Anyone looking forward to ultra cutscene simulator? I'm definitely not

Anyone looking forward to ultra cutscene simulator? I'm definitely not.

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what exactly is different about this game

The ONLY flaw was the amount of cutscenes. It was great in every other regard. Shame on you, faggot.

That's a pretty big flaw though. Not being able to walk LITERALLY 10 steps without triggering a cutscene ruined the series for me.

three new ultra beasts, one of which is useless by default (assembly) a new lycanroc form, some new story plot (yaaaaaay more cutscenes we can't skip!) and the main two legendaries fusing with the third one which has definitely not been done before

then no, i'm not looking forward to it

>It was great in every other regard
Except for the Pokemon designs.
And the handholding.
And the railroading.
And the lack of postgame content.

I'm looking forward to getting Gold/Silver in my 3DS, seeing as they were the last great Pokemon games with playing.

Why would I want terrible models, horrible pokemon designs, and "rivals" when I can have the best and most capable protag along with the best music and coolest rival in the series?

>It was great in every other regard

Don't use huge exaggerations. No one will listen.

It's not a huge exaggeration at all.


it's not an exaggeration though
>over 6 hours of cutscenes

"Can't move 10 steps" vs "every other area has a 30 second cutscene"

Not sure if I wanna go through the game again, even if it has a better and more complete story with the UB worlds.

Man it sucks how they've reverted back to lazily rehashing the game instead of making it a sequel like BW2.

Shill on suicide watch
Enjoy buying the exact same game over again, OH WAIT it has a stack of blocks this time, my bad.

More cutscenes and 3 new Pokémon

Gold and silver were fantastic at the time but in my opinion I don't feel like any games before Emerald (and Platinum) are really playable nowadays, they're just not polished in ways that really detract nowadays. Of course back then I played and enjoyed the shit out of them but the main flaws are kind of hard to deny

>RBY were groundbreaking at the time but now it's just slow, buggy and too damn easy.
>GS has awful level scaling and pokemon selection - whats with all of the johtomons locked until Kanto? Why is all of Kanto underleveled.
>Crystal is more or less the same really even if it does look much nicer
>RS is just plain unfinished and nothing to do post-game
>FRLG just feels slow and the low pokemon variety detracts from the experience
>DP is painfully slow at parts

But that's just my opinion.

I'm pretty sure Sun will be the last Pokemon game I buy. Just way too much fucking talking and hand holding. I don't know if I'm getting old, the game sucks, or both but Pokemon just isn't fun for me anymore

I'm not paying for it regardless, so I may as well look forward to it.

same here

Autism: The Post

You should try to make objective points when forming an argument. No one cares if you disliked the designs.

Tfw there is a board dedicated to Pokémon and faggot op does this

/vp/ is not a containment board.

I'm looking forward to Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon and no one can stop me!

They're trying to cater to the smartphone crowd and you know what their attention spans are like.

We had always cutscene in Pokémon games, but in the past we haven't camera visual's change


I don't think you've ever seen /vp/ if you think plain ass threads about Pokemon games on Sup Forums are bad.


stupid liz poster!

>user will defend this

People insisting there was no exploration at all in S/M are retarded.


Good one, dude.

I could live with SM's shitty cutscenes, I've sat through far worse, it was the rest of the game that was the problem with the shitty boring tree branch level design and no dungeons

USUM is at least adding new areas so it might be cool

>14 minutes of actual cutscenes
>the rest is literally just scripted dialogue like every other pokemon game has

>I don't understand the difference between cutscenes and cinematics
>I don't realize this is still way more cutscenes than the other Pokemon games

Why would you make a thread about it if you don't like it?

>USUM is at least adding new areas so it might be cool
Don't expect anything more than linear corridors with pretty visuals on the side, much like the base game.

the new director seems way more competent than ohmori, but no one can turn shit into gold. shame

If they have pretty visuals that's already miles ahead of SM

More cutscenes, 3 new pokemon and a new dungeon (hallway)

The last two trailers got me interested enough to buy it, may as well since it'll be the 3ds' last hurrah

But Gold was shit. Part of the worst generation so far.

gold an silver were the peak of pokemon but that's not what we're talking about here

Except for being more linear than Unova and Kalos put together; never letting go of your hand; the game not being about the MC's quest about being the best while your friends/rivals have their own adventures, but about a useless girl that holds McGuffin and has mommy issues and lackluster postgame content.

I don't whine about cutscenes because I'm not impatient. But I'm not happy about the game regardless. Seems like this version should have been the one released in the first place, and what was added doesn't seem like enough to grab my interest.

Are X and Y worth playing or should I just wait for this?

Far better than the crap released in X and Y.

What do you hate about Yeticrab-mon?

X and Y are the worst pokemon games I've ever played.
But that's just a matter of personal taste.

Gold and silver are absolute garbage

Not particularly, I would wait for USUM just because it actually has a shot at having quality content. I would recommend XY over vanilla SM though.

I don't care either way about the abominable crab, but XY introduced the best batch of Pokemon.

Oh, you could explore all the islands top to bottom, they where just very small.
What was really disappointing was areas like the tower in the park, and the power station not actually having entrances.

>but XY introduced the best batch of Pokemon.
I disagree. Particularly with the atrocious Mega designs.

>I would recommend XY over vanilla SM though.
Why on earth?

Kalos is at least a decent region, and you have a wider variety of Pokemon to play around with. Plenty of people still play online in Gen VI too judging by when I replayed ORAS last month, so you have PSS at your fingertips rather than the clusterfuck of Festival Plaza. For a lot of people, the amount of cutscenes won't be as suffocating as well.

