>Generic run and gun shooter with nice visuals
>Generic run and gun shooter with nice visuals
Other urls found in this thread:
name one person who said its 10/10
>generic hack and slash with cryptic item descriptions
The game with the bugs was way better.
I agree.
It's LITERALLY just a shittier Contra.
Except souls series is literally not generic, that’s why souls-like is an entire genre.
Are you a nigger? I refuse to believe there’s a single white person on this planet this outrageously fucking retarded
>name one person
>Except souls series is literally not generic, that’s why souls-like is an entire genre.
Hollow Knight?
So dark souls is like devil may cry?
I gotta stop coming here.
>with nice visuals
Are you niggers serious?
It's a dungeon crawler user.
>dude contrarianism lmao
Ok good
now stop sperging and think very hard why your console is shit and cant get good games
and for the meantime saging and hiding this thread, toodles
Reminder the people that don't think Cuphead is a 10/10, think Gone Homo or Undertale are unironic 10/10
kys op
stop being contrarian for once, its a nice callback to cartoons of old. And hand drawn animation in general is just really nice.
>why your console is shit and can't get good games
>dude herd mentality lol
indieshit is indieshit
>And hand drawn animation in general is just really nice.
Except Skullgirls, ironically
>its a nice callback to cartoons of old
There's a reason stuff doesn't look like that now.
what did he mean by this
>indieshit is indieshit
So what's gonna be your GOTY? PREY? The new Wolfenstein?
lmao get some taste
Yeah, it's because of H-B.
>for $20
Either Nier2 or BOTW
>dude herd contrarianism
>run and gun
>i didn't play it but it's probably bad and overrated
>le epic "Sup Forums hates all video games" meme
fuck off
Grav Rush 2, BOTW, Mario Odyssey, SRWV, Automata.
Any of those is great.
people got lazier because of more advanced tech.
Like I cant recall any recent cartoons where things morph into something else, because that would mean making something new for one time use. Instead of just reusing all body parts in flash.
Because it costs more money than shitty flash animation..?
>that instant head turn
>There's a reason stuff doesn't look like that now.
Yeah cause they heard your old ass mom was gonna be born so they where too busy getting blowjobs and fucking her cottage cheese ass.
come on user it happens over 2 frames, don't be rude
Bump for you faggot
>Grav Rush 2
terrible taste detected.
Are you saying it's not?
they didnt even try
it's mostly a boss rush game
>Generic run and gun shooter with nice visuals
Give me one thing it does different compared to the other games of the same flavor.
There aren't enough run 'n guns made these days for a single modern entry to be considered "generic." If anything, kids are finding the gameplay novel because nobody fucking makes these games anymore and the closest thing they have for comparison is the one time they played Metal Slug.
>Generic FPS with nice sci-fi story
You can do the same for every game
PC community is retarded
Lets be honest with ourselves guys. The game doesn't reinvent the wheel. It gets really good press because the game is very visually striking, so, we get instant novelty appeal. Following the visuals, we have the matching novelty OST. Under all that, we have a genre that has been long since figured out. So we novelty art on top of tried and true gameplay.
It's good, but its not the second coming of Jesus.
The catch is that Cuphead isn't gonna push the medium forward.
>souls-like is an entire genre.
EX/Super moves
It's visuals are from the kind that has never been done before,nothing gameplay wise.Cuphead is a case of style over substance,just like other people have said if it wasn't for the visuals nobody would have probably cared at all
Why does every game have to be "unique" in order to be considered good? Why can't a game be good based on its own merits. E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy is one of the most unique games I've ever played, but you'll find few people who don't consider it confusing and overly complicated.
it's on xbox too sony nig detected
In most boss rush run 'n guns you have to play through an entire level to get to the boss fight. You also have limited lives or continues and have to start over completely after a certain point. You also have to be careful to only pick up certain power ups at certain points or risk a restart/severe underpowerment. Cuphead is more accessible to the average Joe because you can access boss fights straight from the world map and change your load out at any time.
Are you implying Half Life 2 is not generic overrated shit?
>hasn't realized that the only thing that makes a game good are the graphics
name 10 fps that resembled Half Life at its release
>In most boss rush run 'n guns you have to play through an entire level to get to the boss fight.
