Recent Pickups/Collection General

Post recent acquisitions and/or collections and provide suggestions for those still working through the backlog.

Just got these at FUCKING GAMESTOP for $36 burger bucks and I haven't played any of them yet. Which one would be best for a comfy Sunday night?


You got ripped off, OP.

Not really. Valkyria Chronicles Remastered is like 20 bucks by itself.

>$36 burger bucks
holy shit this nigga got ripped off


I mean..he didn't?

I did not enjoy Blue Dragon. Felt like the most uninspired jrpg I've ever played.

>going on amazon to buy used games
christ, its like you guys dont want to save some cash

That the one with the Dragon Ball guy that M$ would actually convince nips to buy the 360 or am I thinking of something else?

that guy made gears of war

Going on holiday early next year, so I haven't really been going ham with buying games lately. I've only picked up these in the past couple of weeks, alongside Cuphead on Steam.

Fairy Fencer F isn't great, but I managed to find a new copy pretty cheap.

What am I thinking of then?

>guy who made gears made a jrpg

Yeah, character design by the Dragon Ball guy and story by the (original) Final Fantasy guy and yet somehow everything felt phoned in as fuck.

Kinda. Toriyama did the character designs, but it was developed by Mistwalker, which was Sakaguchi's post-Squaresoft studio. They also did The Lost Oddysey, which was basically just not-Final Fantasy.

I played Lost Odyssey and thought it was pretty good, never beat it though. I'd like to play it again but I don't know when I'll ever find the time.

That sticker looks like a bitch. I hate how some shops treat used games. It's like it's never dawned on any of them that people would be more likely to buy it if you don't fuck it up.

Thank heavens for reversible artwork, the Amano is so much better than the main one.

The big pink one, you mean? JB Hi-Fi (One of the big chains here in Australia) put that on all their games, even new ones, annoyingly. Or did you mean Folklore? If so, that was pretty common here, a lot of early PS3 games never actually got produced for the domestic market; we just got American or English copies with our rating sticker stuck over them.

I meant the big pink one, it looks awful. And yeah I know JB Hi Fi actually, I work in International Sales for an electronics company and Aus/NZ is one of my territories. They're dicks to work with too.

If it's any consolation, they're easy to peel off and don't usually leave much residue.

But yeah, not surprising on the latter point. 90% of their staffbase is comprised of the most obnoxious people you'll ever find.

One of the only large business I've ever seen that doesn't even pretend to plan for large holiday's or gift giving occasions. Like you'll tell them "hey maybe you should plan to buy more for October and November since Christmas is coming up and people like to buy electronics" then they ignore you and call you in a panic some months later because they need 3000 pieces of something they never planned for.

Are there problems with getting popular shit there? SNES Classic or brand new games for example?

The stickers they use these days come off like nothing, but the EB tags up to the first half of the PS3/X360 era are absolute cunts of things. Also fuck pricks who put stickers on cardboard covers.

MSG4 and Tenchu I already had. I just bought them to trade since they were $2 each. In retrospect, I'll make my money back on them if I'm lucky.

Honestly not really, at least in my state. Their stock in regards to both popular and relatively niche stuff is actually the one point where they shine through.

Nothing beats the spine stickers Gamestop/EB would put on the spine UNDERNEATH the plastic and on the paper sleeve. Literally and purposely ruining their games for collectors which are a huge part of the used game market.

>Those yellow "pre-owned" sticks they'd put on the spines of games back circa 2004

I didn't look into the mini ones, but I'm pretty sure they both sold out on pre-order. We don't tend to have the nintendo hardware shortages America has either. I can go down and buy a switch or some 'rare' amiibos right now if I wanted.

JB usually have a pretty good stock of games, but I think thats mostly because people just go to EB games instead now that JB are only like $1 cheaper now rather than the $10-$20 cheaper they used to be a few years ago

Maybe it's a population thing then, I gotta admit as far as countries I deal with Aus and NZ are some of the smaller ones. I just figured that with the amount of poor planning I've seen from their buyers that there would have been a trickle down effect for consumers on hot items.

semen and water is really easy to get rid of stickers

The majority of those that I encounter are still on the sticker paper and not on the actual sleeve. I have encountered the ones directly on the sleeve, though. They aren't too difficult to remove as long as you use heat, patience, and goo gone.

The problem is that they put them under the sleeve and on the paper. Why is anyone's guess, presumably just to be as big of an asshole as possible to their paying customers.

It's been a good month.

That is what I meant. I was taking about the insert, but said sleeve. Too much to drink tonight.

>night trap
How much was that?

>night trap
fuck you


Is that including shipping? I assume you didn't get it from a reseller or you would have paid more.

I got it when it went up on LRG. The PC version which technically had a smaller print run out of any of their Night Trap releases, was up for about 4 days before it sold out.

I like that ADF cover.

Limited games is such a scam.

I thought the PC version was 35 though.

Yeah, I think it might be a state-by-state thing; my one's probably one of the better ones. Check their Facebook around Christmas time and you'll see people complaining about movies or CDs they pre-ordered weeks in advance not being available and whatever.

Yeah, that and $5 shipping,

Pokémon White for $20 well worth it tbqh

That's what I was asking. I didn't know what they charge for shipping.

Honestly five bucks is pretty damn reasonable.

I want a new 3ds so badly. Next paycheck I'm gonna pull the trigger I think.

They gave away the Lego star wars games for free on Xbox last month. I think they also gave away enslaved recently too

People who collect don't care about digital as a rule.

