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wtf I love Digimon now
I fucking love this artist.
Does the western release have weeb VA?
yes, the same did with most of atlus games.
No you don't.
You can't love a phone user.
oh yeah?
That HARLOT needs to cover up, unlike Yuuko who is perfect!
They digivolved together to become...!
you're in luck, it only has jp voices
That name's officially defunct, user. Even America's been using "Omegamon" for a while now.
Nokia has been replaced
Jesus christ keep your Internet I'm out of here
How easy is Vita CFW? Is the system worth buying for one free game?
Why is the CS artstyle so good
It's too bad the protagonist looks like some kinda fish man or something.
His girls are top fucking tier. And Cyber Sleuth is no exception. Doubt he'll ever top Celty from DRRR though.
Also I fucking need Hacker's Memory soon. I want to get back into Cyber Sleuth again.
Yasuda is a shitty artist. No, this isn't up for debate.
Isn't she a canon uggo?
When's the next of these games coming out?
Cyber-sleuth was alright, characters were great and the world was colorful but it needed that extra polish in combat and the outside world
Hacker's Memory, a sequel to Cyber Sleuth (although the story takes place at the same time as CS)
So I've been playing Digimon Linkz. And I was disappointed to learn that it's missing a lot of mons.
In fact, I'm pretty sure everything in this was taken from Cyber Sleuth and -next 0rder-.
what Devil Survivor is this?
Is World: Next Order good?
Looking at everyone wearing the same color jacket is this gonna be a highschool kids thing?
Nah, they're just a hacker group and that's their official jacket.
You don't even need to wear it
I'm kinda pissed that we'll be seeing the exact same blue dungeons forever in that game, but at the same time I've even more pissed at myself that I'm going to buy it.
Same man. Probably my favorite artist. I love what he has done with Digimon. Imo the recent Digimon games pretty much saved the franchise. I just wish I could play the ps4 one wherw you raise two at once. I don't got a ps4 sadly. Still crossing my fingers for digimon (not mmo) on Pc someday.
The team is called Hudie. Their signature is the blue hoodie.
I wanna fuck Nokia!
Are the Digimon World games any good? I bought the PS4 one a while back but stopped playing when I realised I didn't really know what to do and I never went back to it since
Should I just restart and try again?
They called this game a 1.7 rather then a full on sequel so at least this dungeon recycling won't be a permanent thing
For me, it's the Angewomon
Still gonna play the new Cyber Sluts and probably love it but I admit I'd rather play a dead fish eyes girl than a dead fish eyes boy.
Probably. Digimon redigitzed and world had great replay value imo. You can always raise different mons or explore different areas.
Ain't that a tranny?
This game is just an excuse to milk the CS assets and vitafags some more. The next Digimon game is being built completely for PS4
can't wait for the next cyber sleuth game
Yasuda is fucking garbage. His digimon shit is okay but his DeSu shit is awful.
Ne he did, Kaneko did thankfully.
Awww shit I loved redigitized
So what's the best way to have fun with the game? Burn through it on normal and enjoy the story or go through it on hard with a good team?
can you choose a female mc again?
>that fucking buster pose in the cutscene
Nokia is a cutie and getting to see her go full accidental badass was so good.
No. Where on earth did you get that from?
Is there a way to re-sync my digimon's life cycles? Everything is out of sync for me, and I couldn't even handle that Machinedramon in the desert with two mega levels. I haven't played in a while because it feels impossible to progress thanks to the de-sync.
Are you spamming ExE evolution and special moves? I had difficulty around the same point and it was where I learned that wasn't optional to progress later on, you NEED to use that shit and use it often. ExE Evolution in particular is stupidly strong.
learn the defense skill and have one just block forever and have the other attack from behind thats what I did
There are items that can extend or decrease the life of a digimon so you can use those to try and resync. Battle items can be used to brute force your way through the game if need be.
Nope. For some reason you can only play as the dude
Does she have porn
This guy has some good tutorials
Can get my bro Plesiomon even faster
You can recruit a digimon that will automatically have their lifecycles sync back up if they get desynced
Yep. Betaboy is getting his time to shine
>arata wants to battle using his new edgy powers
>take a turn to buf my wargraymon
>he takes a turn attacking some random mons
> use brave tornado
>fucking 90% damage
He is so broken and I love it
>The next Digimon game lets you put fucking hats on your digimon
Having them de-synced is kind of a good thing, at least to a certain extent. It allows you to use one of them to easily and quickly train a fresh baby using the Weregurumon in the church.
I can't remember if you're able to unlock the area past the desert before you beat that Machinedramon, but there should be a spot you can grind up at, maybe in the ocean place, can't remember.
Basically, lower level mons get more stat gains depending on how strong enemy mons are. A mega's going to get jackshit from a rookie, for example (well, most rookies as this game's balance is all over the place).
My method for training my mons is:
Until you have one strong mon (such as starting out), Rose Palace has a side room (the prison) with a woodmon and those gear digimon. This was a decent training place.
Later, after like 4:00 PM or something in the afternoon, a stronger woodmon spawns in front of Rose Palace's front door (it was a weaker one before whatever time it is that the strong one appears). Entering and exiting the palace to fight him gives stats for days.
After that it's grinding on the weregarurumon in the church or the blue megakabuterimon inside the Palace (if you've defeated Rosemon).
This is your Omegamon for tonight.
Please no more knights.
Anything but more knights and their bullshit.
Go back to bed, Grandpa.
Did someone say MORE KNIGHTS?
What Digimon are you hoping for in Hacker's Memory?
I really want my boys BanchoStingmon and Apollomon in
I love him so much I hope he never ever returns to any SMT game
Don't worry, the new Digimon game is focusing on the obscure and UNIQUE digis
For instance, the main antagonist is a digimon that hasn't appeared in like 15 years
Is ExE evolution fusion? Because I don't think I can do it.
More Banchos, and more robots.
>torpedo-tits and v-mouth.
He reminds me of Raita.
Fuggoff. His DS 1/2 was great.
Why does she not wear a bra
Cyber Sluts 2 is amping up the slut factor
I like his bois too. Naoya does things to me.
What's your opinion about modern Digimon designs?
Fish-eyes better stay away from my Cyber Slut
i never played a digimon game in my life but I think more humanoid shit is a nice difference from pokeman
>tfw absolutely no Digimon game lets you romance your Onii-chan
I hate this timeline.
Looks like a persona
But Ami's cuter. And she doesn't need to dress like a hooker to get all the bitches after what's in her skirt.
Yes, Ami is cuter, and Nokia belongs to her.
Coronamon evolution line, Mistymon for Wizardmon, Mervamon and Venusmon
>so far up her vagina that she Samsung
oh my fucking god, she's perfect
Are there Samsung, LG, and Apple waifus I should be aware of?
Only a guy this time? That sucks, I liked that Cyber Sleuth didn't tone things down because you were playing a girl, so both protagonists get into a fist fight no matter what.