Street fighter V arcade edition

This is the ideal fighter female figure.

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Those thighs will chafe

Those thighs will chafe my dick

SFV needs gravure mode like DOA5. Girls' models are the only worthwhile thing in this game.

>that clipping

I wish vidya had more muscle babes

What the fuck even happened to body design in the SF series, Chun Li specifically is fucking horrid looking now.

There's nothing attractive about that.

Too much woman for me

Did Capcom say like Koei Tecmo they would stop all PC ports if people made lewd mods?


This is what peak performance looks like.

It's ok to be gay buddy, it's 2017

>only one version they said

hohoho capcom you cards

Needs more tone



>another fap thread

If the new disc has nothing that you can't get normally then they technically didn't lie. They only said you'd never NEED more than the base disc. It was obvious they'd get around that by just putting out update discs that have all the DLC up to a point.

Season 3 will have started by the time SFVAE is out anyway, or it will start around that time.



What type of new v skill do you want for your main?

Giant hand and feet fags should fucking die.

I dropped the game but I'd like to see what they end up giving Alex and Birdie and Abigail because I like them the most.

Do people find this kind of excess attractive or is it just viewed as kind of a joke?

I will endure giant hands and feet if it means huge ass and tits.

The hands and feet are big for gameplay reasons, dumbass.

Are there any fighting games with Gabi Garcia tiered women?

I would rather have the huge ass and tits without the giant hands and feet.


Is this a steam android? Wtf are these clouds of gas?

I hear the phone ring, it seems like it's

I’d be surprised to think women like this exist IRL.

Not so much the muscles but those hands don’t look right.



Its peoples fetish i guess.
Looks disgusting but hey so are these faggots attracted to it.

>gameplay reasons
Fuck off loser, lmao.

Only 1 girl matters.


Menat has perked my interests more than laura.

Still won’t make me buy the game but still.

Ever heard of hitboxes and impact confirmations?

is that a real in game model?


Oh fuck.


It's the SF games in general. Everyone has some fucked up anatomy


Hitboxes aren't tied to geometry, the display just allows for visual awareness
I don't know why people would imply such a thing
Calculating colliding 3d geometry is computationly expensive, and I would know because I had to personally program stuff dealing with that

Do you think realism was the artists' intention?

Season 3 needs more waifus

me on the right

See. Ths Makes sense. Chun doesn’t look THAT bad. But I do have a hard time imagining sex with her weird body.

Like Roxy.

A nice combination of fit and THICC is the pinnacle of female aesthetic.


>it's a Cammyfags try and make their boring waifu seem hot by giving her someone else's animations episode


She still hasn't been added to the game yet.
Remember when she was playable in story mode only and everyone thought "well, she's clearly unfinished, they'll fix her before she's released" but they didn't, they just didn't.

Don't ever post shadman again you retard

>Juri will never break you
kill me desu

I like giefs trigger but I hope they get new v skills too because I am ass with iron muscle

i wish i had a white gf like cammy


I'm thinking about picking this game up when the arcade version is out. But I was told the story mode is online? Is that true? What the hell? How does that work?

wonder woman is way stronger than her

They made a cinematic story mode like the ones NRS do post launch, it's free but you have to download it



Cammy = just best

What kind of comparison is that? No shit shes stronger, shes an amazon with gods for parents. Chun is a cop

She needs to be thicker

>Cammy and Menat will never crush your dick


hay man just saying


I want this chun-li to kick me up into the air like a football at world cup


She's fucking gross.


only cucks and faggots want their women looling like a tranny Arnold Schwarzenegger.

>modded Juri proportions

Fuck off with that. She's fine as she is.



not the right kind of thick bro
also that butterface



God. 2017 is truly the year of delicious brown.


Post uncensored

Was wondering who she was, shes fucking disgusting


Too much of a downer to be the best. Even Zangief tells her to smile more.

What did she mean by this?


>only saving grace to shit fighter v is the pajama costume for chun li


Why did they change this to shitty latex?

Jesus Christ.

Zangief is not a cat, opinion invalid



>people actually think sfv anatomy is attractive
>massive legs
>gigantic feet and hands significantly larger than the head
>tiny ass upperbody that doesn't match the lower body
>hideous faces, hair textures, etc...
>balloon tits with no real sense of weight to them
This is legit tranny porn shit. Nothing looks even remotely right. It is sad that people have gotten so retarded that they think throwing meat randomly onto a body makes someone attractive.