Sorry britbro, can't help ya
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Gambling implies you actually get something of value
Can you pathetic kids not control yourselves or something?
Is it gambling though? You can't prfot off the crates like you could with cs skins
Nah, not gonna risk it
Our government is still living in as if its the Victorian era when it comes to technical know how, They'd end up blanket banning every game that includes a feature like this.
Not from britain, although I appreciate the initiative.
Not everyone get addicted, but everyone are susceptible to addiction.
>implying this would be bad in any way
Some people have mental issues. It's just so happens that games like OW attracts the most of them :^)
This. Amber Rudd is a fucking retard. She complained about people criticising her for not knowing about encryption. Literally said "I don't need to know how it works to legislate it."
not british but here is a bump
How is it not gambling? They're the ones making money off of you.
Sucks to be them then
Is it to legalize rape when it's committed by immigrants?
>I'm such a stupid moron I need the government to regulate my common sense
And people wonder why England is collapsing
Its not gambling...unless you are a moron who opens them for just 1 skin you want.
It isn't gambling anymore than an arcade with ticket games is gambling.
I would be fine if companies had to disclose the drop chance for these crates like are forced to in China. I feel that's a good middle ground between doing nothing and letting people get essentially scammed and regulating it like online gambling.
Gambling laws do not exist to regulate adults. They prohibit children from lawfully engaging in it. Kids aren't smart.
I'm not a filthy anglo, but i approve.
online petitions never work
o you'll petition this, but you're totally ok with constant overbearing government surveillance, licenses for everything, no way to defend yourselves, and the constant import of criminals who have nothing but utter contempt for you... but lootboxes are where you draw the line.
Stop being fucking stupid and just don't buy them.
There are a lot of people that can't, and while I don't give a shit about those people, I would like to see game devs/publishers steered away from these sorts of shitty practices as much as possible, because even if you never engage in the lootbox bullshit, they objectively make the game worse by having shit sealed behind them.
You could always sell the account.
You want this to be banned? Do you?
There's a HUGE amount of people who can't control themselves. Sadly, we do need to protect people from their own idiocy. They're the reason games have been ruined by DLC, microtransactions, lootboxes, season passes and so on.
It's not just a few dumb kids, some of your colleagues and friends are most likely part of this problem as well. If we don't stop them from making bad decisions, we won't have anything worth playing ten years from now.
Read the page. 10000 for a response from the government, 100000 and it will be mentioned in parliament. Not that any MPs actually show up to parliament unless it's something big.
We had that cut...
It's slightly more legit than something like where people sign it to feel good about themselves and nothing happens.
>won't have anything worth playing
What do you mean?
It isn't gambling because you're still getting value out of the game. It's a game of chance but there is no chance you will get nothing. Where as if I went to a casino to gamble there is a high chance I lose everything and walk out with nothing.
If you spend $20 on boxes you may not get epics but you still get something.
Personally, I'd like to see microtransactions of all kinds completely banned by consumer protection laws of some kind.
Cut yourself
And you're the reason games have been ruined by excessive banning, pussy mindsets, and calling everyone a troll. Go fuck yourself you faggot.
While I'm inclined to agree that you should be able to control yourself, it's not us that's the problem, it's the idiots and kidd who aren't able to that are getting taken advantage of. Regardless if you feel this should be left alone or not, nipping this shit practice in the bud would be better for the industry in the long run.
Kids also don't have money to gamble with
Microtransactions are not that bad. But lootboxes where you have to PAY to get a CHANCE to get what you want is a fucking gambling. Ban this shit.
Honest question because I've never played a game with lootbox bullshit. Isn't there a good chance that if you've opened a number of boxes already, that any given box you open might only hold a bunch of shit you've already gotten, hence, effectively getting nothing at all for your money, hence gambling?
You do realize if this gets passed it’s gonna get rid of pretty much any rng in games. You’re wording should specifically state only real money, not often real money.
But loot boxes aren't "gambling".
