So, what's the verdict? Best expansion since WotLK?

So, what's the verdict? Best expansion since WotLK?

worse than WoD, might actually be the expansion that killed wow




I honestly think its the worst

Ion's obsession with RNG and grinds will finally put this game out of its misery.

>legendaries to casuals
>boost to 100 lawl
>can level from 85 to 100 just hunting for treasure
>human tits downsized

Worst so far.

It's definitely the best expansion in nu-wow

>worse than a facebook idle game with 5% as much content

anything about asses?

My main problem with Legion is that I get really fast bored with every class that I try to play.

But that's a problem that Blizzard can't fix with an expansion. The need to release a new MMO

BC>Classic>Wrath=>MoP>Legion>Urethral sounding with a crowbar>facebook games>WoD

Better than WoD, but it was close to impossible for it to be worse than that pile of shit

It's tied with cataclysm for being the second worst

Got the same problem they all feel so fucking boring

It was fun for a bit, but got kinda bored after progressing through Nighthold. Quit in 7.2, but will likely come back for the next expansion.

my only complaint is the legendary system. It's really cool in theory and when it works it's great however it is the single most alt unfriendly thing they've done ever and getting a bad leggo after weeks of grinding is a terrible feeling.

Best leveling content imo. I hit the wall in endgame almost as fast as WOD though, I didn't even make it to month 2.

I killed HC Xavius and quit after that because I got bored. Did I miss anything good?

They absolutely massacred the classes with Legion


They actually improved mm hunter, they went from a 2 button rotation to 3. But don't blame legion, blame pandaland for removing talent trees and pruning classes.

>wah people dont agree with me

Fuck off back to neogaf you stupid cunt. Legion is dogshit


Fight me nigger

That's not the problem. There is just no room left for Blizzard to make the gameplay feel fresh again like in previous expansion.

Please defend WoD
I need to hear this

>Lets blame the expansion from 2 expansions ago for the problems we have now
Pure bullshit my dude. Old talent trees had absolutely nothing to do with the number of buttons you pushed, the problem is they cut way too much in legion because they're trying to MOBAfy the game. They want fewer and fewer buttons to the point where everyone will be playing like it's League/DotA/HotS.

When have they ever made the gameplay feel fresh? It's been the same for 10 years

Yeah but somehow you can still be terrible at the game and some difficult classes do exist, like shadow priest.

BC and Wotlk improved the gameplay a lot.

After that they improvements/changes got smaller

>he defends this decision

This is the objective truth without nostalgia glasses

>replies to someone comparing legion against wod, says legion is dog shit
>ranks legion higher than wod

>return to the game after not playing since last september
>get a legendary from one of the faction WQ chests
>feel absolutely nothing

>can level from 85 to 100 just hunting for treasure

Wrath fucking destroyed gameplay between more difficulties in raids and LFD


Not that guy, but what instantly had me wishing for WoD days back was in WoD (and every expansion prior to that, really) you could spend the first month or so gearing through heroics and misc. daily bullshit, then cruise along in "only log in to raid" mode. In Legion you had to dedicate a lot of free time to grinding AP, doing M+, and emissary caches for legendaries. It might be different now (I dropped in the middle of Emerald Nighmare), but the damage is done.

I also don't like a lot of the spell pruning. Especially that holy priest lost mind vision but for class fantasy reasons but for some reason can still mind control. I'm willing to concede that I'm maybe one of the ten autists on the planet who had all of their spells for every class keybound, however.

Put Wrath where Cata is and put TBC above Legion.

Oh so you're one of those faggots, fuck off back to your gay little private server you mouth breather.

MoP didn't prune classes you dumbfuck WoD did.

>your gay little private server
I never played on a private server what the hell are you talking

I've played the game religiously since TBC was launched and this is the expansion that made me quit WoW. It has all the same flaws as WoD but with horrible and repetitive rng based content to fill those massive holes in content. Story is worse than ever and the class prunes have finally gone far enough that nothing feels unique or has any depth and when by mistake something interesting and fun does pop up Blizzard is quick to squash it. This is the expansion that, for me, clarified that the WoW dev team is either the most incompetent team in history or that Blizzard is trying to kill the game off.

>legendaries to casuals
the gist of this point has applied since LK, i.e. epic loot doesn't feel epic
the color of gear hasn't meant anything since then

>can level from 85 to 100 just hunting for treasure
this sounds nice

who else has bought their BlizzConĀ® 2017 Virtual Ticket?
i actually like the mount designs

>crying because someones subjective opinion is different than yours
>ranks wod the worst expac
> defend wod

Why am I seeing so many WoW threads the last couple of days?

>>crying because someones subjective opinion is different than yours
No you fucking retard, read the post again
He got butthurt that someone said that legion was better than wod but then he ranked legion above wod

Blizzcon will be in one month aka they will announce the next WoW expansion

The lvling is so fucked up now. For anyone who has leveled to max even once before, the lvling process is a an absolute godamn boring waste of time. No challenge at all, completely disjointed mess of a story, but still takes a good number of hours. Its horrendous.

