Is it time for a sequel?
Could this be retros secret game?
Is it time for a sequel?
Could this be retros secret game?
it would be an amazing game if there was a button to change kongs on command, and all bananas able to be gotten by any kong. more animal buddies or secrets would be cool too.
Pretty much this. Intense backtracking was the one thing keeping DK64 from being another great Banjo game.
>more animal buddies
This always hated that most of them were only seen a few times like Rambi who was only used twice in the whole game.
And they were stuck in such small areas too.
Retro is actually working on a new excite bike game. One of the riders is a reference to f-zero.
There wasn't much backtracking you just have ADD autist
>have to go back and forth to sections of levels with different kongs every time you need to get a different-colored banana
>have to do the same with parts that require kong-specific abilities
>end up walking through almost the entirety of each level a minimum of five times
>wasn't much backtracking
They just reinvented Excitebike for the wii and it went horribly. We aren't getting another until at least gen 9 or 10
>waaaah I can't beat the level just walking in a straight line and going through it once
>waaaah I have to switch characters to get more stuff in the game waaaah
What do you want one character in the game or character exclusive level?
Honestly if you could change Kongs on the spot, I wouldn't even have a problem with the color coded bananas
>I'm too lazy to walk 5 seconds in this tiny map to the next barrel to change my Kong I want everything done for me instantly
Seriously the game is tiny, the maps are basically small circles with a couple corridors it's not a big deal
>that shameless goalpost changing and strawmanning
gg no re
If you enjoy trekking the same area back and forth over and over and over and over and over then that's cool, but some of us would prefer the game not be a chore.
DK64 is forever stuck in the dark oblivion between two companies that no longer have anything to do with eachother, so a sequel is impossible
Nope, nintendo owns it and could make a sequel.
Yeah I enjoy the game, is it perfect? No there's some levels I don't like the crystal caverns and the fungi forest I don't really care for but the game is fun, it doesn't really bother me that I have to go back to do other stuff in the level.
>Nintendo can never make a 3D donkey Kong game again because rare made the first one
Literally so was donkey Kong country
t. Grunty Industries apologist
Wait where's King K.Rool?
I didn't like Banjo Kazooie as much Tooie was boring
Again, if you have fun trekking the same area back and forth over and over and over and over and over then that's perfectly fine. I'm merely informing you that other people generally don't.
The issue is not the presence of backtracking, it's the sheer amount of it you have to do to actually complete a level. Unless you're one of those fags who just does the bare minimum to advance.
Why? Not enough backtracking?
Grunty Industries is the most interesting stage in either BK game
So what you're saying is that you want less content?
I 101% Dk 64 so many times, it's one of my favourite games I replay it at least twice a year This he doesn't like having a level with extra stuff to do with each Kong, so either he wants to only play as DK or wants each stage to only have one Playable Kong so he won't have to switch all the time. Will that change anything? Not really but he's autistic
But wouldn't that defeat the whole point of even having different kongs in the first place? The levels themselves have to be changed, the basic idea if using different kongs to overcome certain obstacles must be better elaborated.
My first thought would be designing obstacle in such an way that more than just a single kong could overcome, some kongs would have an easier time and some would struggle but at least the player wouldn't be completely locked out of playing a certain character in that area.
Also you could be able to leave kongs in certain places and pressing a button would teleport the player between the several kongs, this way you would use a kong to hit a certain switch, for example, that would open a door at another place where you already left another kong waiting, this means that you would only need to go over a specific area once with one character.
Explain to me how there would be less content if it were the exact same game with all the same bananas, except they're not color-coded. All the bananas, challenges, etc. are there, except now you can collect regular banans with any kong. Golden bananas, challenges, etc. remain kong-specific.
Explain to me what makes you think that the amount of content is equal to time spent experiencing that content.
I can see why people don't like that, but I always think the 5 times is a bit overdrawn,
Like the worlds are your basic graph theory shit, where the nodes have stuff for multiple kongs and a tag barrel nearby, but the paths generally only have one Kong's collectibles lining it.
I want to see a tag team mechanic where you are constantly playing as two Kongs at once, with different abilities or playstyles based on the pairing. Think Sonic Advance 3
For example, if you are playing as Chunky/DK and Dixie, Dixie will use her hair as a motor while dk or chunkies insane upper body strength allows you to swim faster than any other pair up.
Or a move that let's Dixie hover using her hair, and allows her to drop Chunky like a bomb on enemies or breakable floors.
Maybe bring back lankey Kong and give him the ability to throw Diddy or Dixie exceptionally far.
Just a thought. I'm no game developer, but I would love to see the abilities for different pairings a studio like Retro could come up with
If you're walking back-and-forth from point A to point B over and over etc., you're not experiencing new content along that path, you're experiencing the same content multiple times.
I enjoyed BT more then BK as well. Backtracking really didn't bug me and I found the levels more enjoyable and lively. in BK I already didn't like that Gobi Desert and Hunted Mansion level. After the awesomeness that was Freezey Peak. Then Rusty Bucket Bay just hit like a truck brown felt empty cant swim in the water.
At least after all that I think Click Clock Wood is the best level in both BK and BT.
I just want to see more 3d platformers in general. Nintendo just wants to keep making 2d platformers with the exception of Mario. I want to see DK get another chance, and see Kirby or even Yoshi actually get an attempt.
I think people are taking the times when you would follow a trail of Diddy bananas to an area with Lanky's Kersplat, a Pineapple switch and a Mini-Monkey pad and misremembering them as indicative of the entire game because they could be so bad at their worst.
>Not liking Mad Monster Mansion.
Good taste on CCW, and FP though
I've been re-playing Tooie recently and the backtracking isn't terrible, though it gets to be a pain in the ass between Grunty Industries, Hailfire Peaks, and Cloud Cuckooland. Trying to 100% it now and my current challenge is finding out how to get that page behind the ice in the grotto in HFP.
Sorry, a Mini-Monker barrel
I'm not saying the entire game is like that but there's plenty of it. You walk one way and realize you're gonna have to go back there again with two other kongs.
This, and also get rid of the gorillion repeated minigames and put in some actual interesting challenges in their place.
I liked Kazooie better than Tooie, Tooie is boring
No. It's the worst DK game by every measure.
It was certainly indicative of the entirety of Angry Aztec, I remember that much clearly.
To be fair I haven't played any of those games for any real amount of time since at least 2003. So im going on how my 12 year old self felt about the games.
Back then I could just fuck about in one level for hours without getting slightly bored. So I don't doubt people at all when they say the backtracking is a chore.
Not my pic I just had it sitting around from some old thread.
Have 6 kongs that can be paired with another in any way.
Diddy; overal balanced abilities with faster movement speed.
Dixie; can hover with her hair, can hold another kong while hovering but descent speed is increased depending on its weight.
Tiny; can fit some tight places and walk over some unstable terrain that other kongs can't.
Lanky; throw things, including other kongs, a long distance.
Kiddy or Chunky; heavy kong that can stomp the ground after falling a certain height.
Donkey; fast swimmer and can fight some specially tough enemies easier.
All kongs can try to carry and throw its partner, movement speed and throw distance is based on their strength and weight.
>That pic
Rusty Bucket Bay isn't even that difficult, it's literally just the engine room platforming section (which is only remotely difficult because platforming in BK kind of sucks) and the timed propeller. Everything else is pretty easy even with the grimy water.
The hardest part of BK is the Mr. Vile minigame and I can't believe it doesn't get brought up more often. I hate that fucker so much.
you mean donkey kong country?
this is accurate except for the rusty bucket meme. worse than the water temple meme desu