I’ve been saying ‘just more day’ for 2 hours now whilst curled up warm in bed...

I’ve been saying ‘just more day’ for 2 hours now whilst curled up warm in bed. Stardew Valley coming out on Switch was a fucking mistake.

yeah it's easy to suffer from "just one more day" syndrome

next thing you know it's 7am and you forgot to go to bed because you were playing stardew valley

I’d been travelling since 6:30, playing on the train and coaches, got home and climbed into bed and I still haven’t stopped and it’s midnight. This game just feels like a bottomless pit I can’t help but enjoy falling down. There’s so many options for things to do but I wanna save up so much money so I can splurge on my farm, but I also wanna mine to find some iron ore so I can start automating my watering, haven’t even started talking to the townsfolk or decided who to marry.

How the fuck did you move your farm like that?

leah is best girl just so you know

That’s just a chicken coop down the bottom

Make sprinklers, what the fuck.

Is this an ironic shilling thread? the game is good but not for this type of autism

I’ve only hit level 35 in the mines, haven’t found any iron ore yet. Got 5 from a Geode so I have 1 sprinkler.

This game really needs more day

That or an option to put on some speed boots or some shit because goddamn, the "run" option is pathetic.

Physical switch release when?
Already got physical on ps4 in case they never do, but I think the game fits a handheld more.

Good taste

Is this game as comfy as it looks? Is it the kind of game you would sit by a fire and play in the winter?

When the game first released, run was the same speed as walking, just with a different animation.

who did you choose?

Build the horse stable


all the females suck except for purple hair but shes not good either


>tfw stupid "people" here cannot into modding.

Haley, but with these awful sprites there's no real attachment or anything.

You don't know the pain of the game on release. When you walked diagonally you moved at half speed. Jesus that was the worst. Fences broke down fucking fast too

Ironically, he is the best boy even though he is supposed to be the Chad asshole.
All the other boys are just so fucking bad compared to Alex, except maybe __Sam

nice water tree

Harvey because he looked like commissioner gordon from Bane's movie

Why would you play a Harvest Moon ripoff on a console? Can you not play any real Harvest Moon games on the Switch yet?

Because rune factory 5 never ever

Nice move speed.

Penny is a whore who hangs out in trees with other boys.

>When the game first released, run was the same speed as walking
>When you walked diagonally you moved at half speed

I'm surprised that didn't kill the game's chance of success from the start.

Originally on the PC I went with Haley there's something fantastic about the fact at the stereotypical hoe into a housewife character is best girl. Getting with Shane on the switch. And holy shit is his story depressing and hits a little close to home sometimes

I'm glad Stardew is on a decent portable console because I bought this game and it's pretty shit

you dont have to play the game if you dont want to

The best.


I'm excited for multiplayer so I can play with my girlfriend

>not picking the best mother candidate
>not rescuing her from her trailer park life

baka desu senpai

doesnt she canonically hang out alot with sam after you marry her though

Is there any difference between the Steam and Switch version, besides portability and mod support? Like do the controls work the same with controllers?

Have they stated if it'll be online or local for Switch?

>not modded

>Have they stated if it'll be online or local for Switch?

No clue about Switch, but I assume it'll be the same as PC. I believe it's both online and local.

abigail with portrait mods of course because frankly all the portraits are shit

Top tier taste. I was disappointed there isn't enough porn of her

>used goods

into the trash it goes


Seriously, Stardew fags are going to CREAM themselves when RF makes a comeback.

>when RF makes a comeback
But it's not going to come back it's a dead series

Company that made it went under from what I recall, hence no more games.

Harvest Moon hasn't been good in a decade.

it's not fair

>hurr people have different tastes than me, therefore they must be shills!

>Not modding it so you can fuck Robin and Maru.

Thinking of getting this on the switch since i dont like to play these kind of games on pc, how annoying are the load/save times?

if there even are any load times on switch other than starting up the game its already shit

i just got this on the switch. i'm like 10 hours in.
How do i get mods to work?

It's my only complaint about the switch version. There's like a 15 second load in-between every new day as it saves.

real annoying takes ages to save and load

damn what a bummer, i guess i will still get it though.
why does it take so long though? a bug? surely it shouldnt take longer to save than zelda.

Please don't fuck children

>Want to replay on Switch
>Already seen all of the heart events and have done just bout everything the game has to offer

What are some other Harvest Moon-likes I can sink some time into

Why not?

>buying ripoffs
>not waiting for the real series

>Go to complete a day to get the save done
>Next day starts and subconsciously start doing ingame chores
>Play through the whole day so those subconscious chores were meaningful

HM is dead, user.

>when you mod out the negro

I'm really trying to power through it to see if it gets better.
The first couple of months have been boring.

>not modding it so you can cuck him.

My only problem with HM/SoS recently is how bland the waifus are. In my personal opinion, I think the only good ones post-wii/ds have been short Luna in ToT and Georgia in ToTT. Witch Princess is also nice in SI, but that's a given. They just seem bland these days. (And yes, I know the original 5 were just archetypes as well. But there was a uniqueness to them I think?)

You're only 5 levels away from iron ore. You should rush to level 80 to get gold so you can get advanced sprinklers. Then just farm 41 and 81 for iron and gold ore.

>western game devs trying to make cute love interests

Fuck you I love Leah

Literally all of the love interests look like one of those borderline autistic "horse girls" from elementary school. None of them look like they wipe their asses properly.

>Iron is at 40 floors.
>I'm at like 15.

Fuck, I was hoping the shitty combat and cave nonsense could be minimal or even ignored.

Best purchase I've made in forever. Been playing it almost non-stop since Friday. Perfect game for Switch handheld mode.

What pack is that? Is the entire village like that or just the marriage candidates?

She was doing some shit with him in a tree after the game's events but stays put at home if you marry her.

I cant speak for what goes on there when you go mining/fishing

1. You could just buy the ores from the blacksmith.
2. You can use a shitton of stones to build a bunch of stairways to just skip floors entirely
Either way, the caves are the least tedious option. You can get to level 40 in a few days. Just neglect your farm and head there immediately each morning. Bring a bunch of salads from the saloon for energy.

It's too bad I can't seem to muster up the ability to give Stardew a second play. The new farm layouts look interesting and all... guess I'm just dreading Santa's giant to-do list. Is a Joja run any fun? Should I rule 63 the bachelors and go full harem?

outside of love interests (which is a big deal, I know) Stardew is better than any HM game