Now that the dust has settled, what|s Sup Forumss consensus on this game?

Now that the dust has settled, what|s Sup Forumss consensus on this game?

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bretty gud

Broken crap and heavily overrated.

Pretty good. It doesn't have the longevity that D2 or PoE has for me but it's a solid ARPG

its really good, but later on you get a bit grindy since its not very easy to find a complete set of gear. Thankfully crafting helps push you a bit into what you wanna wear, and you can buy certain gear to plug in holes while you look for what you want.

Storywise it is a pretty simple, but I like that the choices affect serious outcomes in the game, even if most just change what you can grind.

>Now that the dust has settled

the expac drops in three days

>grindy since its not very easy to find a complete set of gear

amen, diablo 3 got it right by giving you your class set for free after hitting the level cap

I would play it if it had any kind of online community.

boring, when I played I remembered why I dropped Titan Quest.

maybe video games are not for you?

Probably the most boring ARPG to date. I had more fun in Diablo 3 than this, even TQ felt more cohesive and not a mess of systems tacked on for the sake of it.

I find it to be absurdly slow and boring, perhaps it was my build and I should try again. But the mod support and other things makes the game have no online presence or world which is what a lot of these games are known for.

The best ARPG currently available. I preferred TQ's aesthetic and classes though. Will be interesting to see how the 2 new classes synergise with the others.

Arthur Bruno is a hack.

best arpg I've playen in a while.
Waiting for the expansion.


Can't wait, I wonder how a pistol wielding necromancer would work.

Whats the best class to play? Is magic any good in this? I was thinking of the occult guy.

the best Diablo 3 on the market

You get to pick two classes, every combination is good, it's what you make of it that makes it better, focus on a few damage types and build from there.

I thought the first chapter was really interesting and fun but I hated everything about the game after that point.

post build that looks fun as fuck

I hate the way it looks. It feels like everything has an exaggerated sharpen filter laid over it.

It's my own build, very gear focused, I wouldn't recommend it if you don't have at least half of the items.
I hope to improve it when the expansion is out.

really fun, waiting for the expansion that's in a few days

Bookmarked, may try it out one of these days. Thanks man

Why are pistols so fucking good? I wanted to be a rifle wizard but it was so shit without that one specific rifle that gives 100% pierce

Demolitionist/Arcanist is my favorite combination.

it's a pretty good game

Rifle/Crossbows are good, you just need to build around the fact that they're slower, so you get less procs but you hit harder.
I actually made a build around one of the most underrated crossbow in the game and it cleared HC ultimate Loghorrean faster than my previous builds.

Too bad it's going to be completely inferior to Inquisitor/Demo.

i have 200+ hours in the game and i can honestly say it really needed a way to speed up movespeed. there's just way too many places you had to walk to and sometimes it took fucking forever to get to where the quests were at. it's about as grindy as a titanquest type game and action oriented (don't expect much story) which is fun if you enjoy those types of things, although there really were only a few builds that are both viable and fun in terms of end game content

Pretty impressive
Got a grimcalc link? Also what crossbow?

I'm playing a 55 soldier currently, and have absolutely no idea what other class to pick. Any recommendations? So far I have been using two handed and just stacking physical + trauma

soldier demo is always solid, really soldier synergises really well with any class (but melee builds in particular benefit from the survivability boost)
The Northern Wyrm, which is getting some small changes in the coming patch.


Fairly fun game, one of the best Diablo-likes out there.

The only problem I have with it is the lack of online community. Without friends you are pretty much going to play this solo. Also some people might not like the number of actual active skills available. Most builds use maybe 2 skills and rely on passives to buff them. I am fine with this personally but my friends won't play because of it.

>Most builds use maybe 2 skills and rely on passives to buff them

That's not even remotely true.

There's one in every thread. Don't give it attention.

The thing is there's no real need to do that outside of post-game. The standard length of the game in expert mode is generally challenging and enough to enjoy as a game on it's own, it getting grindy if you chose to play beyond that isn't really too much of a complaint.


