Reminder that piracy is literally a victimless crime

reminder that piracy is literally a victimless crime

Other urls found in this thread: torrent

Reminder that microsoft bankrolled them.

>tfw pirated anyway because it was incredibly easy. Doesn't even need a crack.

God speed Cuphead devs, it's a great game and I wish you guys the best.

nice sob story

inb4 someone posts the 45% margin of error EU report

Thanks for stating the obvious fucktard.
>people think duplicating 1s and 0s on a magnetic platter is wrong.
>certain combinations of 1s and 0s on a magnetic platter is illegal.

brb torrenting cuphead to see if it's worth the 7/24 shilling and thread sliding by constant thread spamming by microjew pajeets

I actually did just that. Don't bother, it's unironically a 6/10

even people who are torrenting are making thread to shill about it. You're pretty retarded...

See if that argument holds up in court when you get busted for cp, user.

you're the one who brought up cp user. talk about projection

cant get busted if you dont bust nuts for shit like that
get yourself checked annon

Came to the nearest Cuphead thread.
Anyone have a link to download this game.

It's exploring a territory reserved for post-purchasing. The resource, is the game being experienced. The dev studios, or the metrics, deserve payment for a product the end-user is obviously interested in playing.

It's a standards problem, either money or availability -- each being reason enough for doing something about the situation. Good, free-for-development game engines exist. Twitter is a simple method of contacting studios.

So you agree that certain sequences of 1s and 0s are illegal! Glad we’re on the same page.

If you can't figure out how to torrent this game then unironically kill yourself.

i'm not that other user

I need a link to the free version.

Normally I have no issue with pirating whatsoever, but I love classic 2D animation and want to support its comeback. The game itself is really fun too.

But if it's victimless, can it even count as a crime?

apples and oranges you stupid fucking knuckle dragging nigger. don't fucking reply to me, just kill yourself.

All the shilling of this game stopped me from buying it.

Don't lie, user. You weren't planning on buying it and you're just using this as a justification for it.

>Were you going to buy it?
Then you've made them miss out on profits
Then you've have not made them miss out on profits

Why is this so complicated?

>Sup Forums now hates cuphead
Why do I still come here for videogames?

A justification for what?

because it's the only place where you won't get banned for having the wrong opinion, remember?

They already sold 400k on Steam alone
I bought the game, but it wouldn't hurt if people started pirating it now.

itt: niggers and neets justify piracy

I legitimately don't care if you pirate but the constant need to justify is pointless and misplaced. Why do you need to announce to this board every time you download a game?

The game is literally a smash hit. Even with the people that pirated there are thousands more that bought it. If there is a will there is a way. Quit crying cucks.

>i dont care if you pirate it or not now please read my rant on how it's so TOXIC and GROSS how you try and justify criminal behavior you disgusting NIGGERS
lol......................... loading up a few torrents right now just to make you mad

>they're owed money because they sacrificed alot
sorry honey that's not how the world works

Wasn't there a 300 page study that proved that piracy does not reduce sales, but was suppressed by the EU?

>somehow torrenting it several times would make more than an impact then torrenting it once

nice bait though

>we were dumb pls buy our game we're so poor now
Not even gonna bother pirating it.


If Microsoft bankrolled them it wouldn't be on Steam of GOG

>the constant need to justify

I only see priates justifying when people are complaining about how wrong it is.

you mad, kid?

You buy all your music user?

>being less than 50 years old
>not having a mortgage

They either inherited their home or had a huge down payment and bought it at a good price.

Fuck no. I said I don't care if you pirate. But I also don't pop on Sup Forums and say look at this album I pirated its great ;-)

>paying for something you can get for free

They probably paid them to make it an Xbox One console exclusive, and allowed them to put on PC too. No one just makes an Xbone exclusive without being paid. They also probably paid them to put it on Win10 store because literally no one would do that either.

Just for this I am going to keep pirating cuphead until their company loses so much money it has to file for bankruptcy

I don't really care about the context of why they're explaining it, just the weird soap box shit of "Devs are greedy and i am standing up for the consumer" and other dumb shit spewed. In reality, they just want free games which is perfectly fine.

>. But I also don't pop on Sup Forums and say look at this album I pirated its great

You're complaining about something that nobody does.

hahaha imagine reacting like this when your argument gets dumpstered

Its a comparison to the threads that are made in Sup Forums and how its the only board that has to deal with it.

>all that effort and money
>wasted on 4 hours long metal slug clone

I know you know that's not how it works, but I'm mad anyway

>mfw I bought Cuphead off the W10 store because i keep an Xbone S at my parent's place for when i take time off work to check on em.
Microsoft is inept at making games, but i gotta Play Anywhere is a solid idea

Boy that sounds awfully familiar

I put a copy of the torrent on my thumb drive. Whenever someone I'm talking to says they're interested in it, I download it to their computer

...It's literally been done before, though. The only thing that makes it stand out is the art style, which is very good, but it isn't worth the praise. These guys are going to make another game, have it hyped to high hell, and it'll flop. Just watch.

you could buy cuphead on steam or gog and play on virtually any computer

nigga torrent

>His toaster can't even run Cuphead
This has to be bait or you're literally trying to play games on a household appliance that toasts bread

>but it isn't worth the praise

ive been playing video games since 1986. i have owned basically every console, played multiplayer games at the highest non professional levels and have written professionally about video games

Cuphead, a game that is unique in all of gaming history, "isn't worth the praise". Right.