My only real problem with gen 1+2 is how most Pokemon are nearly unusable due to lack of movepool and general availability until late game. Barely any mons learn decent moves, a handleful are really good with move pools but then you're limited to using those. At least RBY makes up for it by giving you a shit load of good TMS early on, in GSC you need to wait until maybe Ecruteak City to get Surf to make any water type usable really.

anyone still working on beating sun/moon yet?

the last thing I did in Sun was the battle royale thing with the MC, the guy friend, the professor, and Gideon

Me and I've had my Sun since launch

I beat Moon a week before the game launched, and I still haven't started on my actual Sun cartage.

I got up to the Dimension Research Lab and then just lost all interest in playing, I didn't even hate playing it I just didn't feel like focusing on it, and then my 3DS ran out of power and I lost a whole 5 minutes of progress.

I only just picked it back up lately to beat it before USUM comes out.

I've made it to the second island

speaking of Pokemon Sun/Moon, is it worth it going crazy to try and find the cells/cores of Zyngarde?

I have like 14 pieces already and I last beat Totem Wishiwashi

put a sharpedo up on the GTS and trade for a zygarde 10% if you don't want to hunt down all the cells
Zygarde 100% is fucking ridiculously overpowered but the cells basically need a guide since some only show up in certain times of day and I believe there was a bug with them

I have 300 hours into the game and I'm so autistic I've only gotten to the Pheromosa part of the postgame questline, and only caught 1 Pheromosa.

>since some only show up in certain times of day


Some cells only show up during the night, some only show during the day, and some are in postgame-only areas.

well, fuck.

Should I feel lucky I got enough for the 10% form. Despite not even getting to the lab?

Just get the four red cores that unlock tutor moves and then trade for 10%'s to get more cells. If you have XY you can transfer the Zygarde from that through Bank over and break it down into fifty cells.

Basically it works like this.
10 cells make 10%, can be separated into cells again.
50 cells make 50%, and ditto as 10%
All 100 cells make Complete forme, which can never be separated and will always remain whole.
You can dissolve other people's Zygardes to add to how many cells you have, you can make as many as you want from those.
The only mandatory cells are the cores though, there should be 5 cores.

>Better in ever other regard!
>Lists every regard and says they're shit
>b-but you have to be objective user! >:[

I lost track at how many cores/cells I have

What the fuck is with those designs? Are we reaching Digimon-tier in Pokemon?

Not him but you can check by selecting the cube in your key items.

Light parasite's body parts sticking out of its prey animals.

S&M were the worst fucking games in the series, massive tutorial, few pokes, dumb lore.

Any new alola forms?

So is anyone going to post rankings?

BW2 > Pt > BW > HGSS > Colosseum > E > XD > C > FRLG > GS > ORAS > RS > XY > USM (projected) > SM > Y > RB

So why the fuck isn't this shit DLC for the other games?

unovabortions should be put down

Why don't you rank your favorite games then, tough guy

Is this the switch pokemon game or is there another one?

How can we purge the underage(Less than 25) ADD shits from our board?

Boo hoo, I have to read for 60-120 seconds, it'd like you've never played an RPG not named Pokemon before.

Why make $15 DLC when people will buy it for $60?
Hack your 3DS and get it for free

>All those Electric types that lack Thunderbolt in the only gen where Thunderbolt isn't a TM
>All the Psychic Types who can't get Psychic or if they do, get it stupid late
>All the ground types whose only means of a decent stab is Dig until the end of Johto
>All those Grass types who are stuck with Vine Whip for stab until they can get Razor Leaf stupid late

>it'd like you've never played an RPG not named Pokemon before.
Have you? Not every RPG slaps a cutscene or scripted dialogue even in your face every five fucking steps you take to explain to you the most arbitrary shit like SM does. And even when they do they at least give you the option to skip the cutscene/text you idiot.
Regardless, it's bad design period to constantly take the player out of gameplay like that when there are far better ways to handle story in RPGs. Pokemon didn't need it before and it certainly doesn't need it now

>All the ground types whose only means of a decent stab is Dig until the end of Johto
This sounds completely rational to me. Earthquake is such a powerful move, yet the game still gives it to you around 2/3rds of the way in.

Understandable, but allow me to word it better

>All the Ground types whose only means of a decent stab until the end of Johto is dig because their only other option is MUD SLAP, with nothing in between

>implying mud slap isn't god tier

>cutscenes still can't be skipped in ultra sun and moon
>they're going to remove features too
Don't even understand how the first game got such good ratings.

game runs like shit though

I'm pissed this game appears to just be a redo of SM instead of a sequel like BW2.

>they're going to remove features too
Do you have any evidence at all to support this claim?

digimon and world of ff was better pokemon games then pokemon how is that

not really, lost interest and hope for any more 3ds pokemon games after playing sun, just patiently waiting for switchmon because i'm sure that'll be a blast what with all the time they're spending on development (or at least I hope and believe so)

Wish they would have just made this DLC or one game. I got Moon when it first came out and it was the first Pokemon game I had gotten since R/S/E. I expected a different version but the way they handled it this time is really annoying and kinda pisses me off. I don't really see myself wanting to get and play the exact same game all over again. At the very least they should let the character customization options be a DLC for regular Sun and Moon. Have they even shown more Alolan forms or any new Pokemon?

I miss the dungeon crawling and light puzzling in the series. Any hope of it ever coming back or is Pokemon forever tubes>cutscenes>boss rush>repeat now?