PS4 Must own games??

So iv recently bought a PS4 and i want to know what games to pick up.
The only game i got was Bloodborne and it fucking sucked ass. Then i traded it for uncharted 4, killzone shadow fall and they also both suck complete ass.

I need games people!!! WHAT DO I BUY!?
>inb4 "Bloodborne doesnt suck just git gud"

no Bloodborne does suck complete ass and is tedious as all fucking hell, although i will say it at least had gameplay unlike uncharted 4.

>Bloodborne does suck complete ass and is tedious as all fucking hell

Another bait thread...

Fuck off, shitposter.

im being serious i just didnt like its gameplay, to much backtracking and grinding

not shitposting at all bro

Is persona 5 any good? what about nier, horizon, nioh, any of these worth picking up??? iv heard great things from all of them which would be the best to start with???

Ape Escape 4, but it's not real

>buy a console without knowing what games you want to play
It's your own fault, retardbro

Also you have shit taste

How much you played Bloodborne?

i got to the fifth boss and just got to bored. i really REALLY wanted to like the game because it does sooooo much right but i just couldn't get myself to keep playing.
there are a bunch on games im interested in but im just disapointed that 3 of the exclusives i thought would be pretty good were all shit IMO

Nier is Amazing but be really open about feels while playing it.
You can try the Gran Turismo demo(rolls out tomorrow until wednesday) just to check if you like it, the game proper starts the 17th. That one has insanely good graphics.
Persona 5 is a must have.
FF12 is really fun with the x2 speed and no magic queue from ps2.
And if you don't give a shit about story and characters, Horizon.

Forgot the pic about Gran Turismo hehe.
>This is an actual pic from the game itself.

Then try Nier, Nioh and Gran Turismo when it comes out. If you don't like these then just give up, man, because clearly video games isn't your thing anymore.

whhhaaaat gran turismo sport has a demo coming out?
also im worried about horizon because its made by the studio who did killzone right? it kinda worries me but iv heard only amazing things from it.
i think im going to go with persona 5, i havent played any game in the series but it looks really good and promising. can someone redpill me on the persona series??

is gran turismo sport have a full fledged single player? or is it primarily multiplayer focused?

speaking of which if anyone knows of good online fps on the ps4 please list them, im itching for a good online shooter and its been way to long.

It's Online focused buuuuuut.... Matchmaking is absolutely amazing.

Just get Memelands the Handsome Memection.
That shit is still solid even with it's flaws.

Senran Kagura Estival Versus and Peach Beach Splash
Guilty Gear Rev 2
BlazBlue Central Fiction
Deception IV The Nightmare Princess
Persona 5
Disgaea 5
Witch and the Hundred Knight Revival(2 is coming soon)
Project Diva X and Future Tone
God Eater Resurrection and God Eater 2
Tales of Zestiria and Berseria
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 +2.5 HD Collection and 2.8 Collection
Dragon Quest Heroes 1 and 2
Neptunia VII and upcoming 4 Goddesses
Final Fantasy X HD collection and XII Zodiac Age
Dark Souls 2 SOTFS and 3 Fire Fades Edition
Yakuza 0 and Kiwami(6 coming soon)

dont get yakuza. they wil be coming to pc

The Tommorow Children
Crash trilogy
One way trip

Disgaea 5
Tales of Zestiria and Berseria
Yakuza 0
all these are on my list to check out, what is nioh like? also what is the tales series like? never played any tales game before.

to the bloodborne fans shitting on me violently, im curious. I wasnt able to get into bloodborne but i like what it has going for it, my problem isnt with the difficulty but rather the other game mecahnics and design choices. my question is are all the souls games like this? if i dont like bloodborne is it possible il like dark souls and demons souls or should i just avoid them???

>People still spontaneously buying consoles without seeing what games they have
>Coming to Sup Forums..of ALL places, to ask what games to get

>also what is the tales series like?
JRPG with good combats ? Don't know what to say about it, but if you're wanna try, there's a demo for Berseria on the store.
And avoid Zestiria at all cost, it's shit.

What's your problem with it?

Would you please elaborate on what design choices and game mechanics you didn't like?
It's difficult to say for the other games if you're too vague about your problems with BB.

i needed to upgrade to the new gen eventually and i got a really good deal on my ps4, just didnt expect this gen to be so shit.

>Coming to Sup Forums..of ALL places, to ask what games to get
you got me there

Literally playing P5 right now. It's awesome.

>other game mecahnics and design choices
Nice buzzwords bro, try articulating what really bothers you

>i got Bloodborne and then i traded it for uncharted 4

you could give SFV a chance because they are coming out with arcade(kek) edition next year. and the update is free for current owners

>to much grinding
more like too little skill

All memes aside, are Dark Souls 3 and Nioh worth getting for PS4, or should I just upgrade my pc

Whichever is cheaper, because Nioh is coming for PC.

Where the fuck is there backtracking and grinding in bloodborne.
You do neither of those unless you suck dick at playing it.

mostly the navigation, the combat wasn't a problem for me and i really liked it. the environments are and enemy/visuals are all top notch.

I found myself backtracking an awful lot, getting lost, wondering if im going in the right areas etc. i would often play for hours on end and wind up making very little to no progress and on occasion i found myself in a complete optional area with no way to know that it was optional and pretty much a waste of time. it also rubbed me the wrong way when i was killed by some enemy only to respawn in some prison or something with enemies way to strong for me to fight, and i just found myself getting frustrated each time i tried to play.

i kept coming back again and again to keep trying, i probably put in at least 20+ hours before i called it quits.

Yeah, the game isn't for you. Avoid DeS and DaS series too, you won't like them.

Just play with a walkthrough if you have such a severe attention deficit.

Would you prefer having a giant arrow or a quest tracker telling you where to go and what to do? Figuring shit out on your own is literally the most fun aspect of soulsborne games, it's called adventure.

>im being serious
>posts nigger memes

the cancerous fanbase always says that shit, i dont want the game holding my fucking hand but bloodborne seems to intentionally make shit vague for no reason other than to pad out the games length and make the fans feel super cool and smart when there just playing a shit game.
if i have to use a guide the whole time to play the game then whats the fucking point of even playing it???

YOU have to use a guide, because you are fucking retarded.
Other people don't, because they like it that way.

so if i like a pile of shit that means your retarded for not liking it? great logic there brah

is it a good starting point for someone who has never played the series???

Pic related

Its my personal GOTY after Nier: Automata.

Like I said, the game isn't for you. Just move on, no one is going to judge you for that. I for one couldn't get myself to play TW3, the combat was too awful imo and the handholding was way too strong.
Not him.

fair enough, i can respect what the game has going for it but its just not for me. the fanbase is cancer but so is the fanbase of most popular games so there that.
thanks for not being a fag

Yeah. It's a self-contained story that you're perfectly capable of enjoying if you haven't touched the series before. You'll miss a few references here and there, but that's it.