It took 20 years for Sony to make the best controller ever
It took 20 years for Sony to make the best controller ever
Agreed. Legitimately think it's the best controller ever made. The only problems were the rubber on the thumbsticks falling off (which they fixed), the lightbar, which doesn't really serve a purpose and should be toggleable, and the battery life. Other than that it's perfect.
>best controller ever
>needs to be charged every 5 hours
>shit dpad
>blinding light
ITT: delusional fanboys
This is the best one ever made. Full stop/period (if you're a dumb American)
I have two and so far have been really happy with them. Only problem I had is how hard it is to connect them to Bluetooth...
It would be better if the battery wasn't trash garbage, you could turn off the obnoxious ass light, and if it were possible to set it down without the triggers engaging. But other than that it is a good controller.
>best controller ever
objectively wrong, the D pad is fucking horrible..
I bought one in late 2016 and I've been using every day and it's still brand new. I loved the X, O, triangle and square buttons because they are very responsive and easy to press unlile dual shock 2 and dual shock 3
>not using the USB mode
It's probably the best to hold for me in terms of ergonomics but functionality wise it's not. Worthless light bar that never gets used for anything but superficial shit, same goes for the touchpad that ends up being just another set of buttons instead, absolutely horrendous battery life, oh and can we talk about how it has FUCKING GYRO BUT NO GAMES FUCKING USE IT?
All dualshocks are fucking awful
The DS4 d-pad is objectively the best D-PAD since the Saturn
I do love it, but the battery is absolute ass and the light is an obnoxious gimmick.
I think the Wii U pro controller was my favorite.
WiiU > Xbox > Switch >>>>> PS4
But the best controller was the DS3, the DS4 has a better D-pad but worse everything else.
>shit dpad
I really thought the selling point of this controller was the d-pad.
When you say it's shit, you mean worse, better, or on the same level than the shit d-pad from the X360 controller?
What is a controller with a good d-pad then? Legitimately asking.
*blocks your path*
Watch out this, Gran Turismo Sport has Gyro control mode.
>But the best controller was the DS3
Maybe if you have tiny baby hands. Us men find the DS4 more comfortable.
>Concave sticks and rounded face buttons
But I have large hands and the DS3 was far more comfortable than the DS4's shitty shape. And the DS4's godawful textured backplate doesn't help either.
yeah no shit it's the size of a garbage truck
If the got ride of the light and touch thingy it would be perfect since those are what cause it to have shit battery life
ITT: Manlets with their puny kiddie hands.
Classic 360 controller is GOAT. Xbone is alright too.
I prefer ones that have pressable diagonals.
Not him but you're an objectively wrong handlet. The DS3 is inferior to the DS4 in every way but battery life and this is someone who still plays PS3 every single day
SNES, original DS
I prefer the Xbone controller
Clickier dpad, larger size, doesn't feel as cheap
>having baby hands.
have fun getting a gf with your baby hands
Switch Pro Controller is the best controller desu. Followed by Sony PS2/PS3 Controllers.
pic related is the best modern controller I've used.
>80 hour battery life
>easily replaceable battery for when it needs it in 10 years
>perfect feeling dpad
>perfect face buttons
>dpad + face buttons in priority placement
>silky smooth analog sticks
>nice digital triggers that are nice because analog triggers just make you want a pedal or hotas.
yet to try the switch pro controller because fuck paying $80 for a fucking controller, but I've heard it has had common manufacturing defects on its dpad.
sega usb is the goat controller though
the 360 dpad was pure shit, the ds4 is shit. The ds4's dpad style doesn't work when it's double the size of the vita's god tier one.
xbone's dpad is comically clicky. loud as shit. also has fucking AA batteries.
>The DS3 is superior to the DS4 in every way except D-pad
Fixed. The DS4's sticks are uncomfortable shit that do nothing to improve your grip. The DS4 removed all pressure sensitivity from everything except the triggers, meaning less options for control schemes (you won't be able to put throttle / brake on L1/R1 in Ace Combat 7, for example, along with the map being gimped). The textured back feels like fucking sandpaper after a few hours, while the face buttons get a third different surface which is equally uncomfortable.
>Y-Your hands are small because otherwise I have no argument!
Still not as good as a GCN or 360 controller. Those things are controller perfection. Switch Joycons are pretty awesome as well, easily in my top 10
>Backwards stick / button placement
mmm, I thought people were going to mention older consoles, so the best thing to play on PC would be a original SNES controller with a USB adapter?
>no start
>no select
>Manlets pretending not to be manlets by liking the 360 controller, when true men liked the original Xbox's controller
If that had extra shoulder buttons instead of the white / black buttons it'd be the best controller ever.
its junk
its got the 2 oval buttons
No one uses those anymore, user.
The DS3 has:
>shit triggers
>shit sticks that fall apart
>shit, unresponsive, face buttons
>an inferior D pad
And yes
>built size that would only be acceptable for Japs, roasties, and the flamingly homosexual
this is perfect for everything but racing games
How do you pause the game?
