So what will be announced on Blizzcon?

World of Warcraft's 7th expansion pack will be void themed, will feature new zones on Azeroth, a remake of the world like in Cataclysm, subraces, ship management and refined PvP systems
Overwatch: new map with a unique objective and a new hero (melee support) announcement (that is all I know)
Heroes of the Storm: Firebat and Hanzo hero announcements
Hearthstone: Troll themed expansion announcement

What is Blizzard currently working on? (These things won't be included on Blizzcon 2017)

Druid class for Diablo 3
Diablo themed mobile game.
Overwatch campaigns.
Warcraft 4 (Expect announcement on Blizzcon 2019. Warcraft 3 is not going to receive a remaster)

Who the fuck cares lmao.

>Firebat for hots

please be real


wc3 remaster in the next 6 months or riot

Stop posting this shit it's all fake

>Overwatch: new map with a unique objective

That's how I know you're full of shit. Blizz doesn't release new OW maps that fast.

Bliz confirmed they weren't announcing anything Diablo related.

Everyone knew about Alextraza but I would've hoped they'd hold their horses on Overwatch characters for a bit. They just released Ana and Junkrat back to back.

WoW: obv. but nobody cares anymore
Overwatch: ZzZ better get that shitty league online
HotS: more color schemes for old legendary skins
Hearthstone: dont care at all
D3: let it die and do D2 HD or try again with D4, this time take the stuff that made D2 fun faggots

W4 wont happen RTS is dead and Warcraft Lore too

who cares? blizzard north are long gone. D3 was a complete misfire. They don't deserve to try again

Wasn't Legion supposed to be the last expansion? Or it's empty words just like everything else.

>Druid class for Diablo 3
>Diablo themed mobile game.
I would believe this if it wasn't because blizzard has already said that they weren't going to say anything new about Diablo 3 this blizzcon and that they more or less put Diablo 3 in a "completed" state where they will only continue the seasons but not produce anymore content in patches.
A diablo mobile game is possible but it would also be a suicide letter from the diablo team that says "I never really liked you guys, fuck you."

nope they never said anything about last exp... they said the opposite they want to push out content faster and each 2 years a new expansion


The only thing i have to wait for is d2 barb for hots, this cant be true

announced =/= released

cant you read? he said "What is Blizzard currently working on? (These things won't be included on Blizzcon 2017)" and then listed the diablo shit

Yeah it's empty words some random user said and you believed like the retard you are, i mean some user said so it must be true right?

>announcing something at least half a year before it's out

>console pleb


What is Blizzard doing? Diablo franchise name sells itself, yet they neglect. Seriously going to let a game like Path of Exile take over the genre?

Blizz insider here. WC4 has been discussed on a lot internally. It's going to write off World of Warcraft events as alternate universe

you faggots wanting remasters are one of the big problems with video games these days.

>still milking diablo 3


Diablo 3 has zero content confirmed for this year. Two 30 minute panels, one being "art of the necromancer" and the other being a community panel.

Can't you read?