They're worse because you can't make money off it and you STILL don't know what you're gonna get from it
Pokemon and Counter Strike are now banned for critical hits and random spread respectively... Its terrible that I could see this happening
It is if the game is pay to win
>Microtransactions are not that bad
No, stop that shit. It's all bad. The fact that it's common practice to carve shit out of the game during development to nickel and dime people to death, when barely a decade ago it was unheard of is pretty fucking terrible. It's blatantly anti-consumer and motherfuckers like you only help perpetuate it because it's slightly less shitty than the new thing they're trying (successfully) to normalize.
>Gambling for children
what are some games that have good gambling?
>britcuck laws in general
>May trying to go 1984 on our internet
As if this will solve the problem. You got microtransactions in other ways.
>children and people with mental disorders don't exist
Depends what loot system you're talking of. In overwatch that can happen but you get currency for duplicates. In league it won't happen, you will get things every time you can craft into something you don't have.
Games will get worse and worse with increasing attempts to rob you. Loot boxes and micro transactions are already plaguing online games, but are starting to show up more often in single player ones as well.
We’ll end up with Candy Crush type of bad game design aimed at luring you into paying for boosts, lives or levels.
You’re not making any sense. At all.
You can sell or trade physical cards. There is no value in a digital good you get a second, third or fifteenth of that you can do neither with.
We can't anyway because Germany ruined all the fun.
Hell are we still fucked by those laws if we go with brexit or will localisation not give two fucks?
Off-topic. We talk about gambling involving real money like lootboxes in Overwatch, CS:GO, Dota2 etc. Virtual gambling in-game is not harmful.
sorry but I'm not an anglo.
I hate loot boxes too but I doubt this petition will do anything since loot boxes aren't really gambling. In gambling you either win and get something or lose and get nothing for your money by chance but the thing about loot boxes is that you technically ALWAYS win something. You WILL always get some item out of a loot box, it just may not be the item you want.
Tell that the to British government
I prefer the approach the Chinese took. Just force the devs to tell us the odds. That would go some way to curbing MT sales.
>Gambling is the wagering of money or something of value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning money or material goods. Gambling thus requires three elements be present: consideration, chance and prize.
Lurk more, dumb nigger.
Yeah dude, stuff you can get by playing the game normally
I'd agree if it was exclusive stuff behind lootboxes, but it's not, so fuck off
I consider it beneficial to gaming in general if this passes
>Less revenue from random chance loot crates
>Less chance of having that shit in your video games
It's not rocket science, as other anons have said some people can't control a habit & kids are idiots anyway, it's a win/win
That's the idea
Lootboxes are cancer and should be removed from video games
you spend money on loot boxes and you win a prize everytime
>Gambling in video games mostly involves 'loot boxes' where players use virtual currency (often bought with real money) to earn in game items often worth less than what they paid (sometimes more) hence its gambling.
Currently only china has introduced new laws to force companies to display the odds of winning which had been standard in the uk gambling industry for years.
It's not about banning but them showing the player the odds. People would seriously reconsider if they realize how low the odds are with some of this lootbox shit
Prize is random. That's gambling.
>bitch and whine about everything
>need everything to be regulated
>needs everything to be controlled in some way
>give way to safe spaces, pussy mindsets, mentality where everyone's a troll, and if you complain enough it will be removed mindset
Fuck you
Wow this isn't the prize I wanted its only $0.99 i'll have another go
Wow this isn't the prize I wanted its only $0.99 i'll have another go
Wow this isn't the prize I wanted its only $0.99 i'll have another go
Wow this isn't the prize I wanted its only $0.99 i'll have another go
This doesn't solve a problem at all.
You think a bunch of old fart luddites understand what a loot box is? If it even got anywhere in parliament it would probably be a ban on everything but loot boxes by the time it passed.
Dampens MT sales, makes the strategy less profitable for the studio. Absolutely helps solve the problem, certainly doesn't fix it completely -- but then, I never said it would.
At the point where opening a crate/lootbox means getting something valued between the three digit (steam)dollar range and literally scraps, it's gambling no matter how you look at it.
