HARD MODE: No From Soft or Platinum Games
If you could give Zelda to any other game company who would it be?
Naughty dog
Suda 51
Most of the humor and situations would be interesting possibly as a silent film with lots of stage/level transitions and violence.
Retro Studios
How about the jerks at CD Projekt red?
Nintendo already gave zelda to Capcom before
Give it to the part of Capcom that made Dragon's Dogma. But not right now because Capcom sucks right now.
THQ Nordic
I wouldn't give it to another company. The game would lose all its charm and be replaced with gritty grey realistic garbage.
square enix or capcom
>and be replaced with gritty grey realistic garbage.
would that be worse than the washed out blur of Botw?
Sony, just to see what they'd do to it.
>people saying Capcom
Mate, if there's a company more greedy than Nintendo....
I really want to see Retro make a Zelda game
CD Project
What would Link with a DMC move list look like?
Oh that's easy
>no From Soft
Fuck! I really want Hyrule Souls
Rockstar is the only acceptable answer
Yup. I hate gritty games that have no color.
I'd leave it with Nintendo. Breath of the Wild made the series interesting again.
Philips so I can get a sequel to the CD-i games.
Nintendo because BotW was great in my opinion.
Monolith Soft, they make the full game not just landscapes