Is this correct?

is this correct?
mario odissey will be better than sunshine?

Other urls found in this thread:

>super mario sunshine
>better than anything

I mean Sunshine is a good game but to place it above those other games is giving it a bit too much credit.

There is literally NOTHING on this board I hate more than Sunshinefags. I can smell them from behind my monitor, they stink of pretentiousness, of faggotry. You just know that they think they're doing their due diligence as epic Sup Forumscore "Gaymurs" by picking the obscure Mario title on their least popular system to boost their fragile Nintendobabby egos.

>64? Too ubiquitous!
>Galaxy 1 and 2? It's on the Wii, it's casual!
It's embarrassing the mental gymnastics that these retards go through to justify their edgy opinions, Sunshine is simply the worst 3D Mario.

>B-b-b-ut muh aesthetic, muh comfy!
"No". It looks like a music video directed by McG, the saturation is ugly, the camera is wonky and unresponsive. The level design? Simply abhorrent, repetitive and creatively bankrupt. The blue coins are a tedious fetch quest that have little bearing on the levels. The levels themselves, either too big or too vertical.

>B-b-b-ut muh music
Acapella is for fedora wearing retards and the tropical shit is trite. Galaxy and 3D World are far better in regards to music and if you suggest otherwise, you are being willfully ignorant or are completely aesthetically challenged.

>Whatever man, just like lay off and let me have my opinion

You FUCKING FAGGOTS have gone on too long without being challenged on your like for this piece of shit game. You revel in this title's mediocrity like a badge of honour.

Sunshine's controls are lesser than that of the other games.

i mean 64 is personally my favorite 3d mario but sunshine isnt horrible either i even liked galaxy and 2 till the mandatory race levels

I will never understand the cult praise for the galaxies. It wasnt terrible, but even for a mario game, it was piss easy. couple that with literally hallways floating in space and the stupid waggle to s[pin, having to switch to pointing at grab stars to move around, and thsoe stupid fucking comet stars, and it was just boring.

i've never really understood why this board hates sunshine so much

>you will never relive your childhood of having your mind blown when upgrading from an ancient NES to a N64 one cold winter morning.
>You will never see a leap in technology comparable to the 2d to 3d transformation again

well drawings like that have something to so with it im sure

is this a copypasta?

They were better than the other two

>comparing galaxy to 64 and sunshine

might as well add any other mario game that has a z axis

Anyone else used to do water slide laps around Pianta Village? Water based movement was really fun.

user please don't remind me

holy shit i hated this place

Sorry you can't accept truth. Sunshine at its worst is equal to 64 and miles better than either Galaxy. Do something about it, tough guy.

Yes, started as a Harry Potter copypasta.

It's objectively the hardest 3d Mario, so casuals hate it.

I can't put my finger on it, but something is wrong with the new Mario...

>God tier

>Great Tier

>Good tier

>ok tier
Galaxy 2

>Take a ton of fun photos tier

sunshine was not that good.. imo


unpopular truth they are all underaged fags who weren't good enough to complete the game so blame it on the fludd mechancis

>work in a restaurant
>have seen the actual pamphlet that comes with this

yes i throw them away whenever i find them

galaxy 2 > 64 > galaxy > 3D world >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shitshine

not counting handheld shit

game is literally unfinished and full of bugs

> Mario game tries new things
> literal retards can't handle the fact that things are different
> these same people then complain that everything Nintendo makes is the same

Yoshi's Island, SMB2 (fuck you it counts), Sunshine, and Majora's Mask were all great.


>Sunshine that high
>64 that low

Sunshinefags are the most obnoxious pricks on this damn board.

actual truth people who covet sunshine are 90's babies whose first console was an N64 and first major title they remember as a landmark life experience being sunshine

>blue coins
>floaty controls
>unpolished gameplay
>railroaded-as-fuck "open" worlds
>absolute trash boss fights, somehow manage to be worse than fighting the same boss 3 times in 64

>Galaxy rightfully above Galaxy 2.


3D World was complete garbage. Way too easy, not memorable at all.

Sup Forums can't get off sunshine's dick and the falseflagging pasta you're responding to is the highest proof of that fact
gamecubebabbys who grew up with sunshine and sonic adventure 2 battle dominate the nintendo threads on this board

What was the original based on?
Azkaban? Deathly hallows?

This, the main worlds were a snore fest.
Should Nintendo have stuck to their original concept?

3D World is better than all of them.

t. born in 2001

The underage fags are the kids who grew up with a gamecube.


I thought I was the only one who prefer G1 over G2. Yes G2's level design is God tier but it messes too much of what made G1 so great.

I'm still mad about the timed power-ups tho.

Incorrect. Sunshine has its moments, but it's a mess. F.L.U.D.D. and the level design is mostly terrible and looks unfinished. Sunshine's strongest highs are the levels where you don't have F.L.U.D.D. because you actually need to use Mario's core movement tools, which he has less of than in 64.

Sunshine has pretty alright aesthetics and I can see why people like the game, but it's mediocre when you put it up against literally every other 3D Mario.

Hover and Rocket invalidate platforming entirely. When the most fun parts of the game are when they remove the main tool you have in the game you know something is wrong. And even then spin jumps invalidate every other kind of jump making any skillful attempt at platforming boring. Good adventuring/exploration game. Not a good platformer.

And this guy mostly beat me to it.

What did it mess up exactly gameplay wise

Mario Galaxy has such shit level design compared to almost every other 3d mario game

Such an uninspired level. No platforming.

user at this point the underage grew up with the wii, unless they were playing games as babies and toddlers

Heres the really problem with sunshine. The shines, you know, the thing you are supposed to be collecting, are effectively meaningless unless for whatever reason you are getting 100% and want to see a vacation photo because you're progress are tied to beating the shadow mario acts.

This means the blue coins are WORTHLESS unless you are getting 100%. They do nothing to advance your progress, unlike 64 or Odyssey where every star/moon counts to getting to the next level, shine sprites are a worthless collectable.

Gamecube is almost of legal age you sperg

>caring about someones opinion when they're too shit to even get their own url

There's platforming underneath the stage, and you need to use platforming to get to the top of the tree

Also getting to the top of the tree was sick af

yes so anyone who had cognitive abilities to play videogames who grew up with the console are younger than that. nobody plays videogames when they're fucking 3 you mong

They're all the same

actually i played my first game at age 3

Are you really this dense lmao

people who were playing the gamecube in 2001 when it came out were probably like 10 years old

which means they'd be 26 now

which means you should kill yourself for being so dumb

There's no hate, but you have to be out of your mind to believe it's the best of the 3D Mario games. Movement was great and the platforming sections without FLUDD were good. Then you look at the rest of the game which is dull environments, boring missions, and shit traversal methods. Blooper surfing was fantastic though, there should've been available on the main Isle.

sunshine's difficulty comes from shitty controls and physics, if you want actual difficulty you'll only find it in galaxy 2/3D worlds late games

>shitty controls

What the fuck is happening to this place?

>good controls

movement options =/= controls

I don’t understand. They were responsive and exact. What exactly did you find so difficult about them? Use examples.

>Mario Galaxy has such shit level design compared to almost every other 3d mario game

There’s not a reaction image that can convey how nonsense this is

>nobody yet realizes that there will be an odyssey 2 if it succeeds, an sunshine 2 if it doesnt

mario galaxy - mario galaxy 2
mario 3d land - mario 3d world