Its okay, but the grind and RNG is tedious as fuck. Also gigantic numbers and being literally godlike isnt that fun. I want to go back to being random fucking adventurer


it feels off, i can't point my finger at the thing that just makes it weird for me.

The latest Q&A they did actually gave me hope. It seems they recognize that the legendary system is flawed, that the ability pruning went too far and that the RNG has gotten out of hand. I'm optimistic for whatever's coming next.

I did. Not sure why though since I have to work during. My boss is at least going to put it on the TV.

This desu, the hardest part of leveling is maximizing the use of my speed cooldowns

They can talk all they like, but talk is cheap. Unless I see it in action nothing is going to change.

>calling others faggots for crying about subjective opinions

what does someones xpac rankings have to do with that? No matter what they ranked where they arent wrong calling others faggots for crying over subjective opinions

>Scaling tech allowing for freedom of leveling path to Suramar/dungeons
>AK mechanic to deincentivize pure AP grinding
>3D armor elements extended to gloves/boots/chests, most tier sets look great
>Simple progression system for PvP with prestiege rewards
>Gear homogenized in PvP with all legendaries/trinkets/tier disabled
>77-day content cycle has been a great pace, barring the Broken Shore "questline"
>Mythic+ system offering first true non-raid path to high quality gear, return of hard 5-man content
>Plenty of Raid/Dungeon content
>Artifact challenges brought back first real solo challenge element since Priest/Hunter vanilla quests
>Order Halls mostly got rid of the worst parts of Garrisons while repurposing the system
>Flight whistle made lack of flying in Legion launch not a big issue
>Current catch up mechanics finally allow easy jumping into Legion; leveling of Alts, aside from Legendary RNG

>AK system should never have been manually maintained through arbitrary research
>Legendary system is the worst RNG element implemented ever (Thanks Jay)
>"Class fantasy" ruining many classes specs (Hunter, Outlaw Rogue, etc) many remain unviable
>Artifacts; specifically no weapon drops aside from a few xmog ones, not enough lore to merit 36 different artifacts, should have stuck to one per class
>Netherlight Crucible is terrible; breaks up Artifact progression in a strange way, more pointless RNG
>Titanforge system too liberal, items can TF way too high and makes luck far too great a factor in gearing up
>ilvl remains a poor indicator of player power due to bag inflation, even post legendary fix
>Bonus rolls capped at 6 all expac versus more liberal counts in WoD (20)
>Professions given little attention after initial launch, again
>Lore been real sketchy all expac; someone really void-obsessed among Blizz devs (was also Starcraft's out of nowhere big bad)
>Emerald Nightmare a let down, Trial of Valor a poor bridge raid with nothing notable

Fucking fight me.

holy shit, read the fucking posts
literally all I commented on is him replying negatively to a post saying legion > wod but then ranking legion above wod in his own post right after

just resubbed yesterday
wish me luck!

I hope they remove the leveling system and replace it with something better.

have fun!

Thinking about to play swtor again as Sith inquisitor

this guy has been in charge since the start of WoD development
the game has been dead for years

I'm a story and mythic raid fag. No PvP. Rank is just overall enjoyment:

1. WotlK
2. Classic / BC
3. Legion
4. MoP / WoD
5. Cataclysm

>been playing swtor for the past year
end game really REALLY sucks, can be kinda fun if you find a chill group to run shit with, but will still burn you out eventually

You've got a good point about the void obsessed guy. They need to sit down whoever's reading Lovecraft in between scripts and tell him to fuck off

MoP was much better

>not enough lore to merit 36 different artifacts
is there any lore reasoning behind gorillions of faggots running around with ashbringers and whatnot?

at least they gave bodyguards generic npc names when they're not your own

>"man rep gates were great in vanilla"
>blizzard brings back rep gates
>"holy fuck this is terrible"

It can really just be summed up as some good to decent content that gets knocked down due to terrible RNG mechanics.

where do you work that your boss would play blizzcon on the tv

Lorewise the role of the player is the Ashbringer, everyone is the champion. Everyone is the hero.

It's fucking pandering to frail egos and bitchers from Vanilla/TBC who complained they felt like major lore characters were taking all the credit for our actions. This trend came to a head in WoD where the faction leaders were sucking your dick and making you a Garisson and commander of all everything in Draenor.

A game publisher I'm not going to disclose the name of, but it isn't Blizzard. Smaller one.

This is a pretty good list.

I'd also like to add that they really don't seem to have anybody on the team who "loves" the world of Warcraft. I think the game could be greatly enriched if they set aside a team of maybe 10 people who would be in charge of making/implementing 100% fluff shit in not-expansion-relevant zones in the form of "weekly emissary" stuff as well as more cosmetic things (subraces, more npc populations). This is probably just RPfag delusions, but in my opinion there really doesn't seem to be a lot of love.

It did a lot of things right, did a lot of things wrong.
Everything felt a little too guided. Never once did I have to actually have to wonder what I could do to get better or progress, the game just magically whisked me away on the progression train. Although to be fair, it's been getting more and more like that since WotLK. That being said I hated WotLK because it killed open world PvP.

There are no rep gates to anything progressionwise anymore.

