding/making games.
>only thing that matters
never implied that you retard, the fact that it can do 4K means it should have at least 1060 performance
>Responding to it
Why do you guys argue with consolefags about shit they know nothing about, especially when most of Sup Forums is technologically retarded?
>the fact that it can do 4K
Yea, that's not actually all that impressive considering the only games it does 4k in are Halo Wars 2 (pic related) and RotTR, which has drops to 20 FPS in 4k mode and runs at the same settings as the base XB1 but without DoF.
pretty sure you implied it'd be equivalent to a GTX 1070 based on teraflops
pretty sure you're wrong and I know better about hardware than you do
You don't, I doubt you even know what a FLOP is.
Too bad it's still immensely gimped due to the processor being shit bottlenecking the entire system.
I even heard that the new Shadow of Mordor game runs better on the new xbox than a powerful PC.
That was Ass Creed Origins actually.
But, considering it's Ubisoft, that's probably a lie, just like the 1080p60 Watch_Dogs business.
move out the way xbox
>Manufacture/design own hardware
>Sell for a loss
Gee I don't know user
Actually you can build a computer with the same computational power for around 499. Assuming things are actually selling at msrp.
you can't, gonna put a 1050 Ti at best
used components don't count
see the first build in
What about a monitor? I always hear "just hook it up to your TV", but that's not a viable option. Not to mention getting a decent desk and a decent chair. In actuality, you're probably looking at around $700 for all things included.
Say what you will about the X, but you have to agree that Microsoft is marketing it way better than Sony did with the Pro. Normies may actually buy into the hype this time.
Has shit CPU and games still only run at 30fps.
They sold it at a loss.
I mean, 1060 is the realistic choice for a 999 computer. 1070 bottlenecks other part prices so you'll be cutting on optical media, case and power supply most likely.
just like most consoles.
What about the couch and TV for the XB1X?
Let's not forget the coffee table, that's at least $1500 for everything.
They made a bulk order of 10 million units. Also their graphics card prices are not inflated because of miners.
you need all that stuff for consoles also
>inb4 i already have all that stuff
i have a tv and desk already also
>Athlon X4 950
I doubt that's even remotely as good as jaguar
>1060 3GB
3gb already chokes on high textures, in a couple of years you're gonna have to play on low ass pixelated textures
By charging you to go online.
economies of scale.
>I mean, 1060 is the realistic choice for a 999 computer.
You could easily fit a 1070 in a $1000 PC, what are you smoking?
>I doubt that's even remotely as good as jaguar
It blows Jaguar out of the water.
To give you an idea, the Athlon 5350, a Jaguar quadcore scores about 164 in Cinebench 15.
Assuming 100% scaling and adding an extra 10% for the higher clock speeds, the XB1X CPU would be looking at scores around 320-340.
For comparison, the x4 950 scores 307, and 327 when OCd.
The CPU in the XB1X/XB1/PS4/PS4P is an absolute piece of shit.
>3gb already chokes on high textures
Not really, even games like BF1 are fine with 3 GB of VRAM on high or ultra.
Textures might have to take a hit in games like RotTR, but that's already the case in the 4k mode on XB1X.
>tv, desk, couch
Those are basic necessities therefore they do not factor in you cuck.
The average person doesn't own a kb+m or a gaming chair. All I have to spend is $499 for a console that is plug and play. A computer plus the accessories of the the same specs as the XBX would run me at least $1200. I don't know about you but the answer is clear to me.
It's actually less than $1000, but not by much.
>Those are basic necessities therefore they do not factor in you cuck.
No they aren't, you don't need a TV or couch, just ask literally any college student.
With all the cord cutting going on the average person is much more likely to own a laptop and/or a phone than a TV, so if you're going to include a monitor in the cost of PC you include a TV in the cost of an XB1X.
And a couch.
Believe it or not, unlike you, not everyone lives with mommy and daddy.
lets not forget the couch, the tv stand, the tv, the coffee table
come on man get real
This is where the PC only argument falls apart. They act like people don't have these things in their home already.
Sweet! All that "power" for a console with no games, 30 FPS lock, no mods, and you're forced to use a controller as opposed to KB/M. Ah man can't wait to buy it!
>They act like people don't have these things in their home already.
Or they assume that you don't still live with your parents.
Which is an incorrect assumption on Sup Forums.
Bro Forza 7 is 4K 60fps. You're completely ignorant of the XBX's power.
Show me a build that can do the same for $499 flat.
Whether it's a single family home or an apartment, do people not furnish their homes? I ask about a monitor and desk and people sperg about potted plants and coffee tables.
i can use my tv as a monitor computers are super fucking common retard and guess what a mouse costs about what 5 dollars 10 same with a keyboard and use the tv stand
Most people living on their own don't own TVs, which kind of negates the need for a couch, which is why most single-person apartments have things like love-chairs or if you're a super poorfag beanbag chairs.
> Floating Point Operations Per
Something tells me you have no clue either.
Don't bother user. we both know the console pusher is going to bring up some sort of argument.
