People think Dark Souls is a difficult series

>People think Dark Souls is a difficult series
>It's not even the hardest FromSoftware series

Is it just because other games have gotten easier?

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They made other games?

2 isn't a very good game for illustrating your point.

This is FROM's hardest game, because it's obtuse as fuck, uninteresting, and auditory rape. I doubt many people have played it to completion.

>Armored Core
>Doesn't even have 40 buttons
AC is still good tho

What the fuck are you on about? The game was easy as shit.

Most of the AC games aren't too bad, I think the hardest was Last Raven.

No, you are supposed to post King's Field and claim Dark Souls is a rip off of it and that you are better than everyone else because you liked From Software before they were cool.

Evergrace is a chore but it was worth it for the weird fucking ost

I can agree with alot of the songs but.

I dunno why but I find them catchy as fuck. Thanks for reminding me about them haven't heard them in years.

that's not what I wanted

That Forsaken Village theme. The first time I heard it, I though my game was glitching out an playing multiple tracks at the same time.


yeah it does sound like fucking chaos. I just enjoy it for some reason. I wonder what they are saying or are they just making sounds.

I should look up a lets play of this game. I forgot what made me dislike it.

miyazaki dickriders get shat on armored core

Miyazaki dickriders were ruining Armored Core before Dark Souls was a thing.

mechs are unfortunately a niche thing.

>Use Medium/Long Range weapons
>Find the one boost pattern that dodges the enemy's shots
>Find the one moment to shoot that the enemy flies into your projectiles

Only the team matches ever require anything more. AC is tedious and often times needlessly opaque, not hard.

is there any boss in armored core that cannot be solved by making a tanky grenade boat?

I've just started replaying Nexus, it's not as great as Silent Line but still good. I forgot how big of difference there is between starting fresh with no items and already having a full setup to mess with.

New AC whennnnnn?

Some of the big whites will eat you for lunch with those just because they stay at range and have erratic movement. A couple of times you fight them indoors where they can get stuck on things though.

2 is like the easiest Armored Core game though.
>auditory rape
boi WHAT. That game's soundtrack is a masterpiece.

>Hard More
>This is White Glint, coming into support!
>Oh sweet
>He starts shooting at you

Disregarding the fact that grenades are no longer a thing in fifth gen:
IBIS will eventually get so fast that your turns can't keep up.
??? will float above your head and rape you and you will like it because any move you try to make it will do along with you.
Every final boss from Last Raven except Evangel and Leviathans.
Exusia isn't impossible to beat with tanks, but it will very likely eat you alive.

I don't know if you'd have enough grenades to handle Emeraude's land battleship.
The massive weapon in 3 that you fight in a big water area.
Genobee will just dodge your grenades and outgrenade you.
Not enough damage output to take Final Pulverizer.
Answerer's PA will mitigate all your damage until you're out of grenades.

Pretty much every online boss in V except LLL. Maybe. As long as it'll take to get to the range where you can attack LLL, I believe you'll have already lost a lot of AP.
LiV will instakill you with the melee and you won't be able to get away and VD Motherwill will kill you before you can even get close enough to shoot.

Armored Core isn't difficult. It's unfair.

You can't make awful, unresponsive controls, with an unintuitive layout, then say the game is hard.

If you emulate it, you'll see it's an easy game once you remove all the artificial difficult the controller creates.

Wtf are you talking about? You know every armored core game since the first one has let you remap the buttons however you want, right?

How do you play with this shit, are you like, supposed to use the pedal and the sticks at the same time ? In what kind of fucked up position you need to be to achieve that?

Can someone make a drawing?

You put the pedals on the floor and the control deck on a table? How is that fucked up?

He's trying to get someone to post that screencap of the guy who made an MSPaint drawing of a guy trying to use the controller while it's all on the ground.
You probably know what it is, it has the stick figure guy bent like ^ over the controller.


>beat ds1, 2, 3, plat'd BB
>'hah i am good at vido games'
>buy Ikaruga

Is the upcoming LEFT ALIVE videogame suppose to be an armored core substitute?

I just want a new armored core that isn't slow or 2fast, something inbetwwen like 2-last raven.

The point is you're limited to a controller, you idiot.

