Are there any games where you can be a runway model?
How could we make it so a game could judge our tastes if we made a custom character?
Are there any games where you can be a runway model?
its called honey selector, you stupid fuck
Any game with a character creator
Are there any games where you can be a filthy Hollywood actress, desperate for roles and willing to do ANYTHING?
How could we make it so a game could judge our tastes if we made a custom character?
Doesn't Fashion Boutique or some shit have that? That one 3DS game?
Fucking gross
>those women on the right getting salty because of her 10/10 ass
She'd be really cute if she had some huge tits to match that ass.
I said DAMN
>How could we make it so a game could judge our tastes if we made a custom character?
By basing it on real anatomy.. potentially the golden ratio.
These are such bullshit
Actually, facial size being proportional is pretty common in drawing literature.
Was this woman supposed to have a manface?
Nice proportions.
I was looking for what I was learning from -- a video series with a nude model, but the point is still there.
Are there any games where you can be an escaping hostage?
How could we make it so a game could judge our tastes if we made a custom character?
Playerslave for Oblivion.
>that ass
Holy fuck, that took me by surprise
Holy shit.
I'm not even an ass person, but holy fuck
>drooling over implants
Ah to be young again
Oh sry I forgot we have medical doctors browsing here.
>bra doesn't match her underwear
I fucking hate it when girls do this. Shit ain't aesthetic.
>need to be a doctor to tell when ass/tits are fake
You'll learn when you grow up kid
jesus dat ass... gonna need a sauce on that.
it's not the US, it's south America, people down there don't usually get ass implants. Might want to check your eyes as well.
Actually that's where people get ass implants the most, dumbass. It's called peer pressure.
>Might want to check your eyes as well
>he thinks that skinny chick with fat ass is real
lol retard
>it thinks girls must be either fat or skinny in all places
lol retard
Would you date a girl like this?
Seems like every chad would try to bang her.
>it's not the US, it's south America, people down there don't usually get ass implants.
Just how fucking gullible and clueless can people be jesus fuck
keep making a fool of yourself kid, it's obvious you haven't seen enough women to know the difference between fake and real
It's not a matter of would, it's a matter of could
Models are NOT to be trusted, user
Not that guy, but what makes you think it's a fake ass? I've seen my share of asses but I still can't reliably identify them as easily as fake tits. Share with us your wisdom
Only a black guy would be big enough to satisfy her.
Sure, date her. Then if someone else bangs her just drop her. Done.
If she doesnt, maybe youll even be happy? Or not.
>lol u havent seen wimmenz
nice arguments pal, you sure look tough and experienced.
just imagine her brapping into the toilet bowl
Life isnt fair bros
Women who like to show off their body are whores. Guaranteed to cheat. I'd fuck her but obviously wouldn't date.
14 years old brazilian girls have a body pretty close to the webm
Stop user you're making me hard.
Oh, hello my Irish friend
What the fuck are you talking about? Brazil is a world leader in plastic surgery and has been a proponent of it since the 80's
If they can't afford it the get it done illegally and people shoot fucking concrete solution into their ass cheeks and thighs.
You've clearly have no idea. Did she get thigh and calf implants too you dumbfounded imbecile?
Her thighs are perfectly normal, retard. That's why people are surprised when she turns around.
Her thighs show that her ass and hips are mostly real. She probably did get some injections to make her ass stick out more though.
Style Savy games sort of.
there's not even a crowd to be surprised about, the camera is shooting the people already looking at her ass
how fucking dumb are you
what game
People are surprised when the gif/webm is posted, shit for brains. How new are you? Straight out of reddit, no doubt.
Name for the love of fuck
there's no surprise aside from your dumb ass who doesn't know what is real and what is a fake body
her legs are perfectly normal for her butt size, just like her fucking hips. if those were implants her ass would be big and her body wouldn't be proportional you dumb fuck
>actually noticing them
Are you gay or what? I didn't notice them at all until I read this post.
>your dumb ass who doesn't know what is real and what is a fake body
Her body is disproportional to her ass and there are always posters saying the ass surprised them when she turned around, like this user Stay retarded and delusional kid
look at her legs and hips you virgin
Ana Margarida Alves
Go nuts
They're completely normal while the ass isn't
>person who can't tell when a woman is fake calling others virgins
video juegos
I want to make a game where you can go from a zero to movie star/burn out. Would you enjoy this Sup Forums?
>the ass isn't
it is though? that's the average brazilain body
look at her hip-waist ratio, the ass is real
also obviously doesnt have tit implants so why would she have ass implants
Not so great without makeup
>that's the average brazilain body
Yeah because they all get injections and surgeries there, idiot
Where the video games?
>her instagram is private
If only hue girls were white
>Weebs getting salty because they cannot plant their seed into lovely women
t. butthurt roastie