What went so so wrong


>inb4 complaints about Ian

Wrong board, Redditor. No one cares about e-celeb shit here.

kikes and SJWs

Thanks user-kun now kindly fuck off.

You fuck off, underage. No one wants your surrogate friend garbage here.

A lot. But it's not all bad. Ben speaking up for Etrian Odyssey in the latest podcast made me happy.

Ben sucks, Brad sucks, Damiani sucks


>light-hearted Trump joke
>mad that a sexy boobies game got vetoed when people voted for it

Nothing looks wrong to me.

All positive with no humour makes a boring channel.

Hey man, play how you wanna play.
Good vibes.

>when ben tries to talk about senran kagura but everyone else awkwardly shuts the discussion down
It's a shame. It's fine to enjoy Senran Kagura Ben. It's more than fine.

>Ben sucks
I'll fucking fight you.

With how much (well-earned) cynicism there is in videogames, I get trying to be an intentional counterpoint to that. It's just unfortunate that it sometimes results in things like the No Man's Sky "argument" and worse the fanbase amplifying it into a safe space hugbox.

They have nothing interesting to say because they're afraid they'll offend someone.

The "idiots talk about video games on youtube, please support us on Patreon™" market is totally saturated so they have a hard time attracting new fans which means declining revenue which means fewer shows, which means fewer viewers in an endless cycle until only their hardcore fans remain. They probably won't last another year in their current form.

Anyone managed to watch the P5 discussion?
I had to drop it at the first comparison to naruto

They also do lots of streams on Twitch and accept donations from those, so that's a second source of income and publicity. I do wonder how long they can last though.

They are already vetoing games?
Oh wow the fuck is the point to opening the game they play up to patreons then?

>Ben "I want to get better at fighting games but don't have the will, don't train or don't realize what I'm doing wrong, and also I have an extremely narrow idea of how animes are made" Moore
>Ian "I'm a big fucking pretentious faggot that pretends to know what he's talking about when it comes to games and movies but come off as a bigger pleb then Jones, but unlikeable" Hink
>Michael "I'm autistic, I suck every dick for each dev that works with Sony, I suck at games and I will champion DLC for every game even tho I'm ass at every game" Huber
>Michael "I'm a nintendo fanboy" Damiani
>Bradley "I'm cool and have the best taste in both anime and games in the group, but I have no idea how to discuss them and all I resort too is yea dude, ok dude?" Ellis
>Brandon "I'm the most plebbiest member of the group but that means I also understand normies tastes, and I'm also the papa of the group" Jones
>Daniel "I look like a metal head but I'm actually a jesus head and the fans want to boot me out for it" Bloodworth
>Don "I'm like a ghost and release my content once in a blue moon" Casanova
>Kyle "my schitick is to be super casual and tell bad jokes but now I overdid them because I have complete freedom in anything I do, also no Final Bosman for you" Bosman
>Kristen "I want to kill myself everyday because I can't afford my dogs food and rent even tho I live in one of the most expensive states in the US and also mindlessly waste all my money on expensive tablets, phones and special editions for video games I only play because Brad has it. even if I don't like the game" 59
anyone else I'm missing?

I don't like Ian at all because he basically ruins anything he's involved in but the others seem like you're reaching.

why is bosman so lazy?

nah nigga

I haven't watched yet, but Hubber's obsession with that shit show is annoying.

>shitting on bosman

Bosman has worn through all his GT-era good will. He's just a smarmy asshole now.

Jones´ wife

Spot on

>Michael "I'm autistic, I suck every dick for each dev that works with Sony, I suck at games and I will champion DLC for every game even tho I'm ass at every game" Huber
I sort of saw where you were coming from with the others but I have no idea what's going on here.

>>Brandon "I'm the most plebbiest member of the group but that means I also understand normies tastes, and I'm also the papa of the group" Jones

My biggest problem with Jones is his utter lack of patience with anything in games. During the SNES Classic stream he sat down to play Yoshi's Island and just ran through every level as fast as he could without exploring or trying to get any secrets and then kept complaining how the game is too easy. Fuck off, dude, you don't even get what the game is trying to be about.

And on the Space Quest streams he did with Amanda, he kept getting mad any time a solution wasn't immediately apparent or any time he had to try something more than once. Amanda kept encouraging him to experiment and to see all the fun deaths and stuff and he got to the point of sometimes yelling at her in frustration just because he couldn't breeze through every part of the game without dying once or without ever being stopped for more than 1 second on a puzzle.

>>Kristen "I want to kill myself everyday because I can't afford my dogs food and rent even tho I live in one of the most expensive states in the US and also mindlessly waste all my money on expensive tablets, phones and special editions for video games I only play because Brad has it. even if I don't like the game" 59

I assume this is referring to the girl who appears on Brad's solo streams. Is she his girlfriend or sister or what?


