Should I get this on Steam or 3DS?
Should I get this on Steam or 3DS?
Don't bother. It's a pretty sub-par beat em up.
Steam I guess. It ran like ass on 3DS.
the 3ds version has HORRIBLE framerate issues. Idk if the steam version fixed them or not but it plays like sluggish shit on 3ds.
I think an updated version is coming out for Switch. Just be patient if you have that console.
Why pay for it when you can get it for free?
yet another game that could have been great if it wasnt held back by the 3ds terrible hardware
It doesn't even look that good, just incompetent devs.
This. Alternatively just skip it because the only thing it has going for it is some humorous moments and character designs. Even without framerate issues the game is boring as fuck.
I remenber when it came out, it honestly looked like a fun game for younger me but I was didn't want to order a game with an almost naked lady on the box, I was afraid my parents would have gotten the package before me.
Now when I have my own money I just pirate.
I want to fuck Zozo, but I would rather play Code of Princess at a perfect 30fps that doesn't drop every second. Who's ready for that Blade Strangers?
Guardian Heroes is my favorite game of all time, so I enjoyed this quite a bit.
Get on Steam. 3DS has framerate issues that make it basically unplayable in parts.
>It doesn't even look that good
most 3ds dont look good either...
Cautiously optimistic.
We'll see if they really did simplify the 2D fighter.
wait for the switch release
I was at the loketest in September.
If you like CoP you enjoy it, Solange is clearly a very strong character and basically the Ryu.
If you like fighting games, it's far too slow and simple to be interesting (at least so far). 3 attack buttons plus one special move button. Specials are just one direction plus the special button and there are only 5 of those per character: neutral, left/right, up, down, and jumping.
I don't mind the simplified specials, but the speed is pretty boring. Maybe once people figure it out it'll pick up, though.
Its not awful but it's not interesting. Maybe some cool characters will get in, though.
Nah. Look at the art and porn, the game itself is pretty bad
And yes i bought it at full price, my dick tricked me
It has performance issues on 3DS, but I wouldnt even bother playing it on anything but a handheld.
It's a mediocre game.
The Steam version runs "better"
Both are shit
Isnt that the fighter with Umihara Kawase?
There's a Switch version that supposedly fixes the problems from both versions
I know the game is mediocre, I just want a stupid beat-'em-up with tons of silly characters.
Anyway thanks, seems like the 3DS release does have framerate issues so I'll just get it on Steam.
That's Blade Strangers. Nicalis teased that they're working on a Switch port of Code of Princess (it's the bottom left icon)
Bought it on 3DS and I like everything except the gameplay. Steam or skip.
The lack of porn for this game is a genuine fucking crime to humanity. Hopefully blade strangers helps a bit.
The Code of Princess characters and Umihara Kawase still won't get any more porn, but there might be a couple of pieces featuring that new design for Curly
CS is too pure to me, I can't jack it to it and get uncomfortable when I had tried.
It better be decent this time. I want to play online with Ali and her infinites.
>Who's ready for that Blade Strangers?
Not me.
NoA will censor it to fuck and back. But if by miracle it gets a proper western release, I'll get a Switch just for it.
From the previews, it's got gameplay similar to Tatsunoko vs Capcom, except with proper 2D animation, right?
What characters were there?
Fuck you, fuck the Zombie girl and the Giant guy, they made online unplayable.
>If you like fighting games
>If you like the autism that is infinites, dial a combos, etc.
I don't, that's exactly why I'm interested in this.
Get Fight'n Rage on Steam instead, better bang for your buck.
are there cute girls?
All characters are drawn in SD-ish style and the devs didnt hold back on the jiggle.