Did he really do anything wrong?
Did he really do anything wrong?
He thought he could stop me.
is good
Why didn't he just hire a henchman who has auspex to inspect the sarcofagus?
egotistical power hungry and ruthless aristocrat.
I guess he's just an average vampire.
>artifact of supposed extreme power is finally in your grasp
>letting some lesser faggot "inspect" the artifact and potentially steal its power for himself
You forget that LaCroix is paranoid of those who would usurp him.
He died, so this is not even a question.
He could just use a lower gen one which he could easily dominate like the PC before the Caine cheat codes.
Also what about the PC having auspex?
Why not ask him?
It's been a while since I played VtMB, but I'm not sure if Dominate allows the Dominater to make the victim use magic. As for the PC, see my previous statement. Practically everything LaCroix puts you through is a calculated risk, where you either further his agenda or die in the process, and putting you in postition to potentially receive the power of the sarcophagus is out of the question.
He didn't won, all elders are greedy fags that use fledgling and other kindreds for their own benefits.
He opened it.
For all the people who think generation is the only attribute that matters it amazes me how many don't understand the difference between low and high.
What did LaCroix do that made him such a big target that even Caine wanted him out of the way? Surely Caine's got better shit to do than kill random elders who he thinks are power hungry and ambitious.
he's gotta kill time somehow, eternity to be precise.
The true red-pilled ending
But caine did literally nothing besides transporting the fledgling around, jack did most if not all.
you're right, manipulated and taken advantage off by the very same people you helped put in power.
Why not pick on someone his own size (or the closest he can get to it)? That's like Putin personally coming after some random Pizza Hut outlet manager.
Why even interact with Jack in the first place?
>What did LaCroix do
Nothing. It was more about him being a power-hungry faggot in general. I mean, okay, all Kindred want power and all Kindred, especially Elders, have some part in the Jyhad, but LaCroix was simply a not a good team player.
>even Caine wanted him out of the way
Not really. Caine was indifferent to LaCroix himself. Caine only cares about the greater picture, and even that is debatable. Caine could just be really bored.
>Surely Caine's got better shit to do
Again, not really. He was depressed and he knew Gehenna was just a few days away and he knew there was nothing he could do about it. He was getting weaker and weaker by the day.
I suppose he just wanted to see an interesting story unfold involving a really young fledgling and what would happen if they suddenly got really powerful and had a whole Vamp-infested city after them.
>Why not pick on someone his own size
eternity user, nothing he ever does will ultimately matter, so he started amusing himself in weird ways.
>Why even interact with Jack in the first place?
He did not. He knew Jack, but that's it. The only interaction Caine had was with you.
what did caine even do besides driving a fucking taxi
also why does everyone believe caine is the taxi driver
Jack seemed to know the cabbie. He even introduces him to you at the end of the tutorial.
Sound files for the cabbie says "caine", and the malkavian pc hints that. Caine has 10 in every discipline, he has every plot power.
Why does LaCroix not being a team player matter if the world's ending in a few days? What even draws him to LA rather than basically any other city on Earth?
well it fucking killed him
What draws the chinks to LA ?
>what did caine even do besides driving a fucking taxi
We don't know. Probably nothing. Just killing time, waiting for the end.
>also why does everyone believe caine is the taxi driver
Game files straight-up call the Taxi Driver "Caine."
White Wolf also claims that he is NOT the driver, because Caine was needed in another location in one of the books (they claim that the Driver is a Malkavian who thinks he is Caine), yet this statement itself reveals that Troika intended the Driver to be Caine all along.
Also, there was something about his Aura being unique when viewed with Auspex. I forget.
I choose to believe it is indeed Caine, if you view the game as its own entity and don't compare it with the book canon of the timeline the game takes place.
the tabletop setting is such rubbish I choose to ignore any statement from White Wolf
Hell they themselves retconned Gehenna happening at all with NwoD anyway
>Also, there was something about his Aura being unique when viewed with Auspex. I forget.
it's black
A new and weak leader, multiple infighting factions, increased Sabbat activity, monetary resources by controlling Hollywood, good staging point into the rest of the US, pick one.