Ben got better at Marvel during his last stream though

I used to like Ben, now he's fighting for last place with Ian.

How is that even possible?

He's approaching Austin Walker levels of "we should have conversations", "these are what the conversations should be about"

Penis size list, biggest to smallest:


Seems about right?

the issue is that it's like GameTrailers but worse.

Their Pop Fiction reboot has been so boring compared to the original series, it's like why even bother? The Postman Race, seriously? A DS game based off a Canadian game that nobody has heard of where they literally just got the answer off of the internet after repeating every word they say for twenty minutes??? Why???

Final Fantasy VII episode was cool though. Takes way too damn long for a new episode of Game Sleuth to come out though.

So in the future, what will happen when we vote to see them play The Last Night ?

Post more screenshots of this
This is patreon only right?
Is the paying fanbase having another war over this censorship?

Ian, Damiani, and even more so all the SJW SAFE SPACE faggotory.

ian is too high

Jones comes up to you and tells you you must cull 1/2 the Easy Allies. Who do you fire? You can betray Jones and fire him too if you want.

Kristen is included. If she's fired but Brad stays they break up.

I don't watch any of their streams and I don't really watch any streamers at all. Are they really that interesting to watch? I just like the EZA Podcast and Frame Trap. Does anyone else do this? I used to watch Huber Syndrome but it's a tired schtick.

Brad, Ian, Damiani, Don and Blood

>Leads an absolutely pointless anime show in which he reveals nothing but the fact that he hasn't seen enough anime to qualify for any sort of discussion
>9/10 "Hottakes" are incredibly boring and not even slightly controversial or interesting
>Plays 10+ games at the same time, which amounts to surface level knowledge in all of them but nothing beyond that
>Went to TGS on the patron's dollar and brought back like 2 cringy videos in which he treats Japan as if he's visiting a zoo
>Has become absorbed by the cult mentality of "love and respect"
>Eventhough he claims to have gotten more confident when talking on camera, his manner of speaking has become more autistic by the week
>Is so gay for Huber that he desperately tries to find all of Huber's western trash games exciting as well, like Destiny or Uncharted

the fuck is kristen

>fake as fuck, seems like he's always putting on an act
>pleb tier opinions, but unlike the other Allies he thinks he's better than he is, like when he drops some "obscure" vidya or anime (like fucking Ys or Little Witch Academia)
>constantly pauses before speaking because he wants to phrase everything in the most inoffensive way possible and filter out every problematic word from his vocabulary
>"I really like this game that I only played for two hours, I'll talk more about it later" and then mever brings it up again
Also he's a shit DM and has sent Tabletop Escapades into such a downward spiral that no matter how hard the rest of the group tries to make it fun they can't pull out of the nosedive.

Without Blood the whole thing breaks down in a matter of weeks or months at best i bet.
Blood usually keeps himself in the background in my experience, same for don, but then again i haven't watched any of their streams in months.

Ian, Damiani, Maybe don because he never shows up to fucking begin with and his hardly a part of the group, KIRSTEN.

Fire Kristen. Fire Ian. Fire Don (since he's a very part-time member; he'll just come over to hang out just as regularly anyway). Fire, I guess, Brad?

Some of them are fun. I like Ben's streams and the Group streams but that depends on you liking streams.


Ian Hinck
Bradley Ellis
Michael Damiani

Ian is annoying and doesn't talk about enough video games except for his san fran liberal bullshit
Bradley is too plain and boring, he never really adds anything to the conversation.
Damiani is an annoying fanboy that's suck in the 90s talking about the same shit all the time.

Ben likes japanese games the only guy there who does it
Huber likes casual western games and gets hyped for stuff so he can stay
Brandon Jones is the figurehead and boss
Daniel Bloodworth has all the industry connections and is extremely chill
Don Casanova makes great content and films for them when he cans
Kyle Bosman is the weirdo funnyman of the group

Ian, Damiani and Brad adds nothing and destracts from the whole thing.

>Is so gay for Huber that he desperately tries to find all of Huber's western trash games exciting as well, like Destiny or Uncharted
Thanks for reminding me, I was going to mention how fucking irritating it is that he's constantly Huber's yes man.

nothing went wrong. youre just a neet that hangs on their every video. get a job and you won't have time to watch streams or even care about e celeb drama

leave shill
shoo shooo

>Also he's a shit DM and has sent Tabletop Escapades into such a downward spiral that no matter how hard the rest of the group tries to make it fun they can't pull out of the nosedive.

