This game is so fucking fun. Its just sad that i start playing it 12yrs too late.

Also, how do i git gud ? im 51 and still keep masturbating my 1 to 6 button at each fight

Help a new wowfag Sup Forums plz

>updated character models
>armor textures still look like ass

>inb4: uninstall game is trash now xdddd, vanilla wow is best wow !!!!111111!!!!!

What class?

yeah they are not pretty.
i love the faces models tho

Fury Warrior

don't play

>insist on using old transmogs
>wow, it looks like shit!
Sucks to be you if you don't like new, overdesigned armors.

You don't git gud. This is it. Push all your activision approved™ buttons and keep playing.



>wow is now an avatar fag game


>an avatar fag game

fk off keven

>im 51 and still keep masturbating my 1 to 6 button at each fight
That's low level combat for you, you don't get near enough abilities to not faceroll things for a while, and even then you'll still only use a handful of keys 90% of the time.

Also what server and what's your character name?

Is WRA Horde-side really as bad as people make it out to be?

Area 52, Halice

did they unlock argus skybox for everyone? thought you had to beat the raid first.

It danked on everyone in 7.3 desu

It's unlocked for everyone, i've never set foot in a legion raid and I see it.

I just bought this bad meme for 10$

Already regret it. wtf im i doing ?

What's so special about the pet? I know the mount at least looks cool if you're playing an arcane mage, but didn't care much for the pet mostly because my mini-me bookmin hatchling is all i'll ever need

well i didnt find anything special about him for now.

He just seem's to make sound alot.
i can emote /dance and /sit with him (dunno if its possible with other pets just did it for the first time)

Game say its a ''magic'' pet but i dont know why

>12yrs too late

uh, this isnt one of those games, not really

it's still getting updates and expansion, no different than when it was new

anything about the game after that is a matter of opinion though

>6 buttons at 51

how much did they fucking prune?

not saying that's a bad thing, in fact i detested WoW's skill bloat

I wish to think that the game is still relevent and played by many people but each time i talk about it,many keep saying that the game is dead and that i can uninstal unsub and play vanilla wow ''CUZ ITS FKING BETTER''

Why do the draenei make the Dreamworks face when they're surfing

here's my full action bar. I have many more but still keep pressing 1 to 6 in almost every situation

unfortunately since you've joined so late you missed the glory of using more than 6 buttons... they've dumbed down classes so much most of them hardly have to use but 3 buttons.

Sup Forums will shitpost about anything

by all means WoW is still number 1 and not without any reason whatsoever

Why do all the races make the Dreamworks face when they're doing anything


A fucking lot dude. Even at max level theres only 4 or 5 buttons you press during any fight. Possibly up to 2 more depending on class

Fuck, that's cute. I'm a sucker for cat pets. Guess I'm buying that with gold next.

Just wait until you hit the time gates!

I mean, you can see in that screenshot there's about 8 abilities used in regular combat, plus cooldowns and situational abilities.

Are you for real? That's awesome, what server are you playing on? Tell me about your experience!

Now? Stick to your PvP servers, kid.

bump for quality thread

So I was off by 1. Yes not including CD's you use every 10-30 minutes

>updated character models = updated armor textures


>playing Alliance
>playing a human
Terrible taste my friendo
hope you are having a good time, maybe check out some WotLK private servers if you are curious of what the old WoW was like.

>you use 1 minute cooldowns every 10 minutes

Have you done any dungeons or PvP matches yet? It looks like you've been leveling if you're in searing gorge.

Area 52
>Be me
>Start playing last week
>had caught my attention for a while
>Fucking enjoy after the first 2hrs in it
>Progressively loosing bit of social life
>Begin to understand a little more Dungeons and Pvp
>Try to read Lore as much as possible and keep playing quest after quest
>Learn how to do a in-game screenshot
>Make the thread here.

Here's my story for now user hehe

>using F keys for skills
>nothing bound to QER or F
>nothing bound to shift+anything

dude what are you doing tho.

also in all honesty this looks pretty much the same as my lvl 80 Fury Warrior back in WoTLK minus some really situational stuff and colossus smash

obviously he's lining it up with lust for maximum burst dps

>updated WoW models
>blizzard still insists on using texture "armor" with modeled shoulderpads and boots
blizzfags eat this shit up, ffxi came out 2 years before this and doesnt have this lazy texture slapped on the base model shit going on

Silly me.

>dude what are you doing
I'm learning

I see why you're having fun. WoW isn't fun for me anymore because ive done all but the most recent content to death and I know the game like the back of my hand even though i haven't played in more than a year.

There's something special about being new to WoW

Colossus smash was first in cata.

>tfw I wanted to like you and kinda did but then you typed "loosing" instead of losing, like one of those completely brain-dead idiots
damn, feels bad

ish sorry user, i'm a french-canadian fag sadly.

its all a blur

>WOW and Runescape threads

say something in french and i'll forgive you, I'm a sucker for that kinda stuff

what I used to do is this
1. bind your most used shit to 1-6 or so, go as far as you're comfortable reaching
2. bind the next most used shit to Q,E,R, and F
3. bind NEXT most used shit to SHIFT+ 1-6, SHIFT + Q,E,R,F
4. bind NEXT most used shit to CTRL+1-6 etc.

if you also use alt it'll give you access to 40 skills or so without needed to move your left hand at all, just gotta get used to where things are and how to access them.

