It's time to discuss the best hero ever

It's time to discuss the best hero ever

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WarCraft III ruined the series. It's a fucking cartoon game. Kill yourself.

As opposed to hard-grit realism of previous games?

Disregard this faggot Blademaster needs to have his armor and HP reduced.

But can your blade cut a tomato and still cut through armour? That's the real question





>orcs are so shit that the entire faction has to rely on one guy to carry them
>lets nerf that guy
Yeah fuck you

lowskill imba shit

What's it like being eighteen?

Look at this fag
Look at him and laugh

You'll know in 10 years.

What was this guy saying when you clicked on him?

"I am-a hero, and obey!"

"Adhere and obey"

That's not the far seer u dumb nigger.

"I hear, and obey!"

You didn't even play WarCraft II. lmao. Fuck outta my face, kids.

I did.

>best strategy in this game is to use ranged units with a hit & run tactic

i'm so glad "strategy" games are dead

Come oooooooon, remaster!

real best hero coming through

Shame the voice actor in HotS doesn't come close to the real deal.

What are you talking about? Warcraft 3 doesn't even have snap animations like Starcraft so shit like cheesy dragoon sidestepping is impossible

I wonder is any famous skilled wc3 player posts on Sup Forums

zaps mana
fucking evasion

not to mention his ultimate makes him a mean killing machine

You couldn't be more wrong. The best strategy is to mass air like a retard.

yeah, me

Your nickname?

Crypt Lord is best hero, indubitably.

>when you see 0 competitive play in 14 years
Is there a more cucked hero?


>implying you would ever to to that point
Nelf smashes air with basic units
undead gets web all over that shit
humans already got a massive army on your doorstep
blader master demands no workers



Never heard of such player
Don't lie

I'm pretty sure the VA for both is Samwise, isn't it? It's just a case of the VA getting older and changing. Like Tyrande sounds like a Troll for some reason compared to WC3.

>blader master demands no workers
You need workers to build an altar, user.

That pose

okay you dont get the idea, he can and will rape anyone unpreared for him
didt box your workers in? they die
not to mention the crazy shop support he enjoys relatively early

Yeah its the same VA, user is just retarded.

Not skilled but I was somewhat infamous on USwest for backstabbing in 4v4 with an account that had over 1500 losses.

do people still play wc3 competitively? Is it fun to watch?

Air is trash that dies to a fart, here's ReMinD failing hard at mass hippos:

They sound different you imbecile, whether they are the same or not.

No shit they sound different, fuckwad, but it's still the same guy.

>tfw you will never play wc3 remaster with the hots graphics.
>tfw you will never fit in these threads since you didn't play wc3 in english.

Spanish VA is a meme gold mine

>tfw you will never fit in these threads since you didn't play wc3 in english.

It's amazing how many dubs this game has got.
I played through the game once in English, once in Czech.

Completely changes the tone to the point it made me like the Undead campaign the most because they're the most hammy of the lot.



warcraft was always a cartoon...

Дocтaвaй Гётe, oн нaкoнeц-тo cвaлил

>same guy who is not a professional voice actor records voice 25 years later
>it sounds different
wtf i hate blizz now

Grubby only posts on reddit