Shadow of War Hype

It's coming soon boys! Fuck the poor kids crying about this game.


kek poor autists. I'll be enjoying the game day 1

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Enjoy your tedious grind to see the ending kek

better than having a 5 hour game. ill be enjoying it you safe space cuck

WB thanks you for your purchase.

You ARE going to be purchasing the $99 Best Value crate pack... RIGHT!?

im not a literal autist like you babies crying about loot crates. i have self control and nobody is forcing me to buy it.

Tuesday cant come soon enough, killing orcs will be pure bliss again

Git Gud I go to the ending without having to grind.

If the ending is anything like the last game's, then who fucking cares? Not me. This is just another tech demo with good tech. I still think the whole hubbub about the loot boxes is a bit overdramatic.


Been playing since the crack last night and act 4 was a breeze so I'm not sure how fucking bad these "Reviewers are at games"

amen on the lootbox stuff

Even casual let's players beat it without HAVING to buy shit.

Was this all a ruse ?

I don't even want to pirate it anymore.

there are so many neckbeard autists out there up in arms about loot boxes its fucking sad

Im only just at act 2 now but damn that intro was boring until you got the skill tree.

>play for another 200 hours for the real ending
>Spend another 90 dollars
>cheat engine

just get it on g2a for $30 like a normal person

theres no pleasing you gamers. you cry about games not being long enough all the fucking time now you cry its too long. fucking kill yourself dude

Someone enlighten me, whats the controversy this time?

You should be ashamed of yourself for buying this shit new. If you insist on playing it at least buy it pre owned so WB doesn't get any money.

One of the orcs is transgendered and as per usual the gooblygamers are triggered about much ethics in video games journalism or something I dunno.

>You aren't spending your money on things that should be free? Well that means you're POOR orcs even have genders?
also I thought there was something about getting the ending?

>lootboxes in a single player game
>the game constantly begs you to give WB money for loot boxes like a homeless nigger
>WB selling DLC that Monolith created as a tribute to a deceased employee
>locking the real ending behind a 40-50 hour grind unless you're willing to pay WB for loot boxes
Rampant Judaism basically.


Can't wait.

I'll be a little sad if I never get to dominate the Balrog though.

it was already confirmed that this is fake you fucking idiots

fucking kill yourself dude. i never have had a problem with wb. you are most likely a console peasant who doesnt know how to use a pc

spent 3 fucking hours trying to capture one of the areas, only to finally capture the fort and realize that i'd once again done a game in the wrong order.

1.5 of the hours were mostly because of the friggin assassin "no chance" perk bullshit

>what is arkham knight
Kill yourself you dick licking corporate kike.

>EA forced grind lootbox bloated uncompressed assassins creed generic open world AAA garbage
enjoy your trash, shill

It's almost as in there is a difference between obvious stretching/padding and well-thought-out progression.

Yes, orcs do have genders, but there aren't any trans characters in the game to my knowledge. The rub is with the 'true ending' being locked behind the endgame Shadow War content, which reviewers are complaining requires days of grinding or paying real money. I'd take it with a grain of salt, since reviewers are shit at games

Adding onto this, lots of people noted that Shadow of Mordor was super hard, which always confused me because that game was easy as shit and super forgiving. I mean i'm gonna reserve my judgement, but still i'd rather have to go through a lot of good, challenging content to earn my true ending rather than it just be handed to me.

The lootbox shit is fucking stupid though, anyone who buys them whatsoever unless with Mithra is actually retarded

dang dude kill yourself. i bet you play shit like borderlands. you are a complete autist my man

I kinda wanna buy this game, since I enjoyed SoM's sandbox bullshit, but I don't wanna support MTs in a single player game, fuck. Gaming as a hobby really is dead

I feel you. Apparently the Nemesis system was completely upgraded and slightly redone so as to be more involved and have more interactions. It seems fun as fuck but super iterative and microtransactions are so shit.
You just KNOW this was forced on them by WB, Monolith are great guys

who could be behind this

>being mad people can afford things you cant

larper confirmed

no crack out yet

I really couldn't care how people spend their money actually, i'm just saying they're actually stupid for spending money in order to spend less time with a game

>I'll be a little sad if I never get to dominate the Balrog though.

On act 2 atm

You do.

I'll watch a let's play, can't support the kinda business practices they engage in.

these people are lying. theres no crack out yet

The last two points are wrong though. WB realized how shitty that was and did the donation themselves with the DLC for free, and the only source I've seen for the Act 4 grind is fucking Polygon.

lies, you just drown him

Buying it to play until SWBF2 drops. Keep playing your anime trash niggers.

>WB realized how shitty that was
You mean they saw the public backlash for it and decided to go with the PR route

>what is consoles that have no drm

PCfags kek

>Todd owns WB
This man must be stopped.

