What makes a good final boss, and was there one that stuck with you after all these years?
Final Boss that stuck with you
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I didn't know what the fuck I was looking at.
my niggas
Pic related for me. Even if the fight was objectively not that good the ost, the color theme, the 2nd phase stuck with me till this day
A final boss is only as good at its theme
Seriously, 95% of what makes a final encounter feel satisfying is the soundtrack
The level leading up to it is as important as the boss itself
Like in strange journey the floor rumbles more and more as you approach mem aleph
>final boss fight is ignoring the final boss and attacking an inanimate object with a dagger
That's a shit tier final boss.
Morrowind is a great game but that is probably the most garbage final boss ever. The number 1 example of how not to make a final boss. Makes shadow of mordor's last boss look good.
lick me
Any final boss from Mother
It's a shame that it's so easy
Royce wasn't particularly hard but holy shit that opening line. And his voice in general.
6 fucking phases if you count dark MK and you even fight him during the credits roll
Virgil 3 will remain my favorite final boss till the day I die. Perfection
Meme game, I know, but if nothing else, this was a good final boss fight.
>meme game
Sup Forums is never right about video games. Not even once. Undertale was great and both final bosses were sublime.
My pick is Marx from Kirby Superstar.
I have raged...and wrought destruction.
Friendly reminder that Sup Forums loved Undertale until it became popular.
The best part of final bosses is when everything else falls through and you're both just fighting for your life. Nobuya Nakazato (Contra: Hard Corps, Contra 3, Rocket Knight Adventures) was great at these. Jesus Christ, those alien monstrosities really don't want to go down.
Basically that point in Sonic 2 where you've got zero rings and Robotnik doesn't even have a fucking vehicle so he's gotta make one last desperate dive for his final trump card
this one managed to do everything right
Nobody was prepared for this shit
That because Sup Forums isn't one person you retard. When the game become more exposed more people will start to form on opinion on it which may diverge from the consensus.
it's all about that final boss battle theme, and Squaresoft is King. Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, any Final Fantasy....
Senator Armstrong.
Popular choice, but really any boss that's so fucked and out of left field to amplify the amount of tension and weight to the situation.
It remind me of Super Cyborg. You blow to bit some alien overlord and by the end you're fighting its brain who's aimlessly spewing projectiles in random directions while you probably only have one or two lives left.
Isn't Giygas the dude who invented D&D or something?
>Sup Forums loved undertale
No it didn't, your faggoty threads were just few and far between enough that we didn't shit on them. We hated it when you started spamming your homestuck garbage every day.
>No one has posted Vergil 3 yet
This for some reason.
Perfect difficulty, the biggest damn buildup dungeon of all time, perfect final boss length, great music. You know absolutely everything is lost if you cant beat the godtrain, all life on earth has already been absorbed.
Thats Gigax. Y'know, like the guys who made Gurren Lagann.
Why did gwyn stick with you?
The kiln is a bad area and the that fight ends in 4 parries.
The fight didn't stuck with me, the ending did however.
>only has one attack
>can be stunned by light arrows
Lame. Even more disappointing somehow is the first phase where all he does reuse the tennis ball attack from phantom ganon.
>You don't know it ends in 4 parries unless you read that ahead of time
I don't like the game at all, I tried it twice and I couldn't get into it either time, quit within the first few hours.
I'm just saying that the game received massive praise here up until it suddenly became a huge thing elsewhere. From there it went from what must have been a 95% approval rating to the current 5%.
Mother 1's final boss is pretty mediocre compared to 2 and 3's.
Same happened with Skyrim, Sup Forums had threads for months about things like "what did you do today in skyrim" and unironically using arrow to the knee jokes, then it got too mainstream and Sup Forums suddenly hated it.
Because it's average at best.
Just because youre not autistic enough to try doesnt mean others arent. :^)
>mostly the same shit you've seen 2 times except now he spams that aerial slam attack over and over and becomes an annoyance instead of enjoyable
No thanks.
>I'm bad
That's all I got from this post.
this bitch
I wasn't overlevelled so it was enjoyable.
Yes, the average Dark Souls player on their first playthrough is bad. It's true.
I'm not arguing for the greatness of Gwynn from a mechanical level, this is about good final bosses, which goes beyond just how tough their fights are/aren't.
Jon Irenicus isn't a tough fight by the end of Baldur's Gate II, but he is still a good final boss.
Final boss of Human Revolution. While the fight itself is lackluster, the backstory of systematically abducting people and replacing their spines with machinery that allows their minds to interface with a supercomputer that uses the living human brain as extra processing power until they literally burn out from the stress is one of the more unsettling things I've seen in vidya.
Recent but this fight will always stick with me for just sheer magnitude of what you're actually doing by beating this thing
The thing is that Gwyn is embarassingly easy compared to other bosses in the game and a huge disappointment, even if you don't parry which I never fucking did in the whole game after the tutorial. Besides using the retardedly overpowered DS1 magic that turns the game into a joke, any long range weapon like a halberd can break Gwyn.
