Does Sup Forums buy figures for games they enjoy?

Does Sup Forums buy figures for games they enjoy?
$100 seems a bit steep for a statue

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They're not for normalfags

Like every other gaming YouTuber has a bookshelf full of them...

Joint figures are garbage.

funko shits dont count

the non jointed gravity rush one looks horrible

I want all of the Bloodborne statues.

I've considered it, but I would want them to be more like mini statues than action figures, personally. I've definitely considered it in the past, though.

>not the figma

Yes but rarely. I would buy more but rarely does anythingbI like get figures. Still, spending $60-100 doesn't bother me, if I like the character then I'm satisfied.
Plebian detected.


How much did it cost? I spent $110 Aussie dollars and after purchasing ebay suddenly reveals a bunch of $80 ones as 'sponsored links'

Got a cole statue with infamous2.
Dissapointed as he looks like a generic bald man

I really want the megahouse Tsunade figure.
She's so cute. and busty

where 2 cop

That ain't a statue, lad.

>Dissapointed as he looks like a generic bald man
Yes, he does. Seems fairly spot-on to me.

No but I buy the OST if I really love the game, I'm still waiting for me GR2 ost to arrive

Not worse than your shit taste

I don't think Kat's chubby face looks good in figure form.

They botched her face in the new version, the original figma that's exclusive to the Vita's collector's edition looks better.

Hell yes I do, I've got the Banpresto Artorias on preorder.

Not him but 60usd +s&h

I bought the now glowy version for 350$. Totally worth it but jesus christ I felt it in my wallet. Probably the last time I buy anything related to statues or figures for at least a couple of years.

>threaded cane

Patrician choice

How is gravity rush by the way? It's on my list of games to try, but I know basically nothing about it.

is that a condom

>Buying from eBay scalpers
Lmao, here's one for 50 from a proper store

It's pretty mediocre overall. If you have it just pop it in and find out.

I'd call the first one a perfectly solid 7/10, don't know anything about the 2nd.

Guess that evens out considering I didn't pay for shipping.
On a side note, why is the bad one so expensive?
Wish they still had dusty walking instead of sitting no looking like a blob

Frustrating at times and flawed, but a lot of fun.
They tend to be love 'em or hate 'em kind of games. I love them but I can easily see why someone wouldn't.
GR2 has a demo that you can try.

2nd is one of my favourite games f all time, same the servers are being shut down.
It's not without it's issues, but it's so unique gameplay wise that its hard to hate. Some of the most interesting side missions in any game I've seen, too.

Raven looks good, her outfit hides the joints pretty well.

If there was one character I'd buy a figure of it's Kat but I just can't justify throwing that kind of money around for this sort of thing. I've almost done it a few times but I just can't follow through with it.

I'm sure generic 1/8 jap figure is around $70. There's also the cheap poseable brand called figsomething that everyone love but somehow is super cheap (around $30 most of the time) but they're smol.

Regret it now, but how was I meant to know about some Japanese store?

I'm buttmad as fuck about the server shut down.
I really liked doing the treasure hunts and challenges, people not getting a chance to do those in the future is a massive shame.

Ps4 doesn't have any stupid protections preventing you from moving saves to other systems, does it? I'm paranoid about my save going corrupt or my ps4 dying and never being able to get all the gestures and furniture again.

Hopefully it ends up like demons souls, where they kept teaming they'd shut the servers down, but took like 3 years to actually do it.


Nah, you can move saves to a memory stick and put them anywhere.

By doing research.

Playing the first game now and really enjoying it. I recently tried some Japanese games for the first time and I see why Sup Forums loves them, they are far more creative than any western games. Gravity Rush is such a unique concept and its really well executed. Definitely worth playing.


>spending over $100 for a figma

I'm in NZ and we're typically worse off than you cunts but I only paid around $70 for pic related, including shipping

I normally ship everything all at once so the shipping was for a bunch of shit I had previously bought aswell.

It's eBay, everything is always expensive, especially for collectables.