>Try not chimping out every time you lose a CoD match
>Straight up wrong
>Right, which I said from the start
>Muh buzzwords
Seriously what is the purpose of the light? Even at the lowest setting the battery life is still horrendous.
Turn the light off, its not fucking hard
Some games do like DMC for taunt. It's fucking awkward to press oprions or whatever the fuck that button is. God I fucking hate this shit, why can't we just use DS3 on PS4? It's even more bullshit than Intel's yearly mobo change.
You can't turn it off, idiot.
>defending digital over analog triggers
shill harder faggot
great controller tho, you don't need bullshit to prove it's good
You can on PC.
I use it as a pc controller so for racing or space games I have a wheel or hotas. Hasn't been a problem at all
not that user but in 95% of use cases digital shoulder buttons are superior to analog shoulder buttons. And in that 5%, most of the time a completely different controller (like a proper racing wheel with pedals) is superior to a controller in general, so
Only thing lacking is the dpad for fighting games. Good for everything else though. And maybe switch the dpad for th estick like xbox.
>And maybe switch the dpad for th estick like xbox.
>playing fighting games on pad
*blocks your path*
Don't mind me just the best possible controller for any and all 2D games
That's retarded.
>best conttoller
>not using most of the fingers.
>thumbs is used both for sticks and buttons/dpad, so you cant control your camera while jumping/attacking/reloading/etc or even move just to use dpad for equipment.
Sony and microsoft can just replace buttons on back and edges of controller, but they are not.
What a shame.
So witcher 3 and ffxv and similar games will be be on the mouse w/kboard.
It's literally a better Saturn controller.
Will be better fix*
ITT: Faggots with no taste
>advertised as 80 hour battery life
>used it a ton
>forgot to charge it before a trip
>had about 50% left
>charged it like 3 times since then
>best controller ever
*best controller yet
I remain hopeful for a future without the obnoxious sharebutton and touchpad.
>99% of games only use the touchpad as a giant Start button
Not even memeing: the Vita. Precise with a satisfying click.
>ps2 style R2/L2 buttons
Vita and Saturn D-pads are the golden standard. You have never touched a good d-pad until experiencing those.
>20 years for Sony to make the best controller ever
>2 weeks of Bloodborne later...
I have resorted to using electrical tape to cover it, even when it's dim it's annoying.
>tfw already ordered silicone covers just in case
Not as rugged as the DS3 though.
The newer ones don't have this problem anymore luckily
You can "fix" that with a wire cutter.
>you won't be able to put throttle / brake on L1/R1 in Ace Combat 7, for example, along with the map being gimped
Ever play AC6?
>Not replacing them with domed sticks immediately
Yes, and using a 360 controller to play it was the worst part of it. Especially with how fucking shit the 360's triggers are.
>ps2 style
what the fuck does this even mean?
>has fucking AA batteries
And I love it, being able to use your own rechargeables instead of the built in one of the DS4 that lasts 30 seconds is great, having a long internal battery is better, but a pair of batteries I swap out once a month ain't bad either
This isn't even that bad. For its time it was the most accurate 3d pointer with the lowest price point. It still is to this day actually.
>my launch system controller started doing this last month
>peeled off the rubber from both analog sticks
>tfw I actually like the smaller, rubberless sticks
And yet it was still better than using a DS2 where you have to crush the button to get max thrust or attempt to perfectly balance how hard you are pressing square to get the right map setting
Absolutely not. And I don't think you actually played the PS2 games because while the map could be a bit fiddly, needing to "crush" the buttons is retarded, and still doesn't require anywhere near as much force as holding down the 360's triggers. Putting the PS2 games aside, Infinity's control scheme was perfect, and AC7 is going to waste it.
This here's the best of the standard controllers.
You can hit the A button without taking your thumb off the camera stick. It's a way better solution than clawing to have control of the camera and jump/attack/roll/etc at the same time
Fuck no
If they gave it the Vita dpad I would agree
But as it is the dpad is awful for fighting games
I am constantly jumping when I dont want to
>Analog for anything but racing
Literally why. Give me one good reason.
>xbone's dpad is comically clicky
That's a good thing. You know exactly when any direction is pressed and released, unlike the DS4 d-pad
Dpad is complete garbage
*PS Vita dpad is objectively the best dpad since the Saturn
Not even close.
>What if we take the WiiU Pro
>And just make it worse, but add gyro
That'll be 70 dollars baby.
>concave sticks
no problem
>rounded face buttons
fucking disgusting
most games that would need a select button use the touchpad button thingy for it
>smooth dpad
>no corner grip whatsoever
>better than saturn
Steam fanboy detected
*Blocks everybody's path*
the version on that pic is literally the size of the 360 controller.
i know cause i have it.
The original xbone controller was huge though.
I hate modern valve and just run pirated or GOG games through steam as non steam games. The controller and the Steam Link are the only things they've gotten right in ages.