It's not even native 4k. It's upscaled
Close but no cigar.
You forgot to include the monitor which would put it over $499. Think I'll just pre-order the XBX. Plus I won't have to put it all together like I would if I bought that build you made.
>You forgot to include the monitor which would put it over $499.
4k TV for an XB1X would be $499 alone.
Not only upscaled, but the AA used for console "4k" blatantly cheats. Only the items right in front of your face are in upscaled 4k resolution. All of the stuff in the distance is less than 480p AA. It changes as you get closer.
Mass produced, you have to pay every year to actually use it, and the real money is in the percentage they get from games
They always leave out the monitor because it brings the price way up.
And also all the ads built in to the ui
No, they leave out the monitor because it's not actually part of the PC.
A monitor/TV is separate from a PC/console.
and you guys always leave out the 4k tv which costs much more than a monitor and guess what 4k tv's are not common at all no one really has them so no more using the excuse of everybody has a tv
b..but user EVERYONE already has a TV.
Jokes aside, I don't know what everyone's hard on for building a console priced PC is about. Who the fuck cares? I'll gladly spend $800+ on a PC that'll last minimum 4 years on high/ultra settings than a console that we all know will be struggling to maintain 1080p 40-ish FPS within a year with the equivalent of medium settings.
i know dude i use my ps4/ps3 more than i use my pc but only by a slight amount but the people
but the people sucking mircosoft's cock are crazy if they think xbox one x is that powerful and costs less than a computer of the same price
Can you even emulate OG Xbox games and 360 games on a PC? I think it's cool that you can run all generations of Xbox games on one console.
>OG Xbox
Yea most of them if I'm not mistaken. All the good ones at least
No such emulator exists. There could have been one, but the redditor that found the 360 dev kit PC gutted it and turn it into some faggot retro build or something.
If the XBone X had the ability to play the entire OG and 360 collections. It'd be well worth it in my opinion. But I doubt it. Honestly though, PC has a much more likely chance of emulating modern day console game s due to how close in current console CPUs are to PC stuff.
Still won't do 144hz or let alone 60hz for all games, so I could give a shit.
>No such emulator exists.
You got that backwards.
There's a 360 emulator in the works that's functional for like 2 games, but the dev kit that was gutted by some redditor was an OG Xbox dev kit.
That's cool. It makes me wonder why other game companies haven't adopted the same formula for BC. Sony makes you pay for the games you may already own and I believe Nintendo is doing the same thing. It makes no sense for a consumer stand point.
now, if there were actual games worth playing, i'd consider it
For many, they only see it possible to have a single game option available or something. I own a top tier PC and a PS4 Pro. There is nothing stopping someone from having it all. But console kids always want to make it about price to the experience of gaming on it or something. I don't know.
The entire argument seems like a giant waste of time.
ohh Ok. But even if a 360 emulator became a thing, it'd get outlawed really quick Microsoft would cease and desist that program so quickly, your head would spin.
it was never about making sense for the consumer. The companies only care about money. Which is why I have no problem whatsoever pirating games that I already own for emulation purposes.
Also it's very difficult to properly emulate all older existing titles for a modern console. Especially PS3 titles. The CELL processor used in the PS3 is damned hard to emulate on x86 based hardware.
>But even if a 360 emulator became a thing, it'd get outlawed really quick Microsoft would cease and desist that program so quickly, your head would spin.
Sucks for Sony because they seem to be doing BC all wrong for all of the wrong reasons. I can just appreciate when it's noticed that I already own the game and that I do not have to pay for it again. Not only that, but the BC games on the Xbox seem to run better than their 360 counterpart. That shows me that people are putting in the time to make sure these games run better and it's not a lazy BC job.
I have an FX-8350 and a GTX 970 and I'm pretty confident I'll get similar performance to the One X.
Are they still up simply because they're not making a profit?
Probably, I doubt they have a patreon.
Though it probably doesn't matter, because CEMU and RPCS3 both have patreons and they're still up.
Selling at a loss + economies of scale + deals with suppliers + customers paying for online + license fee for games
Someone somewhere ran it through a spreadsheet and it works assuming they can sell X number of units.
Who wrote this? It make me laugh.
Also who/why/when coined vidcon?
I wonder how long until Sony decides to release a new Playstation. I'm going to venture a guess and say 2019.
>they know nothing about
Hahahahaha, retarded mustards are this retarded.
Yet the games with 30fps are objectively better than the games with 144fps on PC.
Those are external purchases just like a TV or any kind of display is for the Xbox.
Displays or anything that isn't relevant hardware when it's about processing power is equal on all sides.
>Using tflops to gauge performance for its primary use
>He thinks the 6 tflops is not spread across APU's workload so he only use a 1070 for reference
>He also probably doesn't know what an APU is
Is it safe to say that a majority of people already own a TV, whether it's a 4K set or not?
So how many Xbox Ones have been sold, anyway? It seems like Microsoft is keeping that shit under wraps. However the Switch is presumably fast approaching its sales numbers.
>He doesn't know how a console is different from a PC
You're right, you don't.