Alright, we know the pc is pretty strong and stuff, but is he strong enough to beat an oracle mage ?
Yes, he knew him. He knew the driver was a Vampire, probably someone somewhat old and powerful, but he definitely did NOT know it was Caine. You see, most Kindred do not even believe Caine exists, or that he even ever did. They see him as an old fairy tale. If any simpleton Vampire like Jack ever met and Caine and actually realized it was the real thing, shit would be a huge deal.
It would be like you actually meeting Santa Claus.
LA is a big city, and a central hub for Vampires of the New World. If Caine wanted to be among a diverse group of the undead in the Americas, LA would be one of the best cities to be in.
He wanted to start Gehenna.
Just drive.
Do you not know what "receiving" the "power of the sarcophagus" would entail? Diablerie. When you do this, you are vulnerable. If the PC, or anyone else, tried, then LaCroix could have just fucking killed him.
I can't beat the fucking blood guardian with my faglord charisma tremere
>Santa Claus
I met the dude in Finland and he offered me reindeer piss. He said they eat psychedelic mushrooms so their urine can get you high. Who knew Santa was into exercising his third eye.
Hop in.
>LA is a modern day Sodom overrun with degenerates
>WoD LA is overrun with vampires and other supernatural parasites
what did Troika mean by this?
I agree that WW went full-retard as the years passed, but NWoD is not something that retcons anything. It's not a sequel to WoD, it's a completely different thing.
Saying it retcons OWoD would be like saying that Game of Thrones retcons Lord of the Rings.
use bloodbuff, celerity and melee weapons. Do more sidequests and get a few combat skills.
Use a knife, bloodbuff and whatever offensive or defensive disciplines you have even a single point in. Buy more blood if that doesn't work.
>power level 9 mages can create and destroy universes
>caine has 10 in everything
>somehow there is an end of the world coming
quality setting
>another triggered lefty
top kek, chinks have been here before Trump fyi
Wait till you hear which Sect runs the biggest, shitskin-infested, crime-ridden cities in the world, like Detroit and Mexico City. That's right, the Sabbat.
maybe I misunderstood but I was told NwoD is a continuation where Gehenna didn't happen?
He is in a very weak position with little backing. Wanting power is completely reasonable as it would let him and the Camarilla cement their position.
What are you even on about?
>be 200 years old, basically a baby in vampire society
>try to eat a blood god from biblical times
He was retarded. Be glad it was just a bomb neonate, if it actually was a antediluvian that french moron would have started the literal apocalypse
>He is in a very weak position with little backing
He was the prince responsible for all of L.A.
No no, only in a spiritual sense. It's more of a remake, but even that term doesn't actually do it justice.
You could say NWoD is what WW offered to the fans to play after the world ended with Gehenna: a completely different game that kinda FEELS like the old one.
Just drive.
Blood purge is a perma stun, use it and keep whacking him without taking any damage.
If for some reason you haven't levelled up Thaumaturgy up to blood purge yet, use blood buff, hit him TWICE with the knife's fast combo and pull back to dodge without performing the third combo hit. You can also use all your blood to spam thaumaturgy level 1 projectiles at it. Repeat until dead.
Assuming he got the sarcophagus open and jack didn't put bombs, he'd diablerize what was in, right?
What would happen? Assuming it's a random elder or an antadeluvian, does he become powerful in both cases, but in the latter, the antadeluvian is the one in charge and takes over him, while in the former he just gets stronger?
Remember when Antediluvian of the Ravnos, awakened in India? Good times.
The Gangrel clan seem pretty cool and laid back (at least when they're not fighting). Was Ennoia the same?
So guys, newcomer to the series here. I just finished the game but never had chance to play the original RPG. So i have a question. i know generation plays a huge part in your total power, but does age come in as well? Does a gen 8 vampire that is 500 years old have any chance against a gen 6-7 that is around 100 or so?
