How did your first visit to Sup Forums happen anons?
And why did you stay
How did your first visit to Sup Forums happen anons?
And why did you stay
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>how did your visit to Sup Forums happen?
I can't actually remember, pretty sure an old friend recommended it
>why did you stay
fuck knows
>knew about Sup Forums, browsed Sup Forums a few times
>was mostly scared of/disgusted by it
>day that Sonic 4 is announced
>think "I wonder if Sup Forums is talking about this"
>every single thread was about sonic 4
I was unlucky enough to have a good experience my first time here and it convinced me to stay. By the time I realized Sup Forums was shit it was too late
Used to browse Sup Forums then I came to Sup Forums because I like games, lurked but never posted for a few years
I stay because I don't like games anymore
got bored of my usual boards and wanted to see if Sup Forums was as shitty as every other board said. I stayed because Sup Forums on some occasions actually talk about niche videogames that I liked.
I remember it, around June when my friend posted a link to a funny af post lmao. I just kinda immediately started posting but some people called me a newf*g summerf*g which is pretty fucked up but besides that Sup Forums is a funny place and I laugh at the memes in class when theres nothing to do
this is my first visit. I was sent here by Sup Forums. I like it here, I think I'll stay.
I... Uh... I came here because of gamergate
I stayed because it's the only place on the internet where you can actually fucking say what you want without having to fight horde of morons even if you have to wade through a lot of junk threads
kys poltards
Started on VG after someone leaked something for a game I played.
Moved to V after that game died and I couldn't give a fuck about any other game
>browsed Sup Forums
>decided to see what other boards are on Sup Forums
>see Sup Forums
>"hey i like video games, lets see whats going on
>habbo hotel raids are happening
>join in and have fun
I miss the raids Sup Forumsros, it was a simpler and better time back then
>How did your first visit to Sup Forums happen anons?
Got bored of /o/.
>And why did you stay?
Got bored of /o/.
I used to browse /wg/ and /hr/ all the time back in 2006. Someone posted a funny reaction pic and I asked the guy where it was from, he said Sup Forums and here I am.
I stayed because it was more active and faster than other boards and people used to have good taste in games
Came for e3 to see what leaks were produced, and cant leave
Found Sup Forums in 2012. Eventually visited Sup Forums. Like to come here for indie game news
>browsed Sup Forums
>friend was always on Sup Forums
>10 years passed and I like lurking vidya discussions
>remembering Sup Forums
I mean it's cool and all to lurk som non-normie vidya discussions but holy fuck is it also autistic in here
I'm on the ADQ (anti-degeneracy squad) built by a few bored Sup Forumsacks a few months ago, and now we're hoping from board to board in order to counter JIDF and CIA shilling. You're all welcome, by the way.
I was already a regular on Sup Forums and the Nintendo Revolution was revealed.
Do I really need to explain why I stayed after that?
>Sup Forums
I'll be honest: I don't understand that board to this day and it feels like it mostly has had a bad influence on the rest of the site. Especially during and after the Chanology shit.
plz fix reddit
I was looking up something for mother/earthbound and found a archive of a thread.
I stay because as shit as it is I don't think anywhere else is better. I have genuinely tried shit like reddit and neogaf and they really are awful.
>How did your first visit to Sup Forums happen anons?
I don't even remember now.
>And why did you stay
Because as painful as it can be, the anonymity is refreshing. We are unburdened by identity here. One man you call a piece of shit in one thread could end up being your herald in the next.
hello virgin gamer, how does zoe quinn's dick taste? :)
Fuck off Trumptard go worship your oranhe oompa loompa liar in chief some more fucking moron
We can't, not until mods take a stance on the obvious Reddit invasion. Though I'd say it's too late at this point, considering a good portion of the newcomers are straight from that site.
Someone mentioned it on Gamefaqs in 2006.
>How did your first visit to Sup Forums happen anons?
I was tired of non-anonymous forums full of people sucking each others dicks.
>And why did you stay
The same reason I first visit and the dubs.
It's almost as if autistic people play videogames.