>still no physical version of Malicious Fallen

Come on LRG, stop focusing on indie pixelshit that no one cares about.

I got it pretty recently after release for $5 or $10 at a yard sale, it's my favorite pokemon gen to this day.

This is the first I ever even heard of that game and yet again I am reminded of the unfortunate reality that my vita card is full and Sony are super Jews.

It's pretty good. I got it from the PSN store in a sale for $20 a couple of months back, but it's insanity that they're charging full retail price for what's basically a 7 hour boss-rush mode of a game.

Doesn't matter what it costs because I can't buy digital games at all on Vita right now.

>make your cards so expensive there is a strong disincentive to buying your games, especially digitally, they way in which you make twice as much profit
Smart thinking there from Sony.

Oh, Fallen's not the Vita one. Fallen is for the PS4, and is the PS3 and Vita ones smooshed together with some new levels.

I'm stuck with an unmodded ps2 and can't find games I want.

Picked up Second Sight, R&C deadlocked and Warhammer 40k Fire Fighter a month back since I had never played these games. I didn't spend much on them, but I still feel ripped off. Thought I'd have some fun with Ratchet and Clank but the game was scratched to hell and back, the sounds and cutscenes were fucked and the loading screens were 3~5 minutes long.

What do you people do when you get broken crap and don't have the time to return things? Kind of feel bad about reselling since these games would just end up in the hands of another unfortunate person.

got Magical Vacation for GBA last month
always hear good things about this game

I very rarely buy online unless it's ps3, ps4, or cartridge games for that very reason. I have no faith in cds or dvds ever being in as good of condition as they're advertised in.

Also check out Kessen if you've never played it, fun little PS2 game that I have some great memories with.

Got uncharted 4 at GameStop for 10

Maybe I'll grab it when it comes down then. I actually do have some space left on the ps4..amazingly. You're right about there needing to be a physical though.

Will pick it up if I find a cheap copy, although I don't think I ever saw this game anywhere.

It has a couple sequels too. I can recommend the second one as being worth a buy but I couldn't tell you anything about three, never played it.

From memory, I think 3 was kind of like a weird Mosou hybrid.

>the city of koei tecmo
While that deeply saddens me it does not surprise me. Glad I never played it.

Just be thankful we dodged a bullet and the original SRPG/Mosou hybrid version of Nioh got canned.

Imagine running that publisher, it has to be the single easiest thing in the world. They get to make the same 2 types of games 4-5 times every single year, reuse all the assets, and people still buy it. It's the closest thing to money for nothing I can think of in games and that's saying a lot.

Is the Witch and hundred knight good?
Is not srpg right?

It's kind of like a Japanese take on the console versions of Diablo 3. There's a demo of the PS4 version on the PSN store, so probably worth a buy if you enjoy that. It was already in bargain bins, but it's likely to drop even more now thanks to the sequel being confirmed for a Western release in 2018 last week.

I got a tote from my dump with a genesis 1, a ps2 fat, and about 20 games including longbox Doom ps1, twisted metal 2, talespin, all 3 mk games and lost vikings.

You mean you just happened to be digging around in a dump and there were vidya there? That seems awfully coincidental. Do you frequently dig around in the dump?

I find TONS of games there, to us be surprised.

Found this shit back in early Aug

I just got Arkham Asylum goty edition recently, sadly in a shitty plain case but it was 2 dollars, and I just started playing it tonight. Man is this game good. I liked City but so far this seems head and shoulders above it. Maybe it's just because I'm old and I've grown sick of the open world meme but I really think if they had gone back to this style for Knight it would have been a much better game.

t-they just let you dig around in the trash? How often are you doing this?

3 times a week
I've been doing this for like 6 years now

Got so many systems, save for Saturn.
Pulled a mega man 1 and lots of nes boxes
Genesis cases and games seem to be my main pull. Lots of genesis and Sega cd systems too.

>36 dollars
Holy fuck what a rip off.

I'll post if this shit is still up when I get off work.

What country do you live in? You don't get in trouble for trespassing?

Post-2005 Aussie rating labels are awful. I miss our old ones.

I'm glad someone's recovering that stuff

The vast majority of that was pretty obviously Valkyria Chronicles Remastered. Once you take that out it's 7 physical games for about 15-20 bucks which is a pretty good deal.

What is with these people thinking that game can be found in the five dollar bin?

Been playing a lot of SMT lately, I believe everything here was $110.

Is Enslaved any good? I bought it recently very cheap on steam but didn't bother playing it yet.

I take risks, but it's worth it.
I also asked if I could look through their electronics that get dumped off for free.

Remake soon for SJ
Can't believe it's getting one, no one talks about it, it's all persona talk

People talk about and everyone think it looks shitty. The new art looks like shit, all the new features are just new things to make it easier, and the new sector looks kind of eh.

Atlus needed something for the 25th anniversary and repackaging a ds game with some "updates" was easy. I plan to get it but I don't think it'll be the superior version. It releases this month in Japane so we'll get more info at the end of the month.


I bet they think you're nuts.

How much?

I enjoyed it enough to 100% with the DLC.

Got Catherine, MGS Legacy Collection and Alpha Protocol for PS3. Don't know what to expect from the last one except from the choices matter meme. Also, I think I'm going crazy from removing all these stickers.

Got the Clouds for retail at a gamestop (they where reserved but the dumb gamer grill behind the counter gave em to me anyway.

Infinite Warfare was not priced right at a mom and pop used electronic shop for 9$. ('ll trade it back to em for 15ish )