Nintendo Seal of Quality
Nintendo Seal of Quality
>Nintendo was so worried that the analog stick wouldn't catch on that they made their controller have three fucking handles
>mfw had 3 controllers for n64
>one died and stopped working within the year we got it
>by the time gamecube game out the stick was like this on one of them
>over time the third one is dead
>the stick one is the only one left
I would be mad if I couldn't just emulate all the games I have anyway
>Nearly 20 years old
>Popular games were notorious for stick abusing minigames
Despite how thin that thing is it hasn't snapped off, just come loose.
I demand my cheap piece of plastic last forever despite continuous use
If they weren't retarded with the design this (among other things) didn't have to happen.
There where three ways to play with it tho.
>product has a defect 20 years later
wow call the press
What a retarded thread.
1/10 made me reply
It had the same defect 20 years ago too.
mod that shit with a gamecube analog stick
its still in the deadzone. literally doesnt matter you cocksmoking nigger
im pretty sure their primary concern was making it cheap enough that parents would waste money on it for their kids. not having it last throughout the eons.
I'd rather wait for cheap steelsticks which I believe would've already been available at least half a year ago if the creator didn't like to waste time making replacement start buttons and hundreds of different colored caps.
Name one game that requires you to hold the left and center handles.
nah, try playing banjo or any other game that uses a stick like that with it. You move slow as fuck.
>entire module
>$125 with waiting list
I would buy the bowl+stick(+gears?) combo for like $25 but I highly doubt he's going to price it that low, especially with the demand he has right now.
On the same note, why is everything N64 so expensive?
Console + shitty controller already sets you back like $30 compared to $10-20 for modded PS2/Xbox, but if you want the complete thing you also need to shell out money for the stick replacement, rumble pak, expansion pak, N64RGB and if you don't want to pay outrageous prices for even repro carts then also either ED64 or 64drive. Total about $300.
Kirby 64
Mischief Makers
Jackie Chan
I remember resident evil 2 used it also
I think goldeneye could be set to use it that way too.
I still have 4 controllers, 1 from 1997 and the other 3 from 1998-2000, and none have this issue or any real issues. some people just take care of their controllers (or never own mario party)
Jesus christ you're retarded.
Don't play Mario Party —> problem prevented.
He said left and center
>some people just take care of their controllers
Well. Mario Party is the controller killer. That's for sure.
But it really isn't so much anyone being careless or ferocious with the stick. It's simply people having used it a lot. Even if you never apply much force to the stick, if you use it enough it doesn't take too long before it starts showing issues and it only gets worse from there.
By the end of the day the issue here remains at its core, the literal rubber bands holding the stick. What has happened with all of these controllers is that the rubber has grown tired and no longer has enough pull. But rubber being rubber, if you keep stretching it and stretching it, it'll get weaker and weaker.
So yeah the life spans of these sticks are notoriously low. On the upside though, you can change the rubber bands somewhat easily yourself. But yeah.
What are you talking about? There is no rubber inside N64 controllers.
Just get this when it comes out.
I don't think I'll be getting this one. In the newer design they changed the stick gate from circular to octagonal but still left the asymmetric placement of AB buttons in relationship to C buttons.
Pokemon Stadium had one mini game that did. Bangai-o has a set for it too.