>shitposting on Omegle
>someone posts a link to Sup Forums
>i have no idea whats going on because the interface was a mess
>click around and end up on Sup Forums by accident
>i still cant understand shit but at least they're talking about video games
>feel a quick chill down my spine as my soul leaves my body
the natural transition from Sup Forums to the rest of the site some 10 or so years ago, probably the same as most people here who are being honest
I started to become a regular browser here in 2010 when I was 13
I don't even play vidya really. Some of the threads here can still get a giggle outta me though. Also I'm pretty much a sperg so Sup Forums is all I got.
I miss dubs so fucking much
It was around the time Katawa Shoujo was released.
I specifically remember being oddly sickened and intrigued by the 'gimme the chocolate hisao' maymay.
too bad man. The nonstop anti-Trump & virtue signalling spam on /all/ and all the popular subs almost makes me quit on a daily basis. I don't even care THAT much about US politics but this just slowly radicalizes me.
What a fucking pussy.
I don't even remember. And I'm not "staying" I mainly lurk here from time to time usually out of boredom.
It's Sup Forums with less traps and less video game discussion.
The first time i visited v the first post i saw was a childporn webm of a blonde girl deepthroathing a cock
I don't remember either
Is Sup Forums stealing our memories?
randomly felt the need to give Sup Forums a 2nd chance after I ran away in terror from Sup Forums when I was younger, got interested in a few threads I saw and I began lurking, I enjoyed the idea of anonymity and not being tied to the shit I post after a thread is archived, that and I realized this place was perfect for a shy, socially inept jackass like me.
well yeah but it's not even the day-to-day spergin' that bothers me.
I just don't get how people can be dedicated power gamers who've been gaming daily for massive amounts of time through a decade or whatever and still be absolutely fascinated with some of the trashy casual games that's posted and discussed here.
It's not even a question about eliteism, but about how some people wouldn't get bored with the plots after playing "Generic Waifu JRPG #73" or give a shit about gameplay design in "Game Obviously Not Designed For Your Age Segment"
certainly feels that way
The days bleed into each other, becoming weeks.. months...years. It's really all the same to me now.
Migrated to Sup Forums the day it launched.
Stayed originally for video game conversation
Took a break and got sucked in again by Ace Attorney roleplaying threads and pokegirl porn threads
Took another break came back this current time for battlestation threads.
can 100% relate to that
>tfw there are anons amongst us that will be stuck here till the bitter end of their life
don't let it be me
I started playing videogames when I was 3 with sidescrolling platformers I can't even remember the name of. Yet I've been playing Runescape for 13 years now. There's much better games out there, but I always come back to this clunky old MMO with a degenerate community I absolutely dispise.
Sometimes there's a game that is shit, and somehow you still like it.
I don't remember exactly but I know I first heard of Sup Forums through ED when I was 12 I think back in 07.
>I've been here more than 10 years
Well, that's it time to die
Started on Sup Forums. Then came to Sup Forums because video games. Don't remember what I did when I first got here.
>I... Uh... I came here because of gamergate
you aren't serious, are you?
I used to lurk Sup Forums for memes and creepypasta threads. Then went to /x/, then /x/ became "how do I fuck a tulpa/succubus" and role playing.. so now I'm here. I don't even play video games that much, I just need something to lurk inbetween tasks.
Pool's closed, habbo hotel shit. Now it's my home page. (well, /news/ is my homepage).
Use to kinda be uncensored here, but things have changed. For the real interesting new shit I go to other imageboard sites but this will always be that spot.
>go to a summer school when i was 13 back in '06
>the staff are comprised of kids in highschool and college freshmen, as well as teachers and shit
>at lunch
>sit near some of the highschool kids because i thought they were cool
>they start talking about shit they see on the internet
>one fat kid mentioned some site called "Sup Forums" and really like the "b board"
>write that shit down on a napkin and check it out after school
>lurked and masturbated for about 2 years
>realize there are other boards
>first one i clicked was Sup Forums
>first thread was waifu posting and smash bros. brawl
it was a much simpler time.
>then /x/ became "how do I fuck a tulpa/succubus"
dont remind me
Where else would we go?
It was around 2006, I think I was getting too old for Sup Forums. I liked video games, and this was the most active board on Sup Forums other than Sup Forums so it was actually usable.