I'm 35 so I don't usually use your slang, but, kill yourself.

Piracy might not hurt but it also doesn't help. "You should buy Cuphead to support the devs" isn't the same claim as "If you pirate Cuphead you're stealing food out of the devs mouths".
t. unashamed piratefag who would without hesitation download Cuphead 4free if it could run on his machine

their own fault for not going to sony for funding

They paid to finish their games which result into (microsoft) windows and Xbox exclusive. Only timed exclusive for windows though. Coming to mac and linux later.

>No one just makes an Xbone exclusive without being paid.
Same for PS4 and Switch too. That's how to work. You don't make exclusive just like that and the devs would won more $$$ by making their games on every plaltform possible

>They also probably paid them to put it on Win10 store because literally no one would do that either.
Windows 10 is the last Windows OS so that's makes sense

You sense like a salty sony fag~
You also happen to be a huge retard.

>using jewgle in 2017

I already bought it on W10, why would i buy it on steam when i can play it on both my PC and the Xbox which has like two other games? Might as well kill two birds with one stone.

it's a fairly old (2011ish) laptop running ganoo. If I installed Windows it would probably run but hey.

it just works

If it wasn't for piracy communities like GGn there are SO MANY games that I would have never known about, then actually gone and bought if I were to declare them worthy

They would have probably not finished their games without this.

>unique in all of gaming history
I don't think you were playing games in 2006

gibs invite

What's with this shitty git gud meme from that fan base, just because shitty game journalists cant beat it does not make it a hard game by any means. sure it has it's moment but it's not this unbeatable game as everyone says, some even pair it with the souls games in terms of difficulty...

we were discussing the art and nothing else, try to stay on topic.

No, don't bother, I know your generation isn't capable. I have executive function disorder and yet I can stay on topic and you can't becuase you are just a stupid, unintelligent person.

right, and be responsible for you, an user? nah

Pirated it, had a lot of fun and am now seriously considering buying it on steam just to support the devs

probably won't, but, seriously considering it

if you think the games hard imagine how hard its to quit your job and sell your house for a fucking game with classic kids cartoon graphics expecting a miracle

I be a gud boi though, gettin muh connection together and shieeet. I don't even download that much because I have a toaster.

it's an okay game, the artstyle is what I love about it but the fanbase. good fucking god. it's almost undertale 2.0

according to steam spy 394,560 people own the game on pc, not bad considering it's on xbox also

You see that argument is blown out when you consider that you might not buy it because you have the option to pirate it in the first place.

Why pay for something you already have for free, with no immediate consequences? I know some people will say that the consequences will be the studio not being supported, but not everyone gives a damn when they can just mooch.

Aren't you the guy from the other day who talked about making a youtube series that would change gaming forever or something

You're a blast

Didn't kingdom hearts 2 do that already

yeah still no. i think they are taking applications right now

They've made about 8 million dollars just on pc, the fuck are you on about? They hardly spent anything on marketing either

Yes I am, please feel free to mention all the other games in history with fullscreen hd art

Xbone is a nonentity though, it's a FIFA box for normalfags who didn't get the message about the 360 being a fluke for Microsoft. 394k is pretty good for this game no matter what.

just put it on a IsThereAnyDeal waitlist when it goes on sale

I expect it sold a decent amount on xbox, my retard friend who is a cod/madden player even bought it.

200k sales on steam in the first few days alone. Pretty good imo.

You need to just admit that you got BTFO m8. He cornered your dumb ass.

Woah there op, did you just pirate an article from an innocent media? Do you realise they need clicks to survive?

Don't be melodramatic. You never seriously came here for video games, you came to see the shitposting.

I'm fast to give people the benefit of the doubt because how are you ever really supposed to tell, but with you it's funny just how obviously underage you are

Also I thought you were no fan of Cuphead, what happened?

Nice. Thank you, user.

Saving this image onto your HDD/SDD is COMPLETELY ILLEGAL
Copying 1s and 0s is against the law and your are no better than a rapist
Don't you know I have 2 families to feed?
Now watch this 20 minute long advertisement before enlarging this image THAT YOU SHOULD NOT PIRATE

steam gets 30% of every sold game

Can you answer the question that was asked instead of resorting to ad-hominem attacks? Do you realize that in any non anonymous internet forum your response to my question means an automatic win for me? What are you, some little pussy? What are the other games with realtime HD art that covers the entire screen?

go ahead and try to disingenuously compare cuphead to the newest shantae game or to hollow knight or something, I know that's your best ammunition. Go ahead.

>don't worry guys, I'll buy it if I like it
Never trust a pirate.


Because weren't you all like "it's bullshit, it's too hard, it's full of RNG I couldn't even do anything", where'd the 360 come from? Finally beat the game, huh