Spent $100+ for her. No regrets, Soul Sacrifice Delta is one of my all time favourites and I'm a sucker for her thigh highs and red pantsu

That looks fucking sweet. Where'd you order it from? Does the light heat up the plastic or anything?

I meant to say non glowy version but I misspelled it, so I wouldn't know. I got it from first 4 figures.

And I guess I'll post the most 'recent' Sup Forums-related stuff I got (they're a month old). Everything I got this month is either anime or Vocaloid-related.

So what sites are usually the best? The one you linked says that it's pre owned

I don't understand figs.

Plushies are so much cuter and you can snuggle with them in bed.

Hard when plushies or decent dakis of characters you like are rare or don't exist

How are the kirby series nens?

No, I buy artbooks and making-of shit.
It started years ago while I was travelling in Japan, and wanted to bring home something geeky, but had absolutely no space for figurines. So I got bunch of books and doujins.
It really worked wonderfully. The tighter you pack your books the more durable they'll be, and they make your bags feel nice and heavy.

Theyre great.
I packed mines up since im a /m/ fag but the kirby nendoroids are spot on

Forgot to mention I'm not the original poster who linked the site. I'm a europoor and order my figures from Yesasia. Found the site by digging around the internet. Suggest you do the same.



My most recent purchase. Kind of a bitch to get the axe and both feet into the stands but damn it looks nice. Makes the bases on most everything else look weak in comparison.

Australia's best site is probably playasia, but the figures sell for like $150 there

Hey /m/ fag. Are you ready for Robobot?

oh my fucking god

Oneyplays figures, when? I want a dingdong

I got her recently too.
Didn't even want her to begin with but she ended up being pretty nice so it's whatever.

Go ask Funko, they would gladly make you youtuber garbage

I just finished buying another MB so no im not dammit

What figures? Figmas are 50-70 euros usually.

Wait what the fuck
There's a bloodborne figma?

Excellent taste

>Claim to love something
>Taint it with your consumer whorish desires
You're just looking for something to fill the void of your empty life with because you're not really content with the way things are.

Don't have Kirby (preordered the rerelease and the Ice one), but Borb is alright. He's magnetic too. My gripe with him is that his sword's too loose on his hand, but it may be just mine.

He keeps getting delayed.

If they don't have huge boobs then I'm not interested

>three sorceresses
good taste

I want the arbalest too but I'm going to calm the fuck down after receiving the red frame kai.
These figs takes up too much room for me

Just started playing warframe and now I'm already considering buying this
I've really turned into a plastic worshiping retard over the last two years

Ended up giving two of mine away to my cousin and my friend for their birthdays, but got IA and Camilla to fill the gap. Have some more stuff on the way too.

>huge boobs

It's a pre-order part

Sadly enough it gets offset by all that One Piece garbage into bad taste, only to bounce back to good taste with that Rain Mikamura hidden in the bottom

amiami is much cheaper but I find playasia is good for gwtting older figures

kinda want to get one of mah boy Zigludo-sama


Mirin' your GUMI, user.

I don't see the point of plastic barbie dolls that cost 100 bucks and have zero function or purpose, get no entertainment out of it

Yeah, she's one of my favourites. Also just realized that's the older pic. Although I'll have to take a new one soon anyways once my new stuff comes.

Australian retail is shit. Bloodborne guy is $90 plus shipping on playasia and $150 on an australian site

I would if I had disposable income, and my own place.

Bought these things yesterday, i love me some things.

You are never getting laid. Holy fuck

I moved and my collection is still packed up :^(

Is it worth the $900?

You'll probably regret it after butsing a nut on her, afterfaps are a bitch to deal with.


Holy shit, a vidya fig thread that isn't being shit up by faggot amiibo posters? Is there truly a god after all?

Accha! Stop buying it local and just import from japan. It will be cheaper. The local stores always mark up their prices to cover shipping making them totally worthless. The only store you will ever need is amiami.

>...and this is my son's room

>when nobody replies to your b8 so you have to samefag TWICE and then quote yourself.

Actually fucking go back to your containment site.