Nobody parries unless they're trying to get perfect score or the boss requires parrying to beat it.
i dont know myself, but i think its kinda like the pubg hype. its a meme admiration i guess
i played it and its nothing special, and not as hard as the casuals claim
its as if people forgot about rayman 1 or smb or whatever
>play the game because people keep sperging about how difficult it is
>its just simple pattern recognition and memorisation
>beat it with only 2 deaths
christ the decade of walking simulators and chest high wall shooters really ruined the average gamer
>Walks into store
>Sees a copy of Cuphead
>Puts it down
>Picks up a copy of Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash instead at full price
Pretty much this.
I used parries all the time to avoid damage/fill up my meter.
Back off kid
>easy mode
I seriously hate you souls faggots so much.
That genre holds the likes of DMC and Bayo. Not comparable at all. Certainly more its own thing than a platformer with a wacky art style.
Feel free to give me any examples of boss rush run 'n guns before Cuphead that didn't do that. I'm referring to Alien Soldier, Gunstar Heroes, 16-bit Contras, and run 'n guns with several multi-phase boss fights like Adventures of Batman and Robin.
Never played Simple during my entire run.
>he only acknowledges western """games"""
Explains a lot about cuckhead shills.
now you know how TW3 haters feel, when a mediocre gets heavily overrated
You're either lying or a very cautious player.
>generic ubisoft clone with an oscarbait plot
ive been caught by surprise at moments but most bosses leave enough windows of oppertunity open
its easier than most Metal Slug games
those 2
The standards for videogames have gotten so low that anything that would once be considered "It's alright" is now heralded as the Second Coming of Jesus solely for the fact it doesn't exist solely to squeeze your wallet dry with Jew Tactics.
This is the state of this industry, folks.
dumb frogposter
Give us proof, in the amusement park there is a pool of water that tells us how many times you died
Woooow so easy
pig american computers
dark souls was on xbox too, the GIT GUD scub came when it was ported to pc. huh.. just like cup head and would you look at that it's following the same fate
>Presents good argument why this game deserves a 10/10
>Only way people refute him is with buzzwords
I hate angryfag but I agree it's a 10/10 although hard and annoying as fuck im stuck on bee I have to give credit to how polished and well made the game is. Sure the bosses are hard but you never feel like it's impossible and it feels good when you get the knockout.
>using meaninglessly generic genre terminology that apply to thousands upon thousands of games in a feeble attempt to make a point
how embarassing
>unlimited retries
Are you retarded?
>game doesn't immediately rip your arms off for dying even ONCE to ensure you can never try again, thus making it a one-time-only game
you two are faggoty contrarians, kill yourselves
How does he do an "angry" review if he loves the game?
So you've never played a boss rush run 'n gun in your life. It's okay, I'm sure one of your favorite e-celebs has played through Alien Soldier at some point. You should go watch his playthrough and then pretend like you beat it yourself.
Boss rush =/ run n gun
Not the user you are replying to, but you are fucking retarded. The Adventures of Batman and Robin is not a boss rush game.
>inb4 hurr durr you've never played it
Nigga, I know every secret 1up in that fucking game and I still play it to this day on my Sega.
hot damn BTFO
I wasn't saying it was specifically a boss rush run 'n gun but that it had similar multi-phase bossfights. Aside from Contra Hard Corps most boss rush run 'n guns only have one or two multi-phase boss fights.
No shit but this is specifically referring to boss rush run 'n guns.
>New popular game
>Dissenting opinion on V
Can't say I'm surprised
again, boss rush =/= run'n guns, you can't have both you fucking retard
I'm getting an instinctual drive to whack this bitch across the face with a steel bat with enough force to crack her skull
I think people really undervalue well executed mechanics.
Cuphead is beautiful, but it's biggest triumph is that it controls like dream and every level is a sequence of thoughtfully designed positioning puzzles capped off by interesting bosses with varied combat stages.
None of it is mechanically new. Meatboy, Downwell, all these games are old concepts. They're just really well produced, very smooth experiences that offer a very intentional, purposeful challenge wrapped in meticulously balanced mechanics and a beautiful aesthetic. It's their limited scope that let them hit this high note.
All of Sup Forums for the past few weeks.
The state of this board