What are some games where I can feel like I matter again

What are some games where I can feel like I matter again

This picture is cut3

i wanna ____ that girl

Is green shirt getting cucked?

Holy shit this is absolutely adorable
>Video games

Stanley Parable

Stardew Valley is nice in that you work your way up to being a key member of a community where eventually everyone likes you. Makes me feel nice because no one likes me in reality, Kek.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel sad when no one wanted to dance with me at the first Flower Dance event though.

RPGs are generally really good for making you feel important, going on a world saving quest as a self insert etc. Probably why I like them so much.


families and friends are like boomerangs
i hope

>that face
>"so step up son, watchu got?"

that kid is scarred for life

This picture tears my heart apart because I know I will never have children


Daimakaimura, or "Ghouls N' Ghosts" for fucking neanderthals.

brutally rape

jrpgs in general

>no girl has ever looked at you like that

back to Re/b/it with you, edgy faglord

too bad western society will turn her into an unhappy slut with no children at 40

>tfw she used to look at you like that but you let the opportunity slip by
I'm still in a dream

Feels thread? Share with us user, we're here to listen... I have all night and I'll bump the thread whenever it's about to die so we can keep talking.

>tfw you will never have a beautiful, pure young girl that you can raise in your basement keeping her away from the corruption of this disgusting world, turn her into the perfect woman and marry her when she's 18

That moment of warmth is not worth the shit they will put you through once they get older.
Non parents are happier than parents overall.

>he wishes he could ruin the life of another pure human being

That's a pretty sick wish to be honest, flimaflamaflimfam.

No children you mean at least 4 kids each with different dads

tenderly cuddle?

any game that lets me grow up in a functional family?

So she'll be doing the best thing evolution made her to do?

Damnit now I have to install the sims

>she was very short, cute, and had a very tight body
>just like I like them, if a bit darker than optimal
>we used to program together
>she moved to a college in another city because she decided she liked chem more than maths
>talk to her online from time to time
>I casually confess I would've liked us to have something
>she casually replies she wanted it too, and was just waiting for me to ask
>also, in a different, I think prior conversation, she insinuates the fact she's a virgin and she's had wet dreams about Jim Morrison
... it's for the best though. She became a far-lefty roastie community organizer, and then went on to become a politician. So overall, I think I dodged that bullet.

And some weak fucking beta willing to raise them for her and the Chad she bred with.

She'll be fine.

I stopped mattering when I turned 18

>we used to program together
You'd have a high chance of producing autistic children and would spend the rest of your life caring for that thing. Not just 18 years, but the rest of your life.

>r selection
>best at anything
Wholesome and competitive K selection is completely superior.

how insufferable you altrightists are..

well not my parents, they love me

Cooking Mama.

Nobody cares you colossal /r9k/ attentionhomo. This isn't your blog.

My mom kicked me out when I turned 18, I know how you feel...

Again, I dodged that bullet.

I wasn't talking to you.

Non parents kill themselves far more often than parents. Almost every non parent I know wishes they had or adopted a kid because they're lonely even though some have a wife and others are divorced

Oh yes good goy, it's great you fell for the lie... ehmm I mean the harsh truth of having a meaningless, selfish life being much better!

I want make children with that little girl!

The single girl that ever did look at me like that I made my wife

I wouldn't say functional, but DQV is all about securing the existence of your people and a future for your children. And you do it together with your family in different ways.

It's considered the best game of all times by many for a reason.

>It's considered the best game of all times by many
Dumbasses like yourself, yes.

Other than OoT, nothing comes close. And story-wise, DQV completely destroys OoT. Horii was channeling Faulkner and/or Garcia Marquez when he wrote it.

But pray tell.

i don't remember what i last said to my sister

>I knew a girl like that.

>My dad never taught me how to impress a girl

>I'm 26 and haven't had a girlfriend or kissed a girl

The girl will grow up to be a whore who swallows semen on the daily and the boy will grow up to be a manchild who lives in his parents' basement and posts on Sup Forums.

That is, of course, if this wasn't taken many years ago and has happened already.

I just visited my Dad and had a chat over dinner. We agreed to meet next week and do some golfing, then the week or so after when my carry permit comes in to shoot at the range to break in my pistol.
You do try to spend time with your parents every once in while, right Sup Forums?

Probably best not to hit on children when your 26

My dad didnt either and i am married and have a kid. You need to try and itll happen.

Its not always nice though...



are you me but 2 years older?

>golfing with your dad and going to a shooting range

Jesus dude, could you be any more american

>A girl has looked at me like that
>She was basically a human gremlin in highschool and I was nice to her like 1 time

It's not as great as you think. Took months to stop the rumors of us 2 in a relationship.

S-Snake eater!!!

if you fail once the whole world blows up

See, a lesson I learned through secondary school, high school, and even now at university, is that acting like the "cool, uninterested guy" isn't going to work.

No, lads. Life is not an anime.
If you don't speak to the girls, they are not going to speak to you.
Stop acting like the "badass lone wolf" They're not going to be impressed, they're not going to be curious and start a conversation with you.

I was that guy, yeah. I never spoke to them.
I was telling myself. "Yeah, I'm just gonna act cool and wait until they talk to me" as I watched other guys talk to girls and then taking them out for a date. This is a beta mentality.