Diablo III didn't get anything right you nigger.

That was an obvious joke, friendo.


Friend's making me play a second playthrough when the expansion hits. Have they shown off the skill tree's for the new classes yet?
I really want to build a around using the ocultist's eyeball spell as a basic attack because reasons, but also wanted to try one of the new classes and have no idea if it'd work out.


Both new masteries and all the new items have been revealed.

I had a lot of fun with soldier demo tank build in the late game, lots of return damage, whatever the game calls it, the pure fun that is cadence, supported by the huge AoE's the demo gets.

I'm tired as fuck, sorry.
Got a link? I couldn't find it when I looked.


Oh, shit, didn't think that'd be updated. Neat

The combats really good and has good feedback its probably my favorite, tied with D2, in terms of how it feels just to run around and blast stuff, skill progression is super nice too cause you get 3 points per level early on and can respec easily its very easy to try out lots of skills or get a build off the gorund focusing on a specific high level skill much quicker

the RPG side is so different its barely the same thing though, Grim Dawns itemization is a more modern steady improvement model rather then getting something good and using it literally forever like in D2 and to a lesser extent, POE

This combined with the way it has static maps make it much more of a kind of linear adventure I feel then something you just load random areas and kill your way through for loot like D2 or PoE, which is fine, its a lot of fun, but I think a lot of people go into it planning to play it like D2 when it's not really the same

also worthy of note in my opinion it has pretty good controller support, its not hard to make a setup that works for many builds though certain ground targeter skills kinda want a mouse, and you definitely should use the mouse for menus (though its not required if you literally dont have one or something) so if the click spam of POE or D2 was an accessibility issue for you it might be worth a look in that regard too

Still has the same major flaw of Titan Quest. The fact that your second class is only good for stats and maybe a sustain or two. There are very few viable builds that make use actives from multiple classes. And if you fuck them up, you're going to be extremely weak compared to someone that just focused one class and used their second as a proverbial stat stick.

I broke the game too early and got bored, I like Path of Exile more simply because it took me a few characters to figure out how to break the game, and then they patch it in the next league.

Grim Dawn was definitely fun, but not challenging in the way D2 and PoE could be.

Dreeg's Evil Eye is top tier
Occultist/Nightblade gives several sources of resistance reduction, plenty of poison damage and top tier defensive passives and actives

t: played halfway through normal.

>A shit build that uses multiple damage abilities for no reason is performing worse
>This is somehow a problem

Early game is very easy, you can enable veteran for a bit more challenge but the real challenge only really starts halfway through Elite, and Ultimate will break you.

there's an expansion coming out? I might pick it up again, i had quite a bit of fun soloing through this

Yes, on Wednesday

Get booties with move speed buffs. Super useful for kiting as well.

>You can't have a healthy middle, ree!
You know, perhaps there could be multiple goal sets, like a series of character improvements one can make over time. But perhaps that's too complciated.

Speaking of, I wonder if they'll un-fuck Fire Strike so all its modifiers apply to all melee/ranged weapons again.

There are so many ways to improve your character in this game. They've perfected the druglike quality of making your numbers bigger.

Are they making another expansion after this one?


Price tag on Expac?

Make sure you focus on just one or two damage types. From what i can tell, the most effective builds revolve around increasing a damage type.


They didn't.

Fun to play through once, maybe twice, after that there is no real point to it.

If they expanded it to be a little more like Diablo or PoE I'd love it, of the three it's the most fun mechanically for me.

Resist reduction is more important than constantly stacking more damage.

It's a conjunction of they and will.
Double neat.

Wait, what does it do now?

Same stuff, but they split the bonuses up. I'm specifically referring to Searing Strike. Back before Searing Might existed.
>Strike is now 1-H Melee only (the good one)
>Might is now 2-H only (the okay one)

>Forgot pic

Yeah? I'll have to look into it when i start again for the expac.

They've said during streams that's something they would consider, no clear answer though.

It highly unlikely.