>He was the prince responsible for all of L.A.
Except for Hollywood.
And Chinatown.
And the sewer Havens.
And the many Anarch cores in the city.
And all that territory the Sabbat forcefully took.
LaCroix was a shitty Prince, face it. He didn't even have a proper office. He just had a beefy, Dominated nigger for a Sherif and a few Primogens that secretly (or openly) hated him. No Harpies, Seneschal, Elysium Keeper, or Scourge.
He just wanted power for power's sake.
>be vampire final boss
>wake up and start destroying the world
>Sabbatfags and Cuckmarilla can't do shit to stop you
>get killed off by Chink devils and Mage Illuminati anyways
Bloodsuckers eternally BTFO
>no VtM game that lets you make a character in the Dark Ages, play through the whole of it, go into torpor for some reason and then awaken as an Elder in Modern Nights
Redemption was good for this, in a way, but I'd like something with improved visuals and even more Disciplines and a custom character creation system, with all the Clans available. I'd fucking love playing as an independent Tzimisce who just fleshcrafts himself to look whatever he pleases, ranging from monstrous to beautiful or just plain average. Or, fuck, being a Lasombra staking out a mortal for an Embrace, using their typical shittest of making you suffer and seeing you become stronger for it.
sadly no, it's like a power cap, the higher your generation number, the lower your power cap is. I think you still get powerful the more ancient you are, but with heavy diminishing returns compared to older vampires.
>What would happen? Assuming it's a random elder or an antadeluvian, does he become powerful in both cases, but in the latter, the antadeluvian is the one in charge and takes over him, while in the former he just gets stronger?
Yes, basically. Unless the Antediluvian was really weakened, I suppose.
But the game implies that there never was a Vampire in the coffin to begin with.
No, Generation is everything. The only thing that actual old age offers you is experience, but someone of lower Generation will almost always be stronger than you.
Almost always.
None of that was Lacroix's fault. He was given an impossible task. His higher ups might have outright been setting him up for failure, or seeing it as a high risk job that no one else wanted.
Age plays some part, I think. Generation just establishes potential. A Generation 8 could hypothetically kill a Generation 6, if 8 spent 300 years getting stronger while 6 spent 20 years sucking off bums.
That's not usually the case, though. Most of the time, if a Gen 8 wants to contend with a 6, he'll need to commit some diablery.
Well IF he somehow didn't get completely fucked which would 99% happen his generation would lower by one or maybe more depending on his. He might leech a discipline off of it but he wouldn't necessarily get stronger unless he pulled it off perfectly which wouldn't happen and I don't think it's possible. Like Augustus Giovanni for example. He got the generation but not that power. Man is a 3rd gen but could easily get fucked by a group of neonates/ancille since he's from the dark ages and not even BC.
Bascically that's how it work in Vampire: The Requiem in (nWoD)
In oWoD case, these champs are right
It's experience/age not generation. A 2 year old 4th gen isn't shit compared to a 700 year old 10th. For example
Nigger are you for real? Have you read any of the books?
Older vamps would have a pre-established power base and would already have mastered what they can of their disciplines and skills - however, lower gen have a higher power ceiling, and the difference gets more pronounced the lower the gen.
I see. I keep hearing about Ancillae and Methuselah and that made me think that a considerable part of the power came from age as well.
The thing is, the Technocratic Union was severely nerfed for the Ravnos encounter. Otherwise, they'd have blown it to shit and cinders in under .05 seconds.
how was that faggot even dangerous?
this fucking setting has characters who can unmake fucking reality
What's the most fun clan to play as?
Of course I have. Generation is just the limit to your potential. Your age and experience is what matters. The generation is just how far you can go not how strong you are instantly.
the setting has ghosts of dead universes trying to wreck shit as well. Don't think too hard about it, it's several decades of fluff creeping up.