Stop thinking that you're going to make a fool of yourself for taking the initiative. Girls LIKE guys who take the lead, not faggots like me who never spoke to them. It's like thinking sitting alone by yourself at the prom dance was going to make a girl suddenly come up to you and invite you to dance out of pity or interesting or whatever.

So, what's the lesson here? If you want a girl to talk to you, talk to them first. They're not going to come knocking at your door and ask you out.

t. 22 year old dateless, kissless, etc.

I love that image.

But then you think about it and the whole thing falls apart.

>You know in 20 years they're both not going to be those happy innocent kids you see in that picture

Maybe you're just really ugly?


No point in living for others.

I cringed.

That's sexist user. Boys can grow up to swallow semen on the daily.

You have to be really handsome for girls to approach you. Or rich. Or like, fulfill one of their fetishes or something. Society teaches women not to approach men, so you're playing real life hardmode if all you do is keep to yourself and hope your passive awesomeness aura attracts someone. Even the ugliest goblin man will eventually get someone if he actively tries to talk to/court women whenever he can.

>Other than OoT, nothing comes close
Once again, only idiots like you actually believe this.

You're not qualified to make an accurate assessment on what the best game ever is.

>See, a lesson I learned through secondary school, high school, and even now at university, is that acting like the "cool, uninterested guy" isn't going to work

It worked for me when I tried it in highschool, I had this girl with HUGE fucking tits bigger than E cup who liked me so much she pushed her tits up against me and even felt up my arm for some godamn reason.

I ignored her the entire time and told her to stop talking about her boyfrieng telling her to wear tighter shirts and unbutton the top to show more cleavage.

She was definitely interested in me. But I only acted like the uninterested guy because my self esteem was shit and I was bullied in my younger years, so I never had the confidence to act on it, not to mention I had no experience with girls so I wouldn't even know what to do with her.

She was hot though, literally looked like a younger Brandi Talore with bigger tits.

Yeesh, wonder how much this supreme gentleman tipped his fedora while writing this

Once again, pray tell.

Girls have come to talk to me all the time, and I don't consider myself super handsome or anything like that. It doesn't get too far though because I'm autistic and tell them I'm busy when they ask if I want to hang out.

Quite fast readers, huh? I'm sure you read all of it and then sat on it for a couple of minutes before commenting on it, yeah.

I don't even want to say anything since this thread is making me sad about not being loved by women. Feels bad man. Being a man is hard mode

>My dad never taught me how to impress a girl
Don't blame your dad when you just failed to take action. You have accept your faults in order to change them

I am, thanks for noticing.

I've read it before.

>implying people haven't read it before and cringed just the same

Alright, Elliott.

>at uni
>doing feminist literature study with qt girl
>she keeps looking at me and such
>she stuttered that she liked me four days ago
>i replied saying that i like her too
>go to a party with her yesterday
>we both get drunk
>hug and kiss passionately
>she drinks too much and wants to puke
>stay with her in the bathroom stall just cuddling (she ended up not puking)
>she keeps saying "sorry" for embarassing me
>can't stop thinking about how cute she was saying that
>we both go our ways after that but i'll see her the next days
>she texts me saying she can't believe we're a couple now
Is this what love feels like, lads?

No, it's a rush of hormones. 'Love' is a meme.

Either way, i'm happy for the first time in my life.


Good for you, user. Enjoy it while you can.

>doing feminist literature study with qt girl
I 100% guarentee that if this is a real post this girl is not a "qt"

don't rush things famalam, otherwise you will fall for what mentioned.

That doesn't mean that love doesn't exist, but you have to take your time to see if there's more to your connection with a girl than a rush of chemicals

True, handsome people never fall for the idealist meme.

What if I act that way just because I don't want women to come up to me? I gave up on women when I was 14 already.

The Muv Luv series helped kick my ass into gear and start actually working on life



VR will fix it

>DQV story
wee lad

>I think I dodged that bullet
all you had to do was fuck her

>Don't blame your dad when you just failed to take action. You have accept your faults in order to change them

That's like asking a pilot to fly a plane without any experience or directions from his instructors.

Thats because parents feel like they cant kill themselves because they have a responsibility. People have regrets about any choice, i bet lots of parents have regrets about having children but cant voice them because its taboo.
One minute the jews want crossbreeding, the next they dont want me to have children. Get your story straight Sup Forums.

I hope it isn't, mate.
She said she was having a thing for me for some time now while we were waiting for the bus home and a gay friend we have confirmed it (He was bugging me about it for some time now and he asked her before she told me about her feelings)

>the guy HAS to make the first move
is there a single worst meme in human history?

I know that feel.

I'm 28 and nobody has ever been attracted to me in my life. I hit 25 and basically just gave up. It's better to me to focus on myself is what i told myself but i'm still pretty lonely even if i have been making progress in making my life not suck

>doing feminist literature study with qt girl
Nice real life bait.

The one where redditors force the word "meme" everywhere for no reason at all?

Good to know, so to keep lying, exploiting, backstabbing roasties away you just have to do nothing. Thanks user, I'll do that.

>person points camera at girl
>girl gets shy
>hold camera near boy's face
>girl reflexively looks at boy for a second