Yeah, I stopped paying any attention to TTE after the "puffs" and my patience with it had been wearing thin by that point to begin with. Ben thinks his world is a lot more engaging and better-written and better-fleshed-out than it actually is and that compounds on his failures as an actual DM in a mechanical sense.

These days I still put on TTE to fall asleep or as background noise, but I'm barely paying attention at any point and I'm just hopefully waiting for a new story arc or some kind of reset so I can try to get invested again after the absolute clusterfuck this whole arc has become.

>Ben got better at Marvel
yea right son

Bloodworth is the only one who I watch. He's almost at the same of level of comfy as Charls. Even if they both suck ass at games.

>too many podcasts, streams and downright shit shows (easy update being the prime example)
>not enough (semi-)scripted content
>the downright atrocious community

This is pretty much /thread on a base level without adding anything of the in-depth bullshit.

I can't disagree with all of those but:

>pointless anime show
To me the anime show seems more like one of those things to get a quick summary of what a show is and what its strengths/weaknesses are. It's not going to some super deep analysis of it and (at least personally) I never expected it to be.
>claims to have gotten more confident, his manner of speaking has become more autistic
When making speeches at things like their Hall of Greats streams he's easily the best at making a convincing speech so I'm not sure what you mean.
>Is so gay for Huber
Not really. It's give and take. He's constantly trying to convince Huber to play games he wouldn't otherwise play too. It's like a game trade.

>fake as fuck
I've never gotten that impression but similarly I can't argue with it if that's your impression.
>pleb tier opinions, thinks he's better than he is
That's going a bit far, I think. He's the only one that even wants to bring up Japanese games that are even slightly obscure and I appreciate him for doing that. At the same time he likes most of the games that the other members like so I'm not sure how that could result in him having "pleb tier opinions" unless you hate Japanese games too.
>constantly pauses before speaking because he wants to phrase everything in the most inoffensive way possible

I absolutely agree that he needs to play less games at once but I think that's because of Easy Allies' structure. They have limited resources so they need everyone to be reviewing big games to be able to please everyone. At the same time, since Ben is the only one that really plays those sorts of Japanese games and they're not often being reviewed, he has to juggle all of those games at once. There's really not much that can be done about that.

>My biggest problem with Jones is his utter lack of patience with anything in games.

You're retarded. He has downright autistic levels of patience for shit he likes, but for things he doesn't (surprise) he has no real patience. You're the same.

Yes, this. They should have gone for the quality instead of the quantity.

>8 hours of them putting a fucking gundam together

What went wrong is they have had practically no improvement to their content for over a year. It’s still the same no-to-low-effort shit they’ve been putting out since day one with a few additions like game sleuth abd retrospectives that come out so infrequently that they don’t even draw a dime.

They may not have the money for a studio but they sure as hell have the money to gussy up their shitty garage set up. It doesn’t have to look and sound like one and they fucking know it.

But hey, love and respect you guys!!!

I know at least one of you is a Patreon subscriber. Compile these complains and send it to them.

Brandon plays Pokemon was the one show from beginning to end that was 10/10. That's what got me to their channel but everything else has been awful.

Yep. Too much shitty content

I avoid the patreon comment section like the plague

>check their patreon page
They have been in the $40,000 for how long? Jesus, they need to put their shit together.

Is there no email or something?

>people actually discussed this very topic on their forums
>the fans flung shit on the people suggesting them to focus more on quality and scripted content in the most passive aggressive manner possible

The anime show is exactly that sadly, a BARE BONES show about the bare fucking minimum you can easily find out by reading some summaries online or asking a friend.
In other words: Nothing worthwhile, just a 20-30min rundown of the basic ideas of a show.

>I'm not sure how that could result in him having "pleb tier opinions"
One could argue that he likes his own shit but is also a big ass sheep that follows the other to not fall too much out of the norm

>There's really not much that can be done about that.
He could focus more on important things and don't play 10 games at once, this has near to jackshit to do with Easy Allies and their reviews if you ask me. Nigger focus on 2-3 games, 1-2 of them being for reviews, simple as that.

Fuck no man, their rabid attention whore fans will probably find out where I live and try to get me fired from my job or some shit.

I'll talk to Jones in person @ comic con or one of the Anaheim events

>shilling friend simulators
You have a board, use it.

Like I said in the other comment (before accidentally hitting submit), surely they have an email, right? I feel like they would be more likely to sit down, read, and try to address the complaints if it was an email because it's a lot more formal than some random comment. Obviously you'd want to mention that you're a Patreon subscriber and (if you can find a way to do so well) mention that these are complaints from a thread of people rather than just your own personal complaints.


I provided specific examples, where are yours?

