If you were given a budget of $1,000,000 and 5 years to make a game, what would you make?
If you were given a budget of $1,000,000 and 5 years to make a game, what would you make?
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A game
A Darkest Dungeon lookalike RTS
indie pixel shit platformer
Vore fetish RPG with long vore scenes and numerous bad ends
A beat em up akin to Streets of Rage 2.
Probably a pretty traditional RPG with focus on making a really likable and fleshed out cast. None of that choose your own adventure shit.
nothing :)
Invest in index funds and retire off the profit
Something half-assed in RPGmaker and pocket the rest of the cash.
It's the Kickstarter way!
Easy: a low-poly town simulator like Animal Crossing developed for PC and ported to tablets and phones.
Passion project, and I'd be set for life.
Your feelings on disposal?
An rpg/action game that makes you take turns between traveling the world as legendary heroes with magic artifacts and a simple farmer growing crops for his family and town, with the two often intersecting. You would gain resources from the farming for each heroes journey. The game would be set over a period of 8 years, with each hero traveling the world in one year.
Each heroes story would have an unwinnable boss fight that kills them and begins the next heroes story. When the 7 heroes have died, it's revealed the farmer is the 8th hero, and he sets off with only a pitchfork to save the land. The game from there involves retrieving the artifacts and gearing up for the final boss. The farm changes over time and as you put the artifacts in it it becomes enchanted with the souls of the fallen heroes.
I would put together some shit in Python, then pocked the $1mil.
That amount of money would pay a team of about five people, assuming they took a pay cut, and possibly utilities. It's unlikely that I would get a good collection of people in order to do that and I'd have no way to market it after it was completed. Might as well not even waste the time.
A hat in time but longer
That's not a very large budget but I'd make a Rune Factory clone with Milfs and Tomboys maybe throw in some monster girl waifus.
New legend of mana styled game
-Less tedious, make the game flow together better
-Sword of mana's smithing system (i dont remember if legend had it)
-Bring back the tree and elementals or w/e they were with the instruments, that whole thing
-Combat ability skill trees to incentivize using all weapon types. Unlocking new skills makes the combos longer etc.
-Areas can be replayed in harder mode for better smithing/forging materials
-Partner call system
-branching progression in field areas dependant on what partner you have
-Different loot at the end of the branching paths
-rare farmable drops
Relationships with your partners
-Plot is making a wish on the mana spirits to revive your dying sister from the plague the dying planet unleashed or something.
Literally pulled this out of my ass in 5 mins and it'd be better than most things squarenix shat out in a long time.
Would it have dating and/or roomates?
>If you were given a budget of $1,000,000 and 5 years to make a game, what would you make?
I would spend the million to make more money, cause a million bucks doesn't get you SHIT these days thanks to the media jew.
Mate, this might be up your alley. It's not exactly what you described but it has the mix of both genres, so you might want to look out for it.
*blocks your path*
1 million dollars, duh.
A new Metal Slug.
Resurrect w:et
I'm a man of many fetishes.
Dick Simulator.
Simulate being a dick.
Armored Core + Titanfall 2 with generous heapings of EDF and Gundam/NGE thrown in
A sort of 2D Zelda mixed with Dark Souls and familiar AI partners like in SOTN.
joe vs the world!
A simple run and gun which every stage is based on a country, no matter how obscure. Final boss is in america.
An easy to modify Etrian Odyssey clone on PC.
A new Fallout game
It still hurts
A fire emblem rip off that would have been the SMT x FE game everyone wanted.
>Take prisoners of war as allies
>Have to alter team because alignment clashes
>Choices like killing people that abandon you alter your alignment
>No time travel bullshit
>None of that stupid shit they pulled in FE Awakening where if your units weren't high enough companions, they would just die
>Hidden boss fights like in TWEWY for demons/special units
>Good, Neutral, Chaos endings, atmosphere like Nocturne or the Raidou games
>Weapon Triangle
That looks great but I had a more European vibe in mind. I've actually designed most of the characters as well. I've been sitting on this for awhile. I don't have any talent as a programmer though.
Cool cool. Just thought you might like it since it immediately came to mind. Good luck on your future project, user. Maybe check out /agdg/ on /vg/ sometime.
>Action RPG/FPS hybrid where you play as a monster
>you explore instanced dungeons with up to 3 other people, and at the end of each dungeon is a "corrupted" version of a monster that serves as a boss
>if you beat it, you unlock that monster as a playable character. 200+ monsters to unlock
>each character has a basic attack, alternative fire attack, and 4 abilities that you choose from a larger pool of abilities (like Pokemon)
>game has a map editor where you can import your own textures
>there's also PvP modes like Capture the Flag, Team Deathmatch, and Battle Royale
Would you play it?
What vid is this?
His response to the trolls hacking his latest sweetheart, Jessica Quinn's facebook causing her to deactivate it and blaming him for reaching out to the CWCki forums for AMA's. It's quite the saga and the breakdown was perfect.
A new sims game, a complete inversion of the shitty sims 4, based on most content of sims 2 with an open world, an engine able to manage +100 sims, complex personnality system, a more realistic world, sims 4 CAS, the ability to manage your sim at work ( like sims 3 ambition or sims 4 get to work ) in every careers.
I'll call the game the sims 4, because the actual sims 4 shouldn't exist.
