Artificial Difficulty: The Game

Why can't you just shoot with the right stick? You literally don't even use it and there's no way to bind the controls like that?

I haven't played it, but my guess would be because that was a design choice. Sounds like it is in the same vein as megaman?

Literally git gud: the thread

You didn't have to do anything better this time, didn't you?

Dark Souls

That would allow you to shoot behind you which would make the game a fucking cakewalk.

You can already do that retard. So you just admit it's artificial difficulty

I could ask you the same thing

No, you can't. You can shoot up and down but horizontally you have to be facing the way you're shooting. Play the fucking game before shitposting.

Acquire skill
Become capable
Improve technique
Develop ability
Increase competency

I might be retarded or its a keyboard problem, but doesnt that make bee fight a fucking nightmare

What the fuck does this mean and what are the refresh symbols for? Why is one d-pad and one stick?

The controls are the way we geezers did it in the 1990s and we likes it.

Gain adaptability.

I imagine 8 direction shooting is much more difficult on keyboard

Refresh is for calibration.

He might have been talking about the rebound shot or whatever. It’s kind of the same idea, as long as nothing is in front of you.

How would you shoot and jump at the same time

>he didn't bind shoot to trigger
retard alert

>actually using two fingers for bumper buttons

You literally get better the more you play so long as you pay attention.

Tell us OP.

I bet you also want Mario games to have a double jump.

>Being as bad as a game journalist
That design choice would make the game an awkward a piece of shit. Fuck off to play Gone Home or whatever walking simulator where you can't lose, faggot.

Video games are artificial, loser.

>Artificial difficulty no longer means giving enemies more health and attack and nothing else but a buzzword you use for games that you are shit at.

>being able to move and shoot is a worse design choice than being forced to either only shoot the direction you are walking or having to stand in place and hold a button to lock your aim
Fuck off retard shill. This shit is outdated and archaic.

The game would be much more fluid and fun with twin stick controls. The bosses could be a lot more complex and difficult because the controls would be up to par instead of just being slow paced predictable movements with very few projectiles.

Purposely bad controls are artificial difficulty anime retard. No one said the game was too hard, just the controls are dogshit.

kys you sperg

The controls are smooth, responsive and fit the game perfectly. Get your shit taste out of here, you underage numale.

So no customizable controls = Artificial Difficulty?
Learn what words mean please.

>have to stop to aim
>when right stick is totally free and serves no purpose
Shill alert

How are the controls bad?
They are literally perfect for the kind of game it is.

Its like crying that dark souls doesn't have Devil may cry controls.
Or that new tomb raider games dont have Mario Galaxy controls.

How do you jump dash and shoot if you use the right stick.

I'm just calling you in your horrible taste and presumably worse skills. We got a good game, don't try to ruin it with your bullshit, you fucking autist.

You bind them to triggers you drooling retard.

Play Bleed 2. Wonder what kind of excuses for your incompetence you'll come up with once it rapes you harder than Cuphead ever could despite having perfect controls.