I've never played Warframe or Destiny

I've never played Warframe or Destiny

My friends want me to play Destiny on PC when it comes out, but I just started warframe. Are they similar enough that I should drop warframe and focus entirely on destiny?

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Even one person saying they are similar would be enough to satisfy me.

Is warframe worth playing if I plan on playing Destiny in the near future?


Don't worry you can eat both shit and vomit without problem. Seeing as you've already developed a taste for it.

drop destiny and focus entirely on warframe.

Warframe is way way way better than destiny

>Are they similar enough that I should drop warframe and focus entirely on destiny?
No, they are completely different. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a massive fanboy of either game.
Destiny's progression and end-goal is similar to typical MMO's, meaning that you'll be doing "Dungeons" and Raids later on, with an added emphasis on PvP also (think Arena in Hearthstone, you need to get 7 victories in a row without losing 3x). You get to the "end" much quicker compared to Warframe and the game is based around weekly resets.

Warframe is more like Diablo or other loot grinders. The focus isn't on a polished end-game Raid where you need to communicate with 5 other teammates, or competitive PvP (there is PvP in warframe but no one gives a shit about it). Warframe's more about killing hundreds of enemies with your overpowered abilities while having casual fun with your mates. Usually you'll be doing Survival or Defence missions since those are the ones that throw the most enemies at your face. Warframe has more carrots-on-a-stick, it's more grindy, the long-term goal is to build an arsenal of weapons and warframes, grind for forma/potatoes, and fully upgrade your mods (another long grind). Participating on the Market is also something you'll probably do later on to avoid paying real money for parts/mods you want.

Destiny = Weekly Resets, no long-term grind, focus on polished activities that require voice chat with people you know / get to know. PvP is played. More MMO-like

Warframe = Near endless grind, shredding through thousands of enemies, no hard/polished end-game activities that require heavy coordination with teammates. PvP is ignored. F2P model is felt, participating in the player-driven market is a requirement if you want to cut down on real-life costs. More Diablo-like

t. Someone who invested at least 200 hours on each of them.

just play Warframe
>better game
>more content
>free to play

Why are there no good male dps frames?
Just fucking saryn and banshee everywhere.

umm hello yeh hi its me excaliburrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>Just fucking saryn and banshee everywhere.
people like to stare at tits/ass
who would've thunk

That's pretty comprehensive, thanks for the INFORMATION

>before they took away my aoe

he said good

im gonna find you and when i do youll be sorry

best melee dps is octavia

But it's tit's and ass made of infested plague tissue and metal controlled by a teenager.

By "content" you mean "dump endless hours into a pointless grind through repetitive missions".

OP, just play something else entirely. Don't bother with either, especially Warframe

I said male and AoE, not melee


that sounds even better

Warframe -
not shit
holy shit actually fucking awesome if you play the game

DEstiny 2
better than destiny 1
its so mmo they release a new game every 3 years.
destiny 1 was suppose to be a 10 year thing.
destiny 3 when?

the choice is clear. destiny 1000%

>pointless grind
what are video games for 200

all the good male dps got nerfed into the ground. nidus scales pretty well but your squad can easily cuck you out of stacks if they want to be belligerent.

they can seem pretty similar, but be prepared to spend nights screaming in agony if you play warframe

[spoilers]why does it take a full fucking 3 days to get a new suit, why the fuck am i forced to get caches for a planet transition, and why in the ever loving fuck does this game squeezing my balls with plastids?[/spoilers]

>i can't leave a drinking bird playing draco for me

No, the two games actually have very little in common. I would say that the challenges in Destiny 2 (ie the raid) are more satisfying than what Warframe has, since Warframe's challenges are mostly just battles of attrition against swarms of enemies that scale infinitely higher against you. That said, Destiny 2 has almost no depth when it comes to character builds, which is something Warframe has an abundance of. You'll get a lot more play time out of Warframe, but most of that will be addiction if it hooks you. Destiny 2 has a better "honeymoon period" before you realize how shallow it is, but for me that period was around ~80 hours. I think both are worth playing and neither is a substitute for the other.

