Selling my unusual plumbers cap for 1 TF2 Thread

selling my unusual plumbers cap for 1 TF2 Thread

what is there to even do in TF2 anymore?



I'm so glad that cancer was curtailed.

Reminder that Tuesday will not be the night.

Since when?

But why though? Do you like the game playing itself?

>Spent $2400 on unusuals when they released
>All 7 of them are worth $70 or less now
It's not fair bros

For attention. Now stop replying to it you colossal retard.

I'm glad this happened to you. Fuck you guys that just bought your unusuals and didn't work for hours sucking e-dick for one.

Will something happen on the 10th?


Where's that image from?

Some VR demo made by Valve.
What if the 10th anniversary is just them implementing VR functionality into TF2 and nothing else

A SteamVR map. It also appears (along with other less important images in the map) in the Fight Songs album, pic related.

I wanna get the album but a friend told me the vinyl is cheap as fuck

>and nothing else

I think they already added Oculus support for the game ages ago. In fact there's a command that removes your viewmodel and lets you see your whole body, which is supposed to be for VR.

>When Dirty Bomb has had more meaningful updates in a few months than a multi-billion dollar company that basically prints money does in more than a year

>that one map you just can't help but keep going back to
what's her name Sup Forums?


dustbowl, just can't help it man it's perfect
>mfw third round second point and we hold it for 25+ mins

2Fort is far more fun and relaxing than it has any right to be.

Most payload maps and 2fort to double donk snipers

>mfw using the Direct Hit with the banner and saving up all of my banner uses for sniping some bitch boy medic on the other team who complained that the direct hit was cheap

Goddamn dude, when I opened that up for the first time I almost got teary eyed...

Vinyl was twenty dollars and I ended up selling the hat it came with for five bucks.


It's just too perfect.

Tuesday's the day!

I got a triple double donk the other day because of snipers grouped together.

swift water. I played it a ton when it wasn't official and it warms my heart seeing it without having to download or again. Now they just need to do the same for fucking cash works. That map was the best thing in the world back on some of the old servers

>nobody's mentioned turbine

Im talking about the quality

Because it's ass.

>br deathmatch box

Figures the worse map in the game was created by a pair of BR

if only you knew how bad things really are.

theres an explanation

>all the shitters on this thread who ENJOY GAMEMODES I DONT LIKE

>worst map in the game
But user, that's not junction

tf2 already has oculus support.

you even get a hat out of it.

At least Junction is not that bland

>tfw iktf

At least they're themed haha


Honestly all king of the hill maps are quite fun.

too bad most community servers arent koth and on casual people usually change maps real quick.

Frontier, or Steel

Its sad you cant find Harvest_event anymore


Badwater and Dustbowl are the fucking bomb for some reason I love stalemates.

Hey Sup Forums,

i havent played a halloween event map in ages.

the community is kinda dead.


I don't know what region you play in, but on the Luxembourg matchmaking servers, Harvest is one of those maps that gets picked at all, much like Badwater and Upward both of which are god-tier maps

Upward is the best map to ninjaneer in, especially on blue and building teleporters on last.

Man, they got to fix the matchmaking in this fucking game and have an obligatory tutorial for the new comers to play.

New players rarely know what to do during matches and how characters play.

Just today i got a free to play medic that spent the 3 matches i played with him without using uber ONCE, not when he actually had the uber charged and everyone in the chat explained to him that you just need to press right mouse to do so.

Because TF2 is the only game that accurately simulates trench warfare. You can actually see the line between the teams and have an idea of where "no man's land" is between them. You sit back with your team, occasionally spamming a few rounds at the enemy, or you go with a small group of other brave team mates venturing through the flank route to see if they can disable some of their defenses, or you finally build up enough Uber to rush in with your entire team for one big push.

The downtime is what made TF2 the best. It's a time to socialize and frag before pulling together and pushing some shit in.

The only server with halloween maps is always stuck in the late halloween maps which are the most boring ones

daily reminder that was confirmed to just be images made for the fight songs album
it means nothing

Imagine if they completely ignored TF2 and they just posted an update for Artifact.

>E on hat


>valve ignores the orange box's anniversary and 10 years since half-life was a thing
>posts a big update for dota 2 instead
it would be a huge slap in the face and a sign of what direction valve has taken

The tutorial mode TF2 has now is fucking abysmal, it doesn't cover every class and doesn't inform players on how to rocket/sticky jump. If they can just have training levels for all nine classes, that'd help a lot.

Einstein because of how smart he is

it's also broken if you've never done it before

They spy tutorial needs to be made. I am sick of people not understanding the fundamentals of what makes a good spy

TF2 has the deepest lore.



Wow, you can't even meme correctly.

I wouldn't be shocked

Is thuesday the day or not?

Fuck every person that wears unusual hats or uses unusual weapons.
Hats are ok, these shit aren't
You are contributing to developpers knowing they don't have to do anything but pretend to work for money to flow.

A lot have already been mentioned but Upward has a lot goin for it. I like Doublecross too.

Post them screenshots

That Mario kart community map, with all the 2008 memes and secret passages.


The partyvan needs to return

I concur.

>tfw you get shot by your own grenade launcher

I will never stop posting this, since it's one of my few good screenshots.

and the grenade launcher gets an achievement

>mfw strange weapons

>this game

what happened this time?, first it was dirty spainiggers, then it was poor hosts


>my life


>giving a fuck about strange weapons


Post them.

>made a new clean steam
account awhile ago
>traded my way up from a free weapon I begged for up to an okay unusual Killer's Kabuto with Massed Flies painted black
>added the guy who initially gave me the weapon I begged for and showed him what I had done
>made a really terrible trade and was never able to sell anything afterwards and eventually gambled it all away into oblivion

Still one of the most satisfying things I've ever done. TF2 trading is capital C comfy before it all went to shit.

>he wasnt around when festives and stranges was the only thing different from stock
what a sad time we live in

I was and I never like them.

I dont get the point of stranges

I've played nothing but Turbine for the last 6 years.

>tfw i sharked a kid off of his unusual by trading him an uncraftable camera bear for it. because he literally just started tf2 and bought a key and got an unusual on his first try
I made 50 dollars off of that and I dont regret a single thing

Charles1872, is that you?




I know hes not on this site because he quit steam like 3 months later, and has since been offline. I think i might've helped his life

It's so you can stroke your epeen

Either that or he killed himself.