Back then, none of the other interest boards had any activity, they were slow as fuck. Sup Forums was the first one to really get big after Sup Forums. I guess Sup Forums was big because that's what Sup Forums was founded for, but who cares about Sup Forums lmao.
Oh I get that man. I lose like 2 weeks a year on a wow binge whenever I get into that nostalgic mood. But that a bet different, that relies deeply on nostalgia and more importantly the social aspect. Even gameplay aside MMOs are at least a chat room.
I just think that at some point you've either experienced the same SP storyline once too many times or read/watched plots so far exceeding in quality that 95% of vidya storylines do nothing. Simply by having being presented with the same quality of material a billion times. Same thing about new games obviously being aimed a kids. The quality is just so, if you've been playing a lot for just 5+ years you've probably already played something far better at one point.
I was a part of the "permanent invasion" of Sup Forums into Sup Forums back in 2006. "Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums" was the motto, and the idea was not to invade but outright migrate and shit up the board not for days but years to come.
Half of Sup Forums is now new faggots who came for gamer gate or 2016 election.
It’s why Sup Forums is the most active board and places like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are just Sup Forums-lite boards.
>Sup Forums-lite
spergs gotta stop saying this lmao. Politics is a hugely broad subject and sometimes it comes up in conversation. You need to grow up.
>on a literal playground, 8th grade
>overhear a kid taking about a place called "utoob" (no idea how to spell it)
>"Yeah man, there's like a whole CHANNEL on there of videos of people dying!"
>"The train one's the best, you gotta see it bro."
Not sure why I checked it out given that context, looking back on it.
If you didn't notice the drastic change in mannerisms and world views then there's nothing to be done. I really don't think there are a lot of people left from the early and mid 00's.
>Lookingt at r/cyoa
>Someone mentions /tg/
>Check it out
>Realize there is a videogames section here
>Been here ever since
But what do you think about Reddit now?
I think there comes a point where people need to put down videogames and do something else for a while. My problem is I live in a remote community as a housewife and I can't really go anywhere to do something. I love photography, but I don't have a car. So I'm stuck playing videogames.
Maybe I should go back a few generations and play some retro stuff. New games aren't cutting it.
There is a difference between politics popping up in normal conversation and “we waz kangs”, “is he /our guy/, and “fucking sjw did” threads.
Dont remember, I was in Sup Forums since 2004 but there was no Sup Forums back then. It was not until 2007 that i became a regular and stopped using gamefaqs.
Why did I stay? I dont know. I hate you people But i prefer you to the rest of the internet.
>find out about Sup Forums
>go on Sup Forums for a while
>decide to check out Sup Forums
It's sad to see how much this board has degrade even in the short time I've been here.
I am, but 90% of my post are in battlestation threads most.
came for the pokegirl threads
stayed because i'm a part of the ship now
>pokegirl threads
What era of pokegirl threads?
Lord knows it hurts me too.
I think we are still here in similar numbers, I mean people really are here forever.
It's just that the newfags are the majority now and they are very loud. specially poltards
Found this place from a LINE group. Though I started on Sup Forums and came to Sup Forums after a few months.
oh shit dont remind me of the good days of /x/ i cant take it.
I don't have friends that talk about video games that aren't Overwatch or TF2 before that. You guys at least give me a platform to talk about them.
When Dawn was new and fresh, about 1/4 of Sup Forums was pokemon themed at any given time, and /e/ was begrudgingly allowed
I can't remember. I used to go on Sup Forums solely for /d/ and now I browse Sup Forums, /vg/ and /m/ all day.
That is a good place to discuss, but
>Try using the word nigger or others without being banned
>See it develop into a circlejerk way too often
>Different opinions from the common are often unheard
Is better than Sup Forums when you want to discuss something more specific, but at the same time, the lack of reactions images does give Sup Forums a merit in forum discussion. Also, im not so sure if Sup Forums would be better or worse if everybody had a name
>How did your first visit to Sup Forums happen anons?
2007. I was on of those teenage lolsorandum Sup Forums-tards before that but when I hit 18 I realized that place wasnt actually funny anymore. And abandoned that shitty place for Sup Forums.
