Is there a single video game character who could defeat him?
Is there a single video game character who could defeat him?
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Gohan Blanco
A bigger Gary stu
This one.
i cant wait for him to job for the second time
That's pretty cool OP, but...
Is there a video game character stronger than Madara Uchiha?
And I’m referring to Rinne Tensei Madara Uchiha with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikidou paths ability) equipped with his Gunbai and control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, a complete Susano’o, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in his chest so he can perform Mokuton kekkei genkai and yin-yang release ninjutsu as well as being extremely skilled in taijutsu and bukijutsu.
El Grande Padre
this is the best meme
I believe it
>Grand finale: Goku vs Jiren the rematch
Nah I don't think so
how hard is Hit going to job against him?
Wtf is this? Mexican fanfiction? Are Mexicans still on suicide watch cause Gohan is trash?
Super man.
>The Great Ninja War Arc was a mistake
It went full dragon ball. It was so shit. Cool moments, but shit.
hahaha cool buddy, but can he defeat Shirou?
And I’m not talking about Shirou Emiya. No, I’m not talking about Servant Archer EMIYA. Hell, I’m not talking about Counter Guardian EMIYA either.
I’m talking about Counter Guardian EMIYA with infinite Prana (which is capable of Unlimited Blade Works with Excalibur, Avalon and EA), his two original Kansho and Bakuya (which grant him magic resistance, STR, AGI, MGI and Monster slayer buffs) and infinite swords from his back (capable of using Caladbolg, Hrunting, Rho Aias, Gae bolg, Caliburn, Nine lives and even the whole Gate of Babyloni(capable of using ea and Enuma Elish) and a Arodnight because he is a master in fucking swords, a perfect Excalibur (that can use Avalon), control of both Saber and Rin , with Dark Sakura Matou shadow and face implanted on his chest, his four Clones from all routes guarding him and Berserker with Nine Lives floating behind him AFTER he absorbed 7 servants from the First Holy grail, entered Archetype Earth Mode, call the Types from the stars on everybody and used Unlimited Blade works: infinite creation of swords so he can use their weapons while they are under even more swords.
Looked like donutman was putting up a decent fight in the preview.
Jiren can canonically defeat Beerus who can punch so hard that the universe pops
whatever gokus next transformation is....
Jiren will lose by some dumb reason, he will remain the strongest and never show his 100%.
Gaara would just throw sand into his shareynogun eyes.
Fully mastered Ultra Instinct Super Saiyan God Blue (FMUISSGB),
Frieza and Goku are going to fuse to beat him, already leaked by twitter.
Post your face when the lyrics kicked in.
I actually liked the parts where he wasn't singing.
But he will be deleted by zen-oh
he's stronger than Zeno
>it's been almost a year and the tournament is only half over
And wished back by goku with the super dragonballs
>50 minutes
>no elimination
>new form just lasts a few minutes and achieved nothing
lmao no
Alex Mercer
Corvo by simply stopping the time.
What a shitty design. He looks like a giant baby on steroids
only good thing to come out of this fucking tournament arc
well its a new form and an ability that not even the gods can easily learn or master. Did you think that Goku would be different?
Hell, Goku didn't even have SSJ3 mastered yet when he first showed it off to Buu.
>Dark Sakura Matou shadow and face implanted on his chest
fuck I lost it
fuck off spics
Someone give me a quick rundown
Wasn't as good as the SSB kaioken moment, it's still the best part of super by far. I wonder why they blew the transformation this early
Mystic Goku
you know, same powerup Gohan got back in the Buu saga, but achieved through the super saiyan blue powerup with maxed kaioken and shit instead of having an old coot dancing around him
Can someone explain to me how Goku and Jiren were able to fly? Goku especially with the spirit bomb tug-o-war
Also why was the audience allowed to give their energy to the spirit bomb? What the fuck
Yeah krillin blanco is alright, but is there a single character in db that could defeat an archmage ?
It's a different dynamic to the atypical DB "guy is real strong, train a ton, reach new level" plot, instead opting for "guy is real strong, fighting him made me reach new level but it fitzed out, train to actually master and control it".
this part had no right being as good as it was
Zen-oh sama doesn't give a fuck about the rules if something is hype
waku waku
I swear I'm always seeing a different variation of this image everytime it's posted. I'm pretty sure Rolf was not there last time I checked
They were "flying" in the same way they "flew" in the early arcs. As for your second question, I have no clue.
Goku was tapping on his blue saiyan powers with kaioken and chucked a genki dama on this cheap OC donut steel, but it wasnt enough and blew up on his face so he got pissed and started shining and screming yet didnt change forms, just got a shinier aura around him and some new NOTHING PERSONNEL attacks
they call it Ultra Instinct form. no, its not a permanent new level like saiyan blue, just some minutes-long bullshit like the potara fusion
Still better story and animation than Super.
watch them get DQd later for it
>Jiren can just redirect eveyrbody's attacks back to themselves and kill everybody while going "Wasn't ME that killed them, their own attack did it lel :^)"
So you havent watched it.
Toriyama is already probably forgetting his own plot stipulations for some bits, but for the spirit bomb struggle you can argue that Goku is keeping himself afloat by pushing against the pure force of the spirit bomb. Same semantics as using Kamehamehas to propel yourself, which he did a fair bit in DB.
And yeah, like said, Zen-oh doesn't really care about things that are flashy and neat and grando padre didn't call it out because he probably wants Goku dead to some extent and figured Jiren was capable of doing it.
each new form is getting worse. ssg was lazy as fuck, ssb was just a recolor and this one doesn't even do anything (grey eyes WEW)
gohan blanco would at least be funny if it happened. the fight itself was ok though but they made jiren too strong. he's comparatively stronger than broly and majin buu, except he didn't kill goku/fight as violently due to tournament rules/muh hero bs
and a better love story than twilight xdd
How did it go?
>stop hitting yourself :^)
fucking Jiren
doki doki
t. Spic
Even worse, a spic redditor.
It is a new form, its just Goku is not used to it and depleted his energy.
>Take someones gun and shoot them. "Wasn't me it was his own gun that did it :^)"
I dont even understand how JIren can be stopped satifyingly now, fucker didn't power up till the end. Nothing short of Frieza and Goku doing the fusion dance will be excusable
The spirit bomb wasn't the power up. He was just using energy from that to keep him chugging. This new form is something he unlocked while desperately trying to survive the spirit bomb. It's not a potara styled thing, he just ran out of energy all together and now goku just has to learn how to tap into it again.
So to get UI you gotta overcome your strongest move against yourself? Vegeta will kill himself with final flashes.
I smell spic
>yfw frieza will carry the whole team with his frieza Blanco form
He never mastered SSJ3, even in GT. SSJ3 never won a single fight.
Lava Goku
That's some really boring design right there.
>Virgin Power up
>Chad base form
Was it kino?
Ultimate Columbine Gohan
Well there is that new mystery fighter they showed off in the toy reveal shit
Maybe they'll take care of ayylmao
goku has jobbed against every single enemy on super, there is no reason for him to win as there is no danger (because everyone is getting revived witht he balls).
With enough grinding, any Disgaea character
Pretty much yeah. It's the culmination of about two years of spic asspain since super began airing.
Dragon ball super is shit
The better question is if can anyone defeat Gohan Blanco
yes but those 2 last episodes were good
Didn't the tournament start in like may though? I don't even remember anymore but there's no way it's been that long.
It's trash, Bumblebee is better
*blocks your path*