I've played enough of Destiny, Destiny 2 and Warframe each to fuck my life up.

Warframe right now is better than Destiny 2.

Not sure if in the future Destiny 2 will have better, but it's damn sure right now it's shit.

Though I'd recommend anything else. After 640 hours of Warframe there's not much left for me until Plains of Eidolon and I'm certain that'll be pretty shallow until a few more updates.

as someone with over 2k hours into warframe, that dude is absolutely on point.

well thought out and reasonable post however he is wrong due to posting destiny 2

Are they really just goihg to let fem frames hold DPS spot forever?
Nova, mesa, banshee, saryn


confirmed to be canon female because normies couldn't handle it.

Both are confirmed to be female.


all i see is female night form\male day form, dont give a fuck about official confirmation

Ara Ara~~
As a stay-at-home mom I have plenty of time to play games. My husband is always working overseas and my only daughter just went to college. Things get quite lonely in the house, you know? *sigh* Oh! I think I'll have another glass of wine. oh oh oh~

Warframes p cool

I'm just surprised they didn't just say non-conforming/binary or whatever other tumblr buzzword.

Though it's funny how autistic people on the wiki get over others calling day form male.

Post Speedy Speed Boy.

they're basically biomechanical golems grown from infested tissue twisted into roughly humanoid shape. fucking flesh bonsai. i doubt they have a sex or anything that functions as reproductive organs at all. the tits are there only for decoration, as a testament to the decadence and hedonism of the orokin.

How do you feel about the reveal that cephalons are humans punished by having their minds digitized, brainwashed and made immortal?

Destiny has better missions/levels though.



slippery speedy boy

I love Equinox, she's one of the better designed warframes, very simple, compelling design.

But I know they will fuck her prime up.

Warframe is better than Destiny 2
A lot of Destiny players are switching to Warframe

Here's some OC to help you out.

what are you gonna do, slash dash me?

Is warframe a musou?

Warframe is one of the most fun games out there with great lore/story, but it's also extremely grindy, and late game you end up getting people who like using cheap tactics to get gear which makes you question what the fuck you're actually doing playing such grindy nonsense. Can't remember the map (stormy survival with Grineer, platform-like), but people used to just sit on these crates and use AoE abilities to kill everything while alt-tabbed watching movies. Prime parts were always a cluster fuck as well, praying for what you wanted before it went off the loot charts. Granted, I haven't played in a year or two, so maybe things have changed (probably not).

who else plays best boy here?

I wouldn't say so. You do cut down hordes of enemies but it's much more of an RPG than a musou.

be gonne sodomite

it definitely feels like musou sometimes, its great when it does

All I know is you have to be in some kind of social group to make Warframe endgame grinding fun.

..How the hell is Warframe an RPG? It is a third personal tactical shooter. Plain and simple. Yes there are level up mechanics and really awful crafting, but no, it is not an RPG.


destiny 2 is literally halo but with random weapon drops like diablo

warframe is a korean grinding space ninja sim

well Sup Forums?

At first I wondered how Ember got so fat, then where her thigh cages went, then why her legs were so short.

Too small, I only accept family size and up.

>not showing him the good stuff

you don't count that as family size?
its gotta be like 15 inches

Both are absolutely terrible lowest common denominator dank purp treadmills but at least Destiny 2 looks pretty and has satisfying gunfire.

1300 hours into wf, they always make mistakes, theres bugs from years ago that still cause problems, and yet... There's enough to do, even discounting poe, to play another few years.

2000+ hour warframe player here. Don't believe the lies, the game is terrible. I'm stuck here but you don't have to be.

And Ash, Excalibur, Nidus, Inaros, Volt.

Unless you're just looking for 1 button frames, then sure.