>And why did you stay
Out of all places on the internet Sup Forums is actually the least worst place to dicuss vidya. I remember when I came here though there was alot more original content created and comics than nowadays but back then there were also alot more shitty tripfags. Even though overall the place got worse over the years theres still that occasional good vidya thread. You just gotta wade through all the garbage to find it.
2009, i came to /x/ first because someone in a random halo forum linked me to a videogame creepypasta thread back when they were relatively new, i got bored after a while and started clicking on all boards, eventually ended up on Sup Forums and my very first contact with this shithole was a blazblue thread (i think, it was definitely an anime fighter), i clicked on one of the spoilered images at the very end and it was gore, one with a guy with his face burnt/melted being held by a paramedic, i shit you not, after that i lurked for 4 years straight before posting, my very first post here was asking for source on some loli doujin.
You guys are okay.
Were you around during the mayfag vs dawnfag trip wars?
Ah that sucks. But yeah I think you are right. I usually use games as escapism when live gets a bit rough and then I've started gravitating towards more complex games when the normal one weren't cutting it. But those take so much of a time investment that it's almost as much of a time sink as just getting high and enjoying more easily digestable vidya.
Don't let that stop you tough, just do some photography of whatever is in your local area or whatever. Or take up jogging or nature walking or something. Anyway I'm off, best of luck!
yes. dawn was best
Jesus Christ. I cant even remember, I started lurking back in 2010 Sup Forums, Sup Forums and a few other boards were the only ones I didn't hate. Just started posting around 2015. I like the anonymity it helps with my crippling social anxiety.
This, looks like the plan succeeded
>I like the anonymity it helps with my crippling social anxiety.
You'd think that, huh Steve?
It was summer of 2008 when I was over at a cousin's house and he was browsing Sup Forums and I just watched him post and read threads for a bit before our families went out for dinner. I was well aware of Sup Forums but didn't really check it out all that much. After that night I was suckered into here and despite taking months-long breaks at times over the years, I always get suckered back in.
Anyone here get “immortalized” off site for something they did on Sup Forums.
Appreciate it. Hope things are ok in your world user.
I wanted to see if there was any Tekken 7 news
I stayed because /vp/ is pretty much dead and Sup Forums is pretty slow
Somehow found my way to Sup Forums, quickly got bored of it and roamed around the boards for a year or so afterwards. Sup Forums was the one I kept coming back to (only natural considering vidya has always been my main hobby)
>And why did you stay
Habit. I got internet at home really late, we're talking 2007/8 or something daft like that and another couple of years before I was in a position to use it for anything but console vidya. This is the only online community I've ever known, don't think I'll be able to adjust to traditional forums at this point
Meanwhile, in patrician taste Sup Forums...
Not something I did, but I was the Godot Namefag who ended up being the catalyst for the Tripfag Orgy in 07.
>there are people here that dont remember Sup Forums before it split off into Sup Forums, /vg/. /vr/ and /vp/
>there are people here who dont remember the glory days of dubs posting
I miss the pokegirl porn threads from pre /vp/
I use to post on a stunt inline skating forum that was often times worse then Sup Forums. But that ended as more censorship laws came into play. You'll never adjust user, it's always going to feel weird using social networks and other less tolerant places. It not so much that these other places are difficult to form discussions on, but one wrong step and shit gets terrible. I'm not even eluding to preference for echo chambers, argument is great when there is no filter.
>"Hey dude. Check out this new website I found"
>"The fuck is a Sup Forums?"
>"Some anime reference from the Love Hina guy. Click on the board linking to Sup Forums. It's random. Shits hilarious."
>"Ha. That T-rex shirt guy man."
>"Haha, yeah man. That's cock mongler. He'll mongle your cock"
>Hey did you see they have a video game board too?"
>"Yeah? Check it out. I'mma check /h/. You know, because hentai is hilarious."
And then I went to Sup Forums.
And I'm still here.
Notch was a Sup Forumsirgin who posted threads about his game here and asked for Sup Forums's feedback while developing. Does that count?
>a guy with his face burnt/melted being held by a paramedic
You sure it wasn't some guy blasted with a shotgun because I think I know what you're talking about except it was a gif. The only other gore I've seen to stick with me was some webm of a flip kid who got trapped some place and drowned and you some guy carrying his skeleton but there's still like half his face, his clothes, and other parts of skin still attached to him.