"Hawken WAS a free-to-play multiplayer mech first-person shooter video game [...]"

It's crazy to me that this game can just be wiped from existence.

Is there a place where we can download versions of this game to just play locally or host our own servers?


it finally shut down, huh?
I'm not surprised, it was ahead of the microtransaction curve and had too many game-changing purchases

you get used to it. I'd do horrible things to get the release version of pic related back.

Shutting down PC servers.

Does that mean they're focusing on consoles? That's stupid. The console versions are shit.

Their own fault, I sure enjoyed not being able to group with friends just because they had no idea how to balance mmr

Does this mean the PS4 version is still going to be supported?
I remember liking this game a lot despite balancing issues back when it was first released, and was actually thinking about playing this again recently.

Id rather play MWO anyways.

Literally a shitty P2W FPS that people only care about because of muh graphics.

>Make cool game
>Ruin it with retarded monetization scheme
>Game dies as a result
Who saw this coming?

>>Make cool game
It's literally Titanfall minus the mechs.

It's nothing like Titanfall and came out 2 years prior.

it was quake with mech skins

It was a pretty game but that doesn't make it good. The developers had no idea what they were doing outside of the aesthetic.

This is actually one of my favorite multiplayer games ever. When you get good at it, it's very fun. Sad to see it go.

fuck this game, it had potential then they took a massive shit on it with the Incinerator and Tech.

also the game modes were ass

About fucking time they kill this game.

I played back when the alpha came out or very early beta before they even had Reapers where sharpshooters were king and the rookie mech was perfectly usable with rockets not being complete garbage and it was fun as fuck. The Reaper came out and it was still ok, think they didn't get the Microtransactions in yet. Then the Raider came out and we got into levels of stupid that made me start to not like the game, then I believe this is the point where the Microtransactions came in where the rookie mech was nerfed and the Assault was still garbage and rockets were no longer viable to deal with the small shotgun mechs and high damage burst reapers, you had to use them yourself or they had to be idiots and run into a group of 3 of you and you had to EMP them to make sure they could die.
Then the technician came out and that's when I quit, what a horrid idea to try and make this Team Fortress 2 with mechs.

I remember siege being fun and team deathmatch was fun way back, kind of wish they just did balance tweaks and new maps since release instead of microtransactions and new mechs.

I hated this game it didn't feel like a mech game at all. It sorta felt like a really clumsy fps. I honestly just play living legends and MWO they scratch the itch better than Hawken ever did.


>PC embracing anything that isn't made by Blizzard or Twitch sponsor streamerbait

>also the game modes were ass
I loved the siege mode, the idea of the collector mode was cool.

I would have enjoyed a game mode with energy collection only, siege was a mash of several different mechanics and it was a mess.

what is pic related?

games don't let you play them on your terms anymore. there are still active servers for games from the 90's and modern games have their servers shut down after a couple years and you're fucked.

This webm makes me miss it already, but the game was already dead years ago. I wish there was something similar at least, I liked the fast combat and the weapons were fun.

Shattered Horizon, a six-degree of freedom shooter. You played as two teams of astronauts flying around broken ships and stations and asteroids. It was super sharp, and everyone had the same loadout. Assault rifle with a hitscan sniper alt-fire. Integrated grenade launcher could throw chaff or jammer or a concussion thing to bounce people out of cover. When you used your jets, you glowed brightly with team colors, but if you were sneaky, you could shut your suit down and drift with momentum.

But it came out in 2009 and required DirectX 10 which nobody had, so it had a super small playerbase. And then they updated it to have classes and shit, and it just ruined the nice, streamlined gameplay. Perfect storm of high hardware requirements, new software requirements, and super high skill ceiling kept most people from getting into it and it fizzled.

damn that sucks. Games sounds like something i'd be interested in. Makes me long for the days of custom servers.

That is the perfect game for a re-release. I hope that happens one day. Hey just make it f2p and sell skins or something.

I thought it was JUST mechs. Tittyfall is cod + mechs

Fuck. You just had to remind me. This is like the 3rd time ive been reminded and then feel pain that I can't play this. What exactly happened to it? Is it just dead or is it shut down?