That's why he said emulating removes that part of the difficulty, cause a keyboard lends itself better to the amount of imputs the average AC game requires. That is without going into having a mouse to aim better rather than using the fucking R buttons to look up and down.

And sure, they went full analog since Last Raven, but by that point every single entry into your franchise in the entirety of the PS2 life cycle made you look up and down using buttons like this was Turok 64

How about playing an AC game that isn't shit.

>auditory rape

Doubt they one-upped Evergrace. That was peak kota hoshino insanity

LR and FA in some routes/hard mode are legitimately more challenging than any Souls game.

Kota Hoshino is a musical genius, it's a shame he never got to compose for Souls.

>whining about controls in AC
lmao it takes literally five minutes to get used to you fucking pleb

>AC3 series just comes out.
>By this time, I learn the finer points of AC tuning, start paying attention to energy drain and building underweight.
>Make mechs with those extention boosters and so low of energy drain I can fly indefinitely.
>Leg type mobility is irrelevant because I never touch the ground.

Turns out, certain tank legs, despite their weight, are great for this because they have almost no energy drain.


Armored Core is the shit and I hate that we got BB and DS3 instead of more Armored Core.

What's wrong with improving mobility, HUD, Weapon balancing, and destruction?

Legs are just for show

nexus was easy
ac3 could fuck itself

We can all agree that the 03-AALIYAH is the most aesthetic AC, right?

Except weapon balancing is totally screwed in VD.
Second to Vixen.

Damn near, but let's be honest...

The best looking AC is obviously Your favorite, it's too subjective.

>PSX event

This screencap is always so good lmao

Classic Nineball is my favorite, not really a fan of the more modern angular design.

Silent Line's Nineball was Rad and the bastard was absolutely broken

That was Nexus, bro.
Also not actually Nineball, that was a localization thing.

This is From's hardest game.

Oh shit my memory sucks.
Fuck my life.

There are fifteen goddamn Armored Core games. I'm honestly fine with the series being put to bed.

it wasn't hard imo
all you need is a medium ac with two mg's missile & drone launcher & hover legs

Yet the last 5 installments changed a lot, and tried to have their own identity, yet the souls games feel all the same even in BB.

Dude I understand liking Armored Core over Souls but saying that the formula of "assemble robot, pick mission from list, blow up robots, get money, repeat" didn't even grow slightly repetitive is a perspective that I can't see eye to eye with.

if indeed another ac comes out, will it be like a gundam/dbz clone with the fast moving having to stay in the air to survive thing?

Fuck man, we don't even want a new Armored Core game at this point, we just want a new FROMsoftware style mecha action game.

They're the only people around who could reliably make a good, at least decent, anime-style mecha game that also has 15 games of experience too.

>assemble robot, pick mission from list, blow up robots, get money, repeat
You can apply that same process to Souls games. I'm not even hating on Souls because I've been a fan since DeS, but I would have much rather seen a revamped Core game.

>Have only played one Armored core game
>Pretend I love the series even though I know the others are different
How do I stop playing garbage and play real games instead?

He complained about the "unintuitive layout." That's obviously what I was talking about you dumb bitch.

The unintuitive layout is the best layout. They "fixed" that shit post 3?

No, it'll be more like MGSV in the Front Mission universe

Shame the AC series doesn't get more attention.

Silent Line was one of my favorites since everything was pretty well balanced and the missions had some good variety. Last Raven fucking kicked my teeth in after the first mission and everything was an uphill battle. 4 was too fucking easy. Haven't ever touched the newer games yet.

The ones after 4 are worth playing, but still easier than the PS2 games.
For Answer is even easier than 4, but the Arms Forts are cool to look at.
V has a really cool single player, kind of. The story missions are super sweet but after that there's about 80 order missions that are really short, mostly easy, and lacking in anything interesting up until the last 20-30. Also the servers were shut down, so don't pay more than $5 for it.
VD's single player is less fun than V's, but once you finish the game you get Hardcore mode, which has ten different modes, each of which has different variables. These are multipliers on things like damage taken, damage dealt, how quickly you unlock parts, ammo costs, and so on. When you start a Hardcore game, the game gives you an alternate save file that starts you completely over and exists independent of your main file where all your ACs are saved. You also have a limited amount of lives. It's cool.