They're videogame journalists in the same manner as giant bomb and ign, except much smaller.

I have a feeling he's not a fan of Giant Bomb either. For some reason.

>I provided specific examples, where are yours?

So I'm assuming you're new to them?
>disney infinity
>any open world game
>dragon quest builders
Happy, you ignorant fuck? Now fuck off.

Jones does read a lot of emails
He asked me for criticisms, in person, at the last comic con, I drew a blank at the time though

Dammit user. I guess write this stuff down on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet or something. And then, y'know, don't forget it's in your wallet. Mention you didn't get a chance to say anything when he asked you last time since he might be more eager to hear what you have to say now.

just print this page

>deluded fans that think "support" is to never come with criticism and simply praise everything they do

This has become the most obsessive and obnoxious phrase.

yeah ben has really nosedived hard for me

during TGS he was unbearable, during the betting special he was unbearable, during the powerpoint presentation he was unbearable etc

he just tries SO HARD to be funny and witty and getting all sorts of hot takes in that he comes off as an asshole. Which is a pretty far cry from what he used to be like

>Fire Ben
>Fire Brad
>Fire Damiani

>Make Ian the full-time production and editing guy. Let him keep Easy Update and join group streams once they're sure everything looks goods. I really like Ian on group streams, he's funny. Not on the weekly podcast though - same as GT.

>Cancel Frame Trap, the movie podcast, the anime podcast, Kyle's dumb puppet show, and any other trash. Force Kyle to make a decent show.

>Get a studio

it was Ian

Ben is one of the most self-conscious on-camera personalities I've ever seen. Stop pausing for effect, stop rephrasing what other people say when you just make everything more obtuse, and stop giving weird compliments to your coworkers that just come off as patronizing. Like Ian, Ben exists in an awful middle ground between extreme arrogance and extreme self-consciousness, and the more he gets complimented on his "eloquence" the worse he gets.

>I really like Ian on group streams, he's funny.

He is. I know hating Ian is easy, but he can be funny sometimes. He's the only one who genuinely makes Kyle laugh.

bosman is an unfunny chode so i don't see what your point is

He also consistently ruins things. If there were any one source for why the group is so concerned about not stepping on any toes and "L&R" it's fucking Ian.

Example: One of the last podcasts involving the PewDiePie controversy

Damiani and Ben do a lot of work, honestly.

The most useless ones are honestly

Kyle has appeal yes, but apart from
>hosting the weekly podcast
>streaming once or on rare occassions twice a week
>deciding on what they play for the group stream
He does nothing else. He doesn't edit videos, he doesn't write reviews, he doesn't go to events for coverage, no nothing. He doesn't even do Bosman at home anymore.

>He's the only one who genuinely makes Kyle laugh.

Jones, you fuck. I can't even remember the last time Ian made Kyle laugh and personally I haven't foudn Ian funny even once.

Wait what do you mean? Ian is an SJW, but he's way more likely to make fun of the other allies or developers/publishers than anyone else.

His opinion on PewDiePie was decent. He said developers shouldn't pull their videos because it would just add them to the story. Instead, they should wait and figure it out later.

I love the idea of Love & Respect as a mantra of agreeing to be respectful and positive while still passionately debating and discussing things and not letting the discourse become negative, cynical, or personally offensive (like calling someone dumb for having a certain view).

I absolutely hate that the community (and EZA themselves as a group) have turned it into a mantra of never ever stepping on anyone's toes, never criticizing anything or anyone for any reason, and always just agreeing to disagree without ever even beginning to have a thoughtful discussion or argument.

EZA quickly became a safespace/hugbox and that can be just as toxic as cynicism and negativity in the sense that it's the death of criticism, introspection, and intelligent discourse overall.

I hate that Kyle is relegated to being the moderator all the time. What I always liked about him was his forthrightness with his often controversial opinions that sparked great discussions. As a moderator he's just always trying to mimic fucking TV hosts and stay uninvolved. I want him to get in on those discussions.

>I absolutely hate that the community (and EZA themselves as a group) have turned it into a mantra of never ever stepping on anyone's toes, never criticizing anything or anyone for any reason, and always just agreeing to disagree without ever even beginning to have a thoughtful discussion or argument.

That and the passive aggressive fans use L&R as a shield. That so long as they end their passive aggressive comments with L&R everything is fine and dandy.

>Makes "shows" seasonal and diversify in other projects.

If something works with the audience, make plans to continue doing it. If it's lukewarm, drop it. That's all they have to do.

And why was Brad, the guy who just learned how to 'review' working solo on a retrospective? That shit should have been split amongst the team. It would have been produced faster. There's clearly a problem with major priorities and allocating work.