This would be awesome. Put emissary like systems in vanilla zones, make some cool transmog sets, cosmetic rewards to hunt while letting you get rep with older factions.

They need more racial-themed weapons and armor. They have these great aethetics for all their races and they make hardly any armor or weapons players can get that follow those styles.

>racial-themed weapons and armor
please god
it's a travesty that Tauren have never been able to wield totems

I'm 90% certain they're preparing for vanilla zone stuff, some rares have gotten level scaling added and they changed some loot tables in a few vanilla dungeons too.

They added a toy for having a totem on your back.

The WoW playerbase is subhuman and doesn't know what it wants.
They WILL literally complain about any expansion, no matter what, simply because they still have rose-tinted goggles for the dated mechanics and features of TBC/WotLK.
This idiocy is best shown by the people whining about the RNG of legendaries while at the same time claiming that the game is catering too much to casuals. Guess which group of players """""'suffered"""""" the most because of the legendary system? Casuals. Not the hardcore/committed players. A lot of the top guilds have openly said that they haven't had to bench players based purely on what legendaries they do/don't have. I know from experience in a top 100 guild in Legion that players who have been sat without BiS legendaries, have also always been the weaker players of that role in the guild. Besides this, the """RNG""" of legendaries was only an issue (for some) for the first few months of Legion. If by Nighthold you didn't have competitive legendaries for your spec, you simply did not put in the effort that others did, or were a shitter who changed specs to the flavour of the month on a patch-by-patch basis. In either case, you don't deserve to be performing as well as others who have put in the effort.

>tl;dr - players being benched because of poor legendaries is a myth created by extremely lazy/casual/entitled players to find some sort of excuse for their mediocrity as a player

>a group of thousands of people doesn't function as a single unit and can't agree on things
wow, who knew

I would add that 4 raid difficulties is too many with mythic being so much of a jump from heroic that most people don't even consider it worthwhile to bother for anything but nerd cred - gear can titanforge even from LFR and they don't even put mounts in mythic bosses anymore so there's actually no incentive to run mythic difficulty which is tuned for guilds like Method leading to extremely low clear numbers and high burnout. That said, the raids have been mostly entertaining.

>there are people who think WotLK was even remotely good

You are why the game declined.

> If by Nighthold you didn't have competitive legendaries for your spec, you simply did not put in the effort
The fuck? You'd have to be nolifing hard to get a complete set of legendaries for one spec before Nighthold - in case you get unlucky and your best leggos happen to drop the last. Surely you aren't defending Maw of Souls spam as some kind of entertaining effort.

By far, legion is great, not only the world quest open up the whole world and keep it active, mithic + finally saved me from the shackles of raiding, giving me and my few friends a highly competitive and rewarding form of play, where you dont need to corral 12 or more retards or rely on them to do basic mechanics

>A lot of the top guilds have openly said that they haven't had to bench players based purely on what legendaries they do/don't have

yea instead they forced them to change to an alt that had good legendaries. Fucking retard, actually read what Exorsus said next time.

Casual players benefitted more from legendaries. Their content isnt balanced around them, like mythic is, and in a purely merit based loot system they wouldnt have legendaries.

Argus is the worst thing Blizzard have ever done.

It's basically the same shit as Timeless Isle et al.

>as well as more cosmetic things (subraces
The game really does need more character customization options across the board. Taunka and Mag'har have been part of the Horde for over a decade in-game and IRL and still can't make your Tauren have a bison head or make your Orc's skin brown, it's retarded. You still can't get any tattoos on non-DH classes, not even as a shirt transmog or something. We're still limited to about 12 hair and 6 facial hair options across all races that can take them. These are all small, easy changes to make that would add a lot to the game's flavor.

I was so hyped for Argus mainly because of how previous lore had described it, and it turned out to be "lol legion corruption but this time it's blue" type bullshit.

It's honestly not that bad, but I am just a bit pissy that it doesn't completely unlock for your alts after you've done it on your main, as if playing an alt wasn't already hard enough.

do dwarf titties still have extreme jiggle physics?

Well it's half a step above WoD which puts it below everything else.

It might be the expansion that finally brings Activision in with their security guards to bust down Blizzard's doors and demand they make Legacy servers for that free free money though.

Which I guess is a positive?

>played mostly during vanilla>wlk
>come back in legion
>classes are all fucked up
>hate my shaman, hunter and warlock
everything just feels off about the classes, like there have been some improvements to fury and arms (at the cost of removing stances and a shit ton of abilities) but in general it's just weird
like wearing your shirt inside-out or something

They removed it in Cata, I think. Then added it back 6 months later.

>Legacy servers
>free money
This meme again

They made it easier to faceroll, so they can cater to their ever-increasing mentally retarded demographic

Imagine all the stupid in-game store bullshit, subs, subs paid with blizz tokens, and literally 0 asset creation profits.

It's not worse than the Broken Shore

Fury is honestly the best it's ever been gameplay-wise, but I can't stand not having my old core abilities and stances. Fury doesn't even have fucking Victory Rush anymore. Until I got geared I had to do all of my solo content and world quests in prot because fury has literally no defensive options of any kind.