I mean, it does. Low gen newly turned vamp would get manipulated and used by a higher gen older vampire, if not outright diablerized.
Nuh. Generation is 90% of everything.
These two are just fancy names for some of the lower Generations.
Eh - there's blood point expenditure per turn, which is an instant thing. Most PCs can only spend one blood per turn (9th gen and higher), while 8th gens can spend two - meaning they can buff their strength and use some discipline on the same turn, for example.
Am I wrong for seeing that there's no inherent reason for anyone to be at odds with anyone else in this setting? Vamps are just slightly more dickish humans (keyword: slightly).
They don't even need to kill people when they feed either.
Judging by that pic we can assume that the MC of Bloodlines is at least an Elder by the end of the game then? He's 8th generation after all, right?
to be fair, with WoD you gotta separate continuities if you don't want a turbo clusterfuck
malkavian ninja
There is nothing wrong with being a shovel head.
Most likely thanks to Daddy Cain
Politics dude. Vampire politics. That's all you need to know.
If you actually want to know more, I suggest reading at least the Rulebook, to get into the setting.
As to why they may be bastards in general, even if they don't care about Jyhad or the occult, well, they are cursed beings by nature. They are not just resurrected humans, they have somewhat lost part of their soul. They are never capable of feeling real emotion, just a simulation of it. Toreadors are really good at faking emotions, even convincing their own selves oftentimes, but they too can only feel psychotic fascinations, not real love, for example.
Yeah, I'd say so.
There is nothing wrong with believing the the noble intentions of the Black Hand, but the Shovel Heads of these modern nights are just violent scum.
except for the whole being burried "alive" right after your embrace where you're purposely put into a starving frenzy.
Or the fire jumping parties that happen if you survive your first night.
Lacroix is literally Hillary Clinton. He's the one who kept poking the hornet's nest with the Sabbat.
These threads are interesting but they will absolutely mislead you. A lot of it is conjecture, opinion and house rules that are parroted from one thread to the next. Go find some PDFs of the revised edition sourcebooks.
An ancilla is a vampire of around 75-200 years. It's sort of the adolescence between neonate and elder. A methusaleh is a vampire of 1000 years or more.
They're terms that reflect power and generation but aren't defined by anything but age. Generally older vampires and more powerful and lower generation. If you had a fledgeling that was sired in the reign of Justinian, staked and hid in a cave until the modern nights he'd be old enough to be a Methusaleh but still be extremely weak.
The events in Bloodlines occur over the course of a few weeks. No matter how much XP is dumped into the MC or whatever supernatural fuckery occurs he will never not be a neonate.
every vampire is starved right after the embrace; they have only one drop of blood left
>He's 8th generation after all, right?
Well, I've heard that you supposedly start as 13th and Caine lowers you progressively to 8th gen. Though that's just a theory that explains the game. Another theory is that your sire is just very low gen.
wrong, it's purple like for all kindred. black would mean he's a diablerist.
They could but it still wouldn't save them against an actual threat. The only way I could see a neonate with low generation could beat someone that is of considerable age is if they're using zulo giving them the I think plus 3 to strength stats or some other op shit
At least he will not wither during the Gehenna
He is 100% black.
but most are given a drink rather quickly by their vampire daddy, Sabbat have to dig themselves up, then figure out their first vampiric night on their own.
Cain probably devoured loads of his children since biblical times.
>As to why they may be bastards in general, even if they don't care about Jyhad or the occult, well, they are cursed beings by nature. They are not just resurrected humans, they have somewhat lost part of their soul. They are never capable of feeling real emotion, just a simulation of it. Toreadors are really good at faking emotions, even convincing their own selves oftentimes, but they too can only feel psychotic fascinations, not real love, for example.
Officially that's what the lore might be, but in the end they're just written as humans. If they were written as the lore suggests, they'd come off as autistic sociopaths, and no one would find the universe interesting.
Damsel seems pretty genuine with her emotions. Her appeal is that she's a bitchy hothead rebel.