If you want to ban gambling, you have to ban shit like this as well.
What must not happen with this ban is that it also influences shit like in-game casinos that have no connection to actual money.
As long as whales exist, so will loot boxes. Taking the chinese approach wont do anything because these majestic money throwing creatures could care less about how small the chance of getting a virtual item they want is as long as there's a chance to get it.
And yet it's blatantly obvious that games are being made with this sort of mechanic central to their design, making the acquisition of things by other means in those games such a hellish grind as to be either nearly impossible, or simply impractical. Therefor, the only "reasonable" means by which to even have a chance of getting those things is to spend money. Surely you're not so high on corporate cock that you can't see such an obvious thing?
>Don't just buy them!
You fucking apologist idiots do realize that this affects you even if you buy them or not right?
Signed, get this shit out video games before it goes even further down the shitter
yeah it's better to educate millions of drooling normalfag retards who play mobileshit and teach them to play superior games
>i cant control myself or my kid, please Big Gov, help!
pathetic bongs
the chinese approach still allows gambling. we won't allow gambling.
Friendly reminder
>J-just don't buy them!
That's half a problem. Devs will design games where you are underpowered and forced to pay instead of grinding for hours.
>entire life saving
>2600 dollarydoos
>life savings
Then people won't buy the games.
There's a reason people don't like p2w anymore.
no, hence we have gambling laws
Someone is too fresh to remember how Dark Souls got PC release.
>The definition of video game will change if this ever passes
>life savings
>all for a fucking kinect
What's the point of that petition? You want the government to increase the taxation lootboxes/lootcrates?
Objectively wrong, considering how huge mobile gaming is.
Dokkan for example, you can login for x consecutive days for a chance at getting an OP character, which usually turn's out to be another shitty dupe.
Or I can spend 10 dollars and have 4-5 chances immediately
"people" never liked p2w, but p2w still exists and it's not going away
>Can you pathetic kids not control yourselves or something?
This is the entire reason gambling laws exists user.
Even adults fall prey to it. So obviously kids are banned from IRL gambling.
dont understand the recent hate for loot boxes, this shit has been in games since fucking mass effect 3
thats like 5 years of rampant shilling slots machines to children, without a fucking peep
so whats changed?
>huge amount of consumers agree that lootboxes and the like are shitty concepts
>instead of collectively unifying as a consumer base to create a voice to stop it they do nothing but bitch between themselves about whether it should be legally defined as something or not whilst companies continue to implement them en masse
good work you fucking faggots.
It's not gambling retard. Also why would your kid be allowed access to your credit/debit card to buy lootboxes?
78% of murifats live paycheck to paycheck so he was doing better than most.
no, the responsibility is on the game journalists pros group that sat by and allowed it to h appen
if they are unified enough to black list people, they are unified enough to combat gambling practices in gaming. gaming as a whole has suffered for it, and there still is not a fucking peep from games journalists pros, who will more eagerly tell you about how you need to have blacks and marxist agenda in your game, than how you shouldn't predatory market gambling to children
i could sign it, but i'm not going to, so that's just tough shit for you. faggot.
That's how dumb the average wageslave is and why they will always be wageslaves
I might be alone in this but I don't like hearing when someone who has a genuine problem, loses their money because they obsessively spent it. Most might say they deserve it for being so stupid but the reality is these organizations count on exploiting these people and it's not right. These people need to get help and policies should be in place to help them not be in those situations where they'll give in to those urges.
I don't know why people use Overwatch's loot boxes as an example of the decline of gaming. It's all cosmetics, and the vast majority of items you will get with statistical certainty if you play long enough. So buying regular boxes are just a shortcut to get items you would have gotten anyways. The rest of the items are locked behind seasonal events. Duplicate items yield coins, which you can use to purchase individual cosmetic items. I don't even think you can buy coins, only boxes. If some one wants to buy these boxes, who cares? If everyone did lootboxes like OW, there wouldn't be a problem.