literally just about to start playing this
gosh the music is so fucking gorgeous
what should I know, Sup Forums?
>never played FF or JRPG in my life
is this even a good game to get into the series or genre?
Literally just about to start playing this
it's pretty great
why would you play 13-2 before 13?
Good ass game
throw Moggie over ledges
learn to use different paradigms, but even then it's not that difficult. bol
>t. Platinum'd the FFXIII trilogy
FF13-2 is a great jrpg man. People give it shit but i loved it.
The OST is one of the best in general. So many good songs. Hope you enjoy it.
dunno i just randomly scrolled through ff torrents and this one was the first one i stumbled across that looked decent. i don't mind the graphics of older titles, i'm more of a story guy but i was just looking for an easier product to consume for my first jrpg, so did i choose the right one even though it's not the first chapter? i'm reading through beginner's primer,might play the first one if i finish this one
Why the fuck would you start with this one.
The music and Caius are the only good things anyway, the rest suck hard. The plot in particular makes no fucking sense.
give me a recommendation, user
i wanna try myself at japanese games, played only metal gear series
Lost Odyssey
Tales of Vesperia
Shadow Hearts 1&2
Grandia 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 1
Growlanser Generations
Final Fantasy 10-2
Odin Sphere Leifrasir
The rest of the FF13 trilogy
Give these a shot.
Don't listen to Sup Forums on this. 13-2 is one of the best FF games out there. It's certainly better than 13 and 15 at the very least. Have fun catching Pokemon for your party, best part of the gameplay.
Because he wanted to dodge a bullet.
>Start the series with not just the 13th installment, but the spinoff sequel to the 13th installment
Just how retarded are you
Numbered FF games are all standalones with Number-2 being a sequel to the main entry. There are no good FF games after IX. You now know everything you need to know about the series.
>I didn't play them so they are bad
Best game in the 13 series but that's not saying much. I like the pokeyman monsters and Noel's story is pretty good. You'll want a good sentinel early on. Capture one of those humanoid robots or a Bunkerbeast.
>If someone says a game is bad that must mean he didn't actually play it.
>is this even a good game to get into the series
No. It's not as bad a FFXIII but it ain't much better.
XIII-2 suffers from the same thing as FFX-2: a plot beyond trash and awful characters.
The gameplay is fun, and has amazing soundtrack and graphics.
If you want a game where plot is the main focus try Trails in the Sky or Trails of Cold Steel.
The music is the best thing about the game.
waifufags overrate the fuck out of it because of Serah. It does some things better than XIII but overall it convoluted the fuck out of the story, made the gameplay less fun, and is spin-off tier rather than "mainline".
easy to spot when you don't know 13-2 is the hidden gem of FF just under the god-tier, in the great tier.
Feel free to add that X is amazing and 12 is not worth playing while you're at it.
Every Final Fantasy game is so drastically different from the last that it doesn't matter what order you play them in.
Best of the trilogy.
Make sure you properly put good stats on your monster, otherwise your going to have a bad time.
>Tales of Vesperia
Not even the best Tales of game.
>I'm more of a story guy
>Proceeds to give zero fucks about the game's background
FF13 is very slow. I wouldn't not recommend that as a initiation game at all.
13-2 was hit or miss for me, but I think you'll find enjoyment in it.
I personally didn't like it all that much, but the OST is amazing for sure.
13-3 though? I think it's the best of the FF13 saga.
Oh look an xdrone who only started playing RPGs on the 360
13-2 is a shit ton of fun. I hated 13 (liked LR a lot) but 13-2 is honestly like my second favorite game in the series behind VIII.
Purple Sephiroth with Soul Edge is pretty good.
Tales is a great series man. Most of the entries are pretty good. Even the ones with shit stories or rehashed content usually have fun battle systems.
I'm surprised so many people say the soundtrack is great. I always figured it'd be received as mediocre. Personally I love it and am glad the CE came with the full soundtrack. Yuel's theme a best
first FF villain in forever that isn't ultimate power/end of the world bullshit
he just wants to save his waifu
>isn't end of the world bullshit
did you even play the game