64 year old man kills 50 people in a mass shooting

>64 year old man kills 50 people in a mass shooting
>people are blaming video games and movies
Why didn't this meme die with Jack Thompson's legal career?

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>>people are blaming video games and movies
*citation needed*

video games

Because hes super mario 64

To be fair, I do the same thing regularly in NV.


>people are blaming video games and movies
I see more people blaming FUCKING WHITE MAAALES in general than vidyas this time senpai.

Sup Forumsirgins BTFO!

rick santorum isn't a person, user

We should start holding all white people accountable for the actions of each individual one, they don't seem to have a problem doing it to everyone else.

Make a deal we'll stop munging you if you stoo mowing down 50+ strangers since you couldn't get laid

Yes, but let's never look at statistics. That's heresy. Unless we pick and choose the ones we like.

>People using handguns 64 persons during the same day of the mass shooting
>No one said anything about that

Black people kill more black people than white people.
Black people kill more white people than white people.

boy oh boy I sure do love these video game threads!

>muh whites

getting real tired of your shit tyronne

/utg/ samefag kike SAMEFAG KIKE kill yourself KIKE kill yourself KIKE kill yourself KIKE

Not to mention rapes.

literally no one is blaming video games you fucking retard.

this has nothing to do with Sup Forums, fuck off and stop making this place worse.

>implying we don't all hate video games

>everyone who disagrees with me is le Sup Forums boogeymang because i said so XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD
Kill yourself, /utg/ fag kike.

Because as soon as we finished whack-a-moleing the self-appointed moral guardians on the right and got five seconds of peace, the ones one the left all came out of the woodwork.

what I don't get is why both sides, even the NRA are going to support a ban on bump stocks
forgive my firearm naivete, but isn't a semi auto bought up to full auto capability fairly easily? The next thing will be called a 'slide stock' or something, why ban this?
Basically all i'm saying is I want more full autos in america so I have more interesting bloodshed to watch

Damn user I wish I were as edgy as you are then I'd have a gf for sure.

>criticising the left at all
fuck off Sup Forums

>everyone who disagrees with me is le Sup Forums boogeymang because i said so XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD XDDDD
Kill yourself, kike.

you need more guns though, don't lie
it keeps you all nice and safe from da gubberment
also, its your life and liberty at stake, you are virtually shitting on the founding fathers if you don't own several firearms
Go now. Buy as many as you can carry

NRA is blaming video games
Rick Santorum is blaming video games

Others will be coming out of the woodwork soon

He was talking about how it gives you autism.

Can't help being right, Jamal. If it aint white, it aint right.

I'm not a burger, I'm a leaf.
I agree that fully automatic weapons (and whatever modifications that makes them this way) should be regulated.
And also that they should enforce the restrictions they already have and crack down on people stashing an arsenal like this guy. I mean holy shit.
But I'm kind of glad that the burgers are well-armed down there. If western gubberments go too far with the general repression they might revolt again. That'd be cool.
I do quite enjoy our low-gun violence situation here though.
But it's not all due to gun restrictions. I hate bringing that up AGAIN but if you ignore violence committed by blacks the US doesn't have a violent crime rate that much higher than Europe (still higher than Canada though).
For the most part the burgers are responsible with their guns but they have a terrible problem within their ghettos. Not trying to stir up some racist shit, these people are in terrible situations and this leads to violence (which they impose on each others). They need serious help but the gubberment is being useless and people are being stupid about the real causes and solutions.

I thought Sup Forums gave you autism?
Vidyas turn you into a mass murderer.

Burgers are fucking retarded though. We complain about 'muh rights' and 'muh guns' while at the same time allowing Republicans to arm the police with military-tier gear.

Retards talk about how we need guns to protect ourselves from the tyranny of the government while at the same time allowing the government to be more and more armed against your fellow citizen. For some reason we think our fucking pea shooters will be useful against the police rolling around in tanks and using drones.