So I just beat this game and it was my first Metroid...

So I just beat this game and it was my first Metroid. I very much enjoyed it but I hear it's the most linear of the Metroid games, but I do want to play more. What the hell should I play next?

Zero Mission

ZM. It's not as good as Fusion but it's not bad.

Seconding Zero Mission, then try Prime and just go from there

Metroid II, complete ignore the fanmade remake and the official remake, those two completely destroy all of the atmosphere of the original with too much gameplay.

Good job, you'll trigger half of Sup Forums with your post

I agree though

Play AM2R if you want to play a good Metroid game.

ignore this meming sperg. The first two Metroids have aged awfully.

Zero Mission
Super Metroid
Samus Returns

Then stop.

After stopping move on to prime 1&2 and then you can walk down the hallways of 3 if you like

Don't recommend 1 and 2 without 3. 3 completes the story and is a damn good game. This shitty meme where Prime 3 is somehow bad needs to end.

Horrible post. Play any and every Metroid game OP, you'll generally be able to tell by the first 2 hours if you'll want to stick with it to the end. Imo, every single Metroid game is worth playing.

Zero Mission
and don't listen do Super Metroid faggots, nothing wrong with it being linear, Fusion is my favorite

Play Samus Returns too, it runs full speed on emulator


Every single one except Other M. (I can't say anything about Hunters, but apparently only its multiplayer was good.)

That arm cannon look really nice

Wrong. I literally don't even remember Fusion. Zero Mission I can remember nearly every room.

ZM is a good starter metroid but since you already played a metroid game go with super or prime 1

If OP played and enjoyed fusion I don't think he'll mind prime 3

Right? I contracted one of my exes to change the coloration to the gravity suit. Honestly I cant wait to have it. In hindsight, I should've asked her to do the phazon suit.

>too much gameplay

>too much gameplay
What the fuck

>I very much enjoyed it but I hear it's the most linear of the Metroid games,
It is Metroid games typically don't lock you into a single area at a time like Fusion does. Play Super or Zero Mission next. After those probably Metroid 2 or just skip it and play AM2R.

>Falling for this old pasta

>what should I play next

if you want a smooth transition into more non-linear metroids, super or prime 1

if you don't want to be a faggot and straight up want the best metroid, prime 2

>too much gameplay
I love this meme, but still always get triggered by it

Linear /= bad

for metroid it does

>completely destroy all of the atmosphere of the original
I agree with this part but with gameplay, nah. It was more like Zero Mission compared to Metroid, both Zero Mission and Samus Returns have atmosphere but they're just not on the same level as Metroid and Metroid 2. I can care less about that fan game though.

Exactly, fusion would not have worked as well if it was "open world"

zero mission or super. when your done with both of those and you really like them, check out the prime games. they have actually aged pretty well

none of the metroid games are open world so you're right

If you're bitching about fusion being linear why aren't you complaining about Metroid 2?

Metroid 2 had atmosphere?

SR isn't the best metroid game either but it's more open than fusion, no dumbshit navigation rooms either

yeah, but sequence breaking is a real thing


sequence breaking is an extra, I don't consider it when discussing the quality of metroid games

also no dubs on Sup Forums outside of 00 newfag

Metroid 2 was a creeping, solemn dirge befitting the grim business of genocide. It's the best game in the series.

Metroid 2 like all other 2D Metroid games had atmosphere but it didn't have horror.

I can't fucking stand super's controls, it is so awkward and slow and feels like a chore to get samus to do what you want.

Everything feels so finicky, especially the walljumps and space jumps, newer metroids feel amazingly fluid in comparison

Unlike most people I played super LATER, and thus have no nostalgia to colour it with, it was probably great at the time, but now it just feel terrible to play thanks to its crappy control scheme

>also no dubs on Sup Forums
>outside of 00 newfag
Ooh, try again, sweetie. Repeating digits start at 000 here.

You are absolutely right about Super's controls, Fusion, ZM and SR have greatly improved controls, but I still put Super above because of its sequence-breaking possibilites.