Sorry user, didn't mean to reopen old wounds. It's definitely a bittersweet thing to remember. I think Futuremark got bought out by or sold the rights to the people who made Angry Birds and as far as I know it's in limbo now.

Nah all good dude. Ew what the fuck? Rovio has the rights? That's wild. I'd say I hope aomething happens but let's be honest nothing will, nothing good at least.

it was a cool game, a shame they couldn't realize it completely. I've been thinking these days how there's this completely virgin niche of ''counter strike but with mechs'' on Steam that no one seems to be interested in exploring.

I had fun with it in its early days and I had tons of fun with it. Clocked in 700 hours on steam. I started not to like it when they introduced the healer mechs.

fuck the Tech

why introduce a mech that isn't fun to play as or against, but is necessary if you want to win

I didn't play enough of that game when I had the chance. I would have never guessed one day I would just not be able to play it.

Loved playing as the tech!! Got loads of kills and supporting the team makes me feel good.

>both games are on console


Post mains.


Raider, if it wasn't obvious

I feel bad for the 3 people that still play this great p2w game

I never felt like this was a p2w game. I played maybe a year ago and up until then all I ever spent money on was that sweet crab paint job.

Maybe when they were taken over by a new company, they changed things but I don't remember seeing any purchasable boosts.

Hawken was fucking trash, and when the developers ditched it and another group took it over and filled it with microtransactions it became even more trash. The game hid behind the facade of a mech game but it was shitty first person shooter that happened to use mechs as models. The maps were all small, cramped, uninspired garbage with no verticality, for some reason every fucking map was filled with corridors and weapons that could one shot, leading most battles to be corner rushing one shot affairs that ended in seconds. Good riddance, fuck this game Mechwarrior Living Legends is everything Hawken claimed to be, but better.

pretty sure they had exp and credit boosters, even before they were bought out

it actually got less p2w over time because when I first started playing it took fucking forever to grind enough to unlock all the item slots, but by the time I quit practically everyone had max rank because it took so little time

How new are you? What Sup Forums considers P2W nowadays is nowhere near the level of the first F2P projects that truly defined the term and scared so many even today P2W examples barely scratch the surface of the horrors of truly broken shit you HAD to buy in order to be even close to competitive

The game was fun back when the maps were still devtextures.

I can't think of one example. Any game that stuck around had pretty conservative purchasable boosts that effected gamepaly. No actual game is the horror that people make F2P games out to be. Not unless your playing shitty Korean MMOs.

I enjoyed it for 150 hours but it wasn't extraordinary. I played the green sniper class with like zero HP and it was fun, but the scout has been and is so overtuned that it takes all of the fun out of the game.
>Hurr durr P90 and rocket launcher I'm so good
>I love fighting the same class every game
Rest in Peace.

>>Mechwarrior Living Legends
Sorry but that game is ugly as shit and plays like diarrhea on a hot day. At least Hawken had some style and brisk gameplay. Not everyone likes sitting in a chair all day until hemorrhoids develop on their ass hole before they get to their first battle.


I remember playing it during the beta. Didn't even realize it was still around.

Don't think I've ever seen a thread on here about it.

>Mechwarrior Living Legends
Shame the hacks behind Mechwarrior Online had it killed

confirmed that you've never played the game

Yet another game with potential killed by shitty developers getting greedy without the fanbase to even support that greed.

Buncha fucking morons.

>didnt have a good enough PC to run it when it was new
>by the time new parts were bought it was dead


it's back with updated graphics and more shit

remember that time tencent got involved in hawken and so their business model was trash

>tfw I will never play Battleforge again
>I will never play MAG again
Kill me

I fucking loved the designs of the mechs and especially the environments in the game, they were much better than it deserved. Depressing stuff.

MAG was trash and battleforge is being remade


Grenade launcher kicked ass. Lob it over cover, bounce it around corners, blow it up in the air to swat down flying mechs.

I got into Infiltrator and Scout as well later on. A little tougher to play but fun for being sanic fast.

Whichever heavy mech that had the health regen with shields up. It's been awhile since I played last, but playing that one while on the big city map with was fun, especially holding the high-ground with a team. Had way too much fun taking potshots at scrubs near the bottom and tanking hits.