Malheureusement si je parle en francais ici on me lance des pierres en criant BTFO BAGUETTE

oh and I put my interrupts on R and my movement skill on Q like always

oH Great ! gonna try this set up

thanks user


>51 years old
>still playing kid games
get a job, gramps

Spotted the one making cuphead thread every 15 minutes

51 is my character lvl.

+10 autism point

You should try out vanilla WoW if you want to learn what truly is special about MMOs. Elysium is the only populated server.

The thing is, there's no reason to bind anything past 1-6 for most classes, anything else is entirely situation like resurrecting which may as well be clicked since it wont affect your rotation.

ffxi came out in 2002?

not that i'm disagreeing with you but i'm disagreeing with you. even nowadays every class needs at least 10 or so buttons bound and ready to use. past that yeah you can just click


For pvp you should have most things bound. Even for pve you should have emergency buttons ready. I don't, but not everyone is as lazy as me.

As a boomkin, I only have 7 spells worth using and that's cut in half depending on if I need single target or aoe damage. Moonfire, sunfire, solar wrath, lunar strike, star surge, star fall, and the artifact new/half/full moon. Everything else is so situational that even when bound, I end up clicking because I use it so rarely I forget the key binding it's associated with.

Also quite new, tried first playing when wow launched but didn't get into it at that point. I'm playing a Tauren protection warrior. Tanking is fun but intimdating, but its nice when people help you and want to help you learn when you fuck up ratehr than being rude.

Play on Elysium or fuck off. No ActiBlizzfags allowed.

well see your problem there is that you're a dps raider

Tanking is a tough job for new players. You're usually expected to lead.

What's your name/server?

I'm thinking about adding you new people and seeing if I can't help you out, as for OP, I play horde so not sure how much help i'd be unless i added you as a friend

>tanking is a tough job for new players

No, it's not unless you're mentally disabled or have some type of learning deficiency.

t. Tank main since my first prot paladin on WOW when I was 13. I'm 22 now. MMO's have only gotten easier

>inb4 some autist spergs out about the difficulty of WoW "mythic + ecks DEE" or FFXIV "savage" raids

Neck yourself. Not saying MMO's aren't fun, but they're easy as piss to learn. if you walk into a new raid or dungeon without reading mechanics, I actually hope you get kicked out of dungeons without explanation.

I raid/dungeon as resto actually, but spend more time soloing in boomkin mode, resto's rotation isn't any bigger, and at least it's more challenging due to playing whack-a-mole with hots.

yeah wotlk was the peak, you're only 8 years late op

Whats the difference between the two ?

just wondering. how often are people talkative and helpful and how often are they rude?

Elysium is when WoW was good and Retail is jew garbage.

>his reads the mechanics beforehand thus spoiling any semblance of difficulty and learning
What a casual babby

Retail is when WoW was good and Elysium is jew garbage.

It's tough for more than just mechanics. Guides don't tell you about strategies that players use on bosses or trash, usually the hardest part to learn. You never know when an enemy is going to be casting, or has to be interrupted, or tanked a certain way, or if attacking/moving forward activates another thing from behind, unless you've experienced it before. That hostility is what makes it so hard on new people.

yeah this is a problem in wow

>You never know when an enemy is going to [...] unless you've experienced it before. That hostility is what makes it so hard on new people.
Then that's when you let your group know you're new to the encounter, and ask if there's anything you should be aware of in your role.

And that's exactly why it's the toughest job if you're new. As DPS or healer you just follow the tank.

>wants to waste his groups time, let alone his own time by being a shitter

Yeah, I have better things to do then wipe to the same encounter 6 times in a row because i'm a cucked shitter.

>not knowing that healer is actually the most difficult job
>follow the tank.
I'm that fucking tank main checking in, but are you guys for fucking real

Do people in here play MMOs?

guides killed mmos
you are part of the problem
the golden era was when players weren't braindead enough that they couldn't learn new mechanics, but they weren't so tryhard that they would minmax everything after reading a guide online

so, never?

>not minmaxing to clear everything fast as fuck
>wants to waste his time in his virtual second life, spending 12 hours on a day on some stupid shit
>talks about "the golden age of mmos"
>guides killed ______

There is a 100% chance you are 25+ years old and a NEET, in his parents house.

You call them shitters, but when was the last time that you personally theorycrafted the optimal build and strategy for a boss? You are still a shitter, only better than the ones you are complaining about in the sense that you can read a guide that somebody else wrote, but you could never figure that out by yourself

what's the big green thing
I play f2p occasionally and there's this big green thing in the sky
wasn't there a few years ago
very ugly

>personally theorycraft optimal builds for MMOs
>spending this much time on an MMO

A lot of virgins in here

And there is a 100% chance you needed a guide for dark souls

>he played dark souls

Casual trash kys

People proud of being casuals, on Sup Forums? how the mighty have fallen