Yea, I guess I'll just pirate it and have 1-2 fun afternoons with it. Shame to see this game being sacrificed to push the corporate envelope

Fuck off stupid shill

SoM was hard on certain points, almost none of which being in the main story. The difficulty came from Captains who got too strong and began to get immunities to everything. I once had a Captain that was immune to Stealth and Ranged, hated Burning, had Monster Slayer, Vault Block, a Gang, and Poison, on top of being able to call reinforcements.


A bit, yeah. Apparently Monolith had some words for them too, though I'm not completely sure about that.

That's easy shit, it's when they get all that coupled with Combat Master when shit really hits the fan

I believe it. They have that reputation.

The big problem with that is that there's no endgame for the Nemesis system. Sure you can fuck around and have a great time with it but there's no endgame reward for doing so. No epic boss battle, no amazing and helpful loot/abilities, no cutscenes or anything like that.

Shadow of War seems to correct this but at the cost of having a lot of shitty microtransactions and other junk like that.

They actually can't get Combat Master at that point with Ranged and Stealth immunity I think, otherwise they'd be invulnerable. There's certain things that don't mix, hence why a lot of Captains are vulnerable to Explosions.

anyone know what time the embargo lifts for youtube vids?


I'll be pirating this.
WB deserves it.

Have Xbone, how to play early?

go to a store that broke street date
good luck finding one

user points stands. Our only source to the ending lock is Polygon, which is not a source at all.

google "retailer that dispatches early"

alot of smaller online retailers dispatch games early.

Eh I'll just wait for tomorrow night.

yeah you're a bit late now son

but you can do that for all future games, i get games on friday if they come out on tuesday

yes use that same logic for things like tv's

>i hate company x
>therefore its ok for me to steal from company x

wtf are they teaching you autists in college these days?

Illegitimate copying =/= stealing


just because something is not physical does not mean it has no intrinsic value

Know any flea markets ? Those little booths always sell the weekend before just don't get ur console banned

>polygon says something bad about a game this board loves


>polygon says something bad about a game this board hates


but no one does that.

I actually bought the gold edition. I would have gotten the mithral but it was sold out when I went.

I never said that
Do some research on piracy, you're clearly not educated on the matter

does anybody else hate when autists try to justify stealing?


They tried one of the endgame sieges right after finishing the campaign and were able to complete it without doing any extra grinding or lootboxes.

You guys gotta remember that while this is a shitty thing to do that the people playing these games aren't the best at video games.

>if someone gives me a stolen item, its not illegal am i right?

no, still illegal

Ey yo hol' up white boy


Poorfag here, I'll just be pirating your game lol

>idrill and benedor or whatever it is


cuck white boi begged the dark lord to let his daughter get raped

t. Idiot who knows nothing about lotr

You sound like a shill. Fuck you WB, i wanted another Bamham, not this Tolkien crap.

I wish orcs could gen wearing their stringy-ass hair in a bun or some shit, have them acting like the flaming faggot voice from the first game. libcucks would loose their shit for making realistic looking trannies.

Have fun downloading 100 gb



The first game was so uninspired and boring I ended up dropping it after the first ""boss""
How the fuck did it manage to get a sequel, and with loot box cancer on top of it all?

Piracy is, by all means morally conflicted
Atleast I'll find out whether or not the microtransactions are going to be gamehindering before I'll let WarnerBros and any other gamedeveloper who's going to try the same strategy bend me over and buttfuck me with their giant cashgrabbing cock

Isn't downloading 100GB something everyone that wants to play the game will have to suffer through, pirate or not?

same, i only played poordoor for like 1 hour lel

its true. a lot of sjw's try to break into a lot of fields and they arent very good at that said field. ie. video games, animation, comic books, sports, technology fields

How easy do you people think editing the 'Gold' values with Cheat engine is gonna be?

I just want an army of Olog-Hai

very, but I honestly think the game itself will be too easy, making cheating just boring.

You don't even have to be connected to a server to play
The problem comes if you actually have to be logged in to spend

But he isn't from Gondor itself.
But Idril is already a slut. Eltariel is the superior woman, because she's an ELF slut.

>everyone buying the game at launch or pre-ordering
>not waiting until an inevitable GOTY edition with all the DLC + extra for like $20

Shit, I got Shadow of Mordor complete for like $5 on Steam 2 years ago. GOTY went on sale at like 75% off.

Gonna do the same with Shadow of War.

Morality is a spook. Buying this game is like saying you are okay with lootboxes in all of your games from now on. If you buy this game you're actively making videogames shittier not only for others, but for yourself. It's all fun and games until literally every videogame that comes out has a lootbox system to cater to the low IQ filth who like the tingles their brain give them when they open a lootbox. I mean it's not like Battlegront 2 and a bunch of other games just HAD to have lootboxes in their games, right? Pretty soon they will try to build games around lootbox systems instead of inserting lootboxes into the game.

Just. Pirate. It.

Looks like they've already solved the cheating problem. If you want to cheat you'll just have to shell out cash.

>its another "laura bailey does a really shitty british accent" episode