Its not a good fight tho.
>His moveset is boring making the fight boring.
>Hes not a challenging fight so its boring
>the area has 5 enemies in a straight line to gwyn making it boring, literally a skyrim dungeon
>the music is somber and fighting but still not a stand out track.
The fight is about as average, at best, as it gets.
fitting. The music fits.
>out of left field
I want to point out that Giygas was built up over two games as an increasingly unstable, nearly invincible psychic time traveling alien monstrosity. Everything gets cold and colorless as you get closer to him and you literally have to shed your humanity to proceed. The way he's presented is surprising, but he makes sense within the game. And that's cool.
Why bring this up? Because "out of left field" can also describe when the main villain in a Final Fantasy game dies and suddenly you're up against some random who's supposed to be the incarnation of evil or something. And that's dog shit.
Google is giving me nothing, I'm flipping through the wiki trying to find the name.
I got scorched by her huge balls.
>Still entirely focused on the fight mechanics
All right, have it your way
The name of what? The boss or the game?
Game is SMT digital devil saga 2. Boss was called "god brahman" or something.
Game was alright, dungeons got a bit repetitive.
this was my first final fantasy and I was just speechless.
Screw what people say, I wouldn't put it as the #1 of epic fights or anything but I also thought Gwyn was pretty cool. As reddit as it sounds, the fact that it wasn't the hardest fight worked in it's favor in a weird way. You have this melancholic music and this guy who's sitting there protecting the fire for who knows how long, only for you dickhead to come in and kill him and link the fire. And even though he devoted his existence to stopping you from doing that, he's powerless, and you become the new fire protector who sits down to stop the next guy from trying to put it out. Or whatever. I never really understood what exactly happens there but the game manages to make it feel really important.
New Breed
He's just a poor boy from a poor family who fucked soulless pawns too much
>the music is somber and fighting but still not a stand out track.
>the area has 5 enemies in a straight line to gwyn making it boring, literally a skyrim dungeon
So everything else unrelated to gwyn, but that isnt gwyn.
Gwyn isnt a good final boss. FromSoft fucked him up real bad. Anticlimactic as fuck
>And even though he devoted his existence to stopping you from doing that
You got that completely backwards, you keeping the first flame alive is exactly what he and all the other gods want. He only attacks you because he's gone hollow.
>makes it feel really important
It's not, really. Gwyn attacking you is more of an undesired side effect. Whether he even fought you or not doesn't matter since either way both you and Gwyn's objective is to make you become fuel for the first flame, and while there is an alternate ending, DS3 implies the canon end is the aforementioned fire kindling.
Breath of Fire IV's final boss.
>built up throughout the game, you are able to see the experience of both the protagonist and antagonist
>great battle, offers sufficent challenge and length
>beautiful themes for both phases
>scene is brimming with atmosphere
>little details like animations and even camera angles are well thought out
>genuine sybolism
I genuinely think it may be the best final boss on amy video game.
Not really, DS3 only implies that the cycle of light and dark has been going on for-fucking-ever. To the point it needs to be ended.
When you put it like that you do make it sound a lot less special desu
By implying I meant that Soul of Cinder, who is an amalgamation of everyone who has ever linked the flame, has DS1-only moves like the darkwood grain ring flip, implying that the chosen undead did link the fire.
This crazy motherfucker.
Beat him at least 100 times, probably fought against him over twice that many.
I don't remember the original game actually going into much detail about who or what those women were but the DLC is all about it. Honestly, I thought it crossed the line a bit. Deus Ex has always been about a kind of callous disregard for the masses but that shit just came across as sadistic. It's not even like they are kidnapping society's "forgotten" or something, they are kidnapping affluent tourists and shit like that. It's just a little bit too farfetched, even for that universe, and unnecessarily brutal. Who the fuck builds a computer that needs a constant supply of human brains?
zemus in FF:IV
took too long to beat
He is faster and more challenging in ZX.
Z3 has Phantom as it's apex boss fight.
My rectal cavity still remembers him.
I know a lot of people disagree, but I enjoyed how this was done
Yea sure stuck with me.
For how shit it was
Not one mention of pure kino?
You can't die against Yu-Yevon so I consider Jecht to be the functioning final boss.
>Jecht's theme is so perfect it hasn't been remixed in any of the dissidia's.
Best dad.
Huh, I got every one of the achievements in the Directors Cut of the game, somehow I don't remember the boss being that disturbing. I just remember killing bandage covered people in a computer.
Maybe I should replay it.
>beating this thing
Was anyone (who wasn't spoiled) expecting this? My jaw was open the whole time.
i'm sure bayo's does as well :^)
The music in particular combined with how "final" it genuinely felt.
it still hurts