That sounds both rad as fuck and impossible to balance, but I'd play it.
why is Sup Forums always so horny?
a million dollars ain't shit for a game so I'd just make a liero clone with shitloads of cool sci-fi weapons
if you gave me a billion dollars instead I'd make wow 2
>Given 5 years
>One million dollar budget
>I'd make the sims lul
neck yourself
A plane ticket to take the money and run
Need more than $1,000,000 to make a decent game unless it's pixelshit or you make some serious compromises. I'd rather just take the money.
I'd make a game in RPGmaker in 5 minutes and spend the money on estate.
A new SaGa game.
I would make a couple games or as many as I can
>blood bowl
>gorka morka
>necromunda (add genestealer cults, chaos cults)
>a Horus heresy strategy game based on epic
All done in a isometric >retro pixel style. There will be short campaigns to learn to play but the main meat will be in PvP modes with weekly and monthly ladders and hopefully an lolsports scene. Each game will have a base that you can unlock items for by completing missions and a trophy case for you're wins. To make them profitable include a loot box gambling systems that gives you cosmetic items (unique color patterns, logos etc), items for your base. They'll be especially geared to touchscreen gameplay and you'll be able to play them all locally so both people can take turns on a single device.
Nothing and keep all the money
3D Hentai game that's basically like AA2 but impregnation themed
An indie Metrodvania game. 1m burguers is nothing to make a game.
Add in some /ss/ and incest and I'd play it
Hmm, some ideas:
>Open World stealth that adapts to your stuff forcing you to try new techniques and get better upgrades
>Gigantic, but actually good
>soulsborne game set in egypt
Pent up sexual frustration.
R-Type rip off
Sonic rip off
Marble Madness rip-off
the rest of the money I'd just make short films with and pay bills
A multiplayer FPS based on the Second Congo War, ideally 64 player and fast-paced
>tfw will never play as Rwandan paratrooper class
I'd slack off and blow that money on other shit, and rush the game a month before it comes out.
A low poly 3D collectathon platformer with good combat that doesn't try to copy Banjo-Kazooie's design aesthetic
I'd give it to the developer of my choice and tell them to make their dream project with it.
>Would you play it?
I appreciate the originality but probably not unless you make it hilarious or something.
Pocket the money and keep developing solo with less uncertainty about the future.
>a game
How about ~3 games?
>an innovated Terraria
>a well-performing Arma: WL
>potentially a fantasy version as well
>and space
>Arma WL is a mod featuring a grouping system, characters spawning with money, cities hosting vehicles and items (which includes base-building pieces), PvE missions with tanks and helicopters and gear, full-looting PvP, and a gun store
>making a good game with less than 334k
wew lad.
You are a bus driver who molested young sheldon. You go to court, and the judge rules you have to advertise you molested him on your bus. You go through a series of quests for other townspeople so you can finally take down the big "I'm the guy that molested young sheldon" banner.
too many boy gamers
>A Hat in Time devs made GOTY for $300,000
>Sup Forums can barely make indie pixelshit with $1,000,000
The perfect Batman game. It would be like Bamham, improving what was broken about it. And the whole Gotham city to explore, with citizens (i think i would need more money, tho, i could ask WB for more, but they would probably force me to add microtransactions).
>only 1 million dollars
fucking nothing
Don’t use words you don’t understand
Girls get horny too, that doesn’t make sense
I'd take $500 of it, and use that as grand prize money in a game jam over a weekend. I'd have every team sign a contract where hidden in the fine print I own their work. The theme? "Games for streaming on twitch." I take the winner of the jam and send it to all the top 50 twitch streamers, and put it on steam for $1.
I'll make my profit back and more, and I will pocket the remaining money.
>What is making modules for UE4 and using them in multiple games
Those PvE missions are like
>clearing the area of NPCs
>looting them
>fixing up the vehicle with a kit and animation
Either a high budget version of this
Or an action game that adapts the comics.
The game we always talk about where you're underwater and there are cthulu monsters outside.
spend the $1,000,000 on hookers and chocolate milk
Pokemon 2: Red and Blue
All new 150 pokemon and characters, none of the oldies. A rehash but reboot if you will.
New F-Zero that's pretty much GX with more tracks and a 30 player online Grand Prix
I wouldn’t be able to work on the game for another 2 years without having to start my own business, learn the ins and out running the business, game design, coding and trying to figure out what kind of game I’d actually make.
Though I plan to get there some day. And I wanna make a Homage to my favoured JRPG of all time
Okage. Shadow king.
ITT: People who have no idea how much games cost to develop.
For reference, Deus Ex Mankind Divided and The Witcher 3 both cost around $80 million.
>you will never be rich as fuck so you can bankroll video games all day
god I hate notch
You can easily make a good game for a mil if you don't spend any money on marketing and downgrade the graphics to ~2010 quality
I'd keep all the money for myself and make a shitty flash game
>downgrade the graphics to ~2010 quality
t. retard
Shit like shaders and lighting effects are not what cost money to implement, it's developing art assets (textures, models etc.). If you are making a realistic game, you cannot avoid making high-resolution textures which will cost you massive amounts of money.
Some kind of historically based game, or history edutainment software for kids.
>realistic game
spotted the literal retard
I'd take the money and run faggot, free 1 mill?
I'd make an actual adventure game with modern input. Not the shit TT puts out.
Something where i can pay a bunch of autismos min wage to make a decent passion project for a niche game style that hasnt been made in a while.
Its like printing money and even if it doesnt work ill still have enough money to chill